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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Most Wanted Feature

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 03:14, 4190 messages, last message: 04/30/2008 20:02, 3563537 views, last view: 05/04/2024 13:53, closed on 04/30/2008 20:09

Hello all... this thread is for discussing features you would like to see in cube, and in particular those that you find most urgent. If lots of people have the same urgent requests, I may give it priority to be implemented.

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#2001: Re: My Thoughts

by Pxtl on 03/26/2006 16:35, refers to #1998

Homing is too hard - a proximity trigger would be easier and just as good. Plus an increase in damage.

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#2002: Actually

by pushplay on 03/26/2006 20:24

An interesting variation on the grenade would be if you shot it with the crosshairs over a player then the grenade would have a small force constantly applied towards that player until it explodes. That would be neither difficult nor expensive.

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#2003: Ideas, ideas, ideas...

by DoomCat on 03/26/2006 23:37

Could you implement Lua in the engine, and be able to run Lua scripts via console commands etc? Since Lua is a scripting engine familiar to C/C++ etc, it means you can do nearly everything you can do by coding in C++ and recompiling. It'd be great for making Weapons... for example, here's an example script for a Desert Eagle pistol which could be made using Lua:


newid() -- Instead of allocating an already used weapon slot, make a new one.
weapon.name = "Desert Eagle"
weapon.mdl = "models/weapons/Deagle.md2"
weapon.clip = 7
weapon.maxrounds = 35
weapon.firesnd = "sounds/weapons/Deagle_fire.wav"
weapon.timebetweenshots = 1000 -- Milliseconds or whatever
weapon.reloadtime = 3.00 -- Seconds
weapon.jam = FALSE -- Whether the weapon can occasionally accidentally jam
weapon.repairtime = 0 -- Only applicable if weapon.jam == TRUE
weapon.bullets = "riflerounds" -- Can use already existing ammo type
weapon.dmg = rnd(30,60) -- How many hp each direct hit takes off
weapon.bulletspershot = 1
weapon.bulletspeed = 100 -- How quickly bullet reaches destination, measured in I don't know =P
weapon.bulletmdl = NULL
weapon.bulletsprite = "textures/weapon/muzzleflash1.png"


And there could be events like onFire(), onReload() etc.

Lua could also be used for effects, netcode, guis etc.

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#2004: ..

by DoomCat on 03/26/2006 23:37

Could you implement Lua in the engine, and be able to run Lua scripts via console commands etc? Since Lua is a scripting engine familiar to C/C++ etc, it means you can do nearly everything you can do by coding in C++ and recompiling. It\'d be great for making Weapons... for example, here\'s an example script for a Desert Eagle pistol which could be made using Lua:


newid() -- Instead of allocating an already used weapon slot, make a new one.
weapon.name = \"Desert Eagle\"
weapon.mdl = \"models/weapons/Deagle.md2\"
weapon.clip = 7
weapon.maxrounds = 35
weapon.firesnd = \"sounds/weapons/Deagle_fire.wav\"
weapon.timebetweenshots = 1000 -- Milliseconds or whatever
weapon.reloadtime = 3.00 -- Seconds
weapon.jam = FALSE -- Whether the weapon can occasionally accidentally jam
weapon.repairtime = 0 -- Only applicable if weapon.jam == TRUE
weapon.bullets = \"riflerounds\" -- Can use already existing ammo type
weapon.dmg = rnd(30,60) -- How many hp each direct hit takes off
weapon.bulletspershot = 1
weapon.bulletspeed = 100 -- How quickly bullet reaches destination, measured in I don\'t know =P
weapon.bulletmdl = NULL
weapon.bulletsprite = \"textures/weapon/muzzleflash1.png\"


And there could be events like onFire(), onReload() etc.

Lua could also be used for effects, netcode, guis etc.


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#2005: Re: ..

by dbox on 03/27/2006 00:26, refers to #2004

You might want to search through the old posts for "Lua". Looks like there's already been a lot of discussion about this

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#2006: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 03/27/2006 00:53, refers to #2004

Aardappel, the project lead is a prolific language designer - I doubt he'd use an off-the-shelf tool like Lua.

Plus, Cube already has a scripting language - it isn't as powerful as Lua, but it serves. The problem is making all the bindings for the things you're asking for, and making it work right over the network (the really hard part) - Lua is irrelevant to that part.

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#2007: Copyrighting a file format

by Mad Merv on 03/27/2006 16:19

Take a look at Maya/Wavefront's .OBJ file format; the license is sold by a different company. I believe ID would want a part of any money you make off a commercial product with Sauerbraten in it.

Some suggestions for "weapon definition tokens":

# configuration file for a timed grenade

# specify the behaviour of this weapon
# how long does the weapon need to reload?
# how long does the weapon need to be able to fire again?
# the rounds per magacine
# the rounds to start with
# the magacines to start with
# mouse button has to be released to fire!
# no need to reload
# number of grenades is limited
# maximum number of grenades the player can carry

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#2008: suggestion: entity-referenced AI/particle scripts, UI ideas

by Mad Merv on 03/29/2006 03:17

challenge: please adapt the programmable shader to include the particle system, so you can define particles in a particles.cfg file, and then place in a level as entities.

sauerbraten needs a textbox that allows for simple script editing to control AI, add particle systems, and modify the functionality of guns.

sauerbraten could also use a way to select entities -- a selection highlight could appear around mapmodels and other entities ..

-ability to apply shaders from a menu on a selected surface.
-lights could be better rendered within the edit mode as a _color-coded directional arrows_ rather than a glowing blue particle

AI paths/movement curves idea:
bezier curves for AI paths; set start and end point, twist handle to move, use R to rotate. Link paths by matching endpoints.. copy and paste; autonumbered. render number next to path for reference.

pulsing and flashing lights, moving lights by selecting a light and start_path, then end_path, auto-referenced. copy and paste lights while selecting them and paths also copy

additional browsers:
in addition to the texture browser, it would be a good idea to provide an additional quick edit menu, that would enhance placement of entities with small visual icons, perhaps rendered on the fly offscreen at low resolutions during boot
hold shift in editor to....switch some mode in the editor back to a mouse cursor? perhaps a 'quick edit' menu could pop up that used a standard mouse cursor, arresting control of the camera view during this mode only.

debug and multithread the patch lighting to occur while using the editor

weapon language:

in addition to the special flags that could be used to set weapon statistics (duration, ammo, behavior/particle effect script, etc) . . . this same language should define the behavior of the weapons

enemies should be programmable in a
you should add an object based meta-language that provides timed movements and behaviors for both peaceful and combat AI.
simple commands like:

sniper; // sniper mode; enemy does not move when gains LOS; keeps its post and fires when given LOS opportunity
stand; // stands still; default setting
aggressive; // toggles aggression, which means kill on sight of player
wimpy; // toggles evasive combat
vindictive; // kills other AIs who engage it even accidentally
wait until <event|duration |player=near/distance|contact (with player)>;
seek [player|nearest|x/y/z or map marker name];
near [player|nearest|x/y/z or map marker name] then <command>;
animation x/y/z duration; // plays an animation at x/y/z
animation path duration; // interpolates an animation between coordinates x,y,z (moves object incrementally from source to dest for duration);
insane; /* toggles kill everyone mode, a special mode that provides sequences where enemies attack nearby wimpy enemies, for scenes */
hostage; /* special combat mode which penalizes the player */
sentry x/y/z distance; /* paces and stands within a certain distance of x/y/z, returns to x/y/z when not fighting */
hunt <duration>; /* hunts the player for x seconds, a counter which is reset when the enemie gets LOS on a player */

adapt the file format to a programmable filespec configuration file, so that you can modify the 3d file spec in a filespec.cfg file

-support for PCX in place of JPG files.
-support for TIF in place of JPG files.
-support for P4D files in place of md3 files, or other alternative animation format

i will complete a pair of converters soon that convert md2/md3 files into p4ds


ability to record level start demos and set a directional camera


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#2009: ..

by Chronic667 on 03/30/2006 15:59, refers to #2008

I'd like the option not to announce the a server on the master server. I know that i could use "mastermode 3", but this isn't really ideal as i'd need to set it to 0 each time a friend wanted to join. Alternativly, a way to password a server.

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#2010: Re: ..

by Passa on 03/30/2006 23:32, refers to #2009

add -pYourpassword to the command line of the server launcher

to join type /password Yourpassword into the console then join

alternatively, you can make your server not join the masterserver list, and only give your IP to people who you want to join

let me advise you though, that sauerbraten has very few servers at the moment, and very little players. you are better of putting your server as a public one.

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#2011: ..

by Chronic667 on 03/31/2006 05:36

Yeah, i noticed that there was lacking public servers. Its no offence to the community here, but right now me and my friends are kinda new to this and we're still learning how to map (in co-op).

So, as you can imaging we don't really want people randomly joining and (possibly) totaly nuking the map we're working on.

Anyway, the -pPASSWORD doesn't seem to be working for us. We're just getting "Unknown command line option/arguments"... sometime even crashes.

The current batch file looks like:

"bin\sauerbraten.exe -d -pPASSWORD %1 %2 %3 %4 %5"

Is this correct?

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#2012: Re: ..

by Passa on 03/31/2006 06:37, refers to #2011

ah, seems that at the moment sauerbraten does not have a password command line option, unlike cube did

if the only reason you are worried is because you dont want your maps nuked, no problemo, heres what you do

1.get your friends ready
2.start the server
4.wait for your friends to join before you do ANYTHING
5.vote on coopedit mode on map metl3 once they all connect
6.get all of them to type /newmap into the console
7.start mapping!

once you do that, if someone else joins, they will just see metl3 and not your map, meaning they cant touch the map you and your friends are working on. you dont even have to set private mode!

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#2013: custom ports

by mrsees on 04/07/2006 20:48

Simple request, how about being able to specify the port your server runs on from the command line, as well as when connecting /connect ip:port

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#2014: /sendmap command in Sauerbraten

by D-TurboKiller (LT) on 04/08/2006 18:00

It's really needed for me (and most probably for many others)!

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#2015: /getmap command in Sauerbraten

by D-TurboKiller (LT) on 04/08/2006 18:05

I was almost forgetting this one...

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#2016: Better Models

by QwertyDitto on 04/21/2006 10:55

i think it needs some new enemy/people moddles they currently suck!!! Also the scrool weel not a good option for quite a few of us....

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#2017: Re: Better Models

by 1134 on 04/23/2006 03:35, refers to #2016

if you dont have a scroll wheel, you can bind keys in the config file to do the same thing in cube, [ and ] were used to change the height field so i used those.

bind "LEFTBRACKET" [ universaldelta -1 ]
bind "RIGHTBRACKET" [ universaldelta 1 ]

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#2018: send/get map

by 1134 on 04/23/2006 03:41

D-TurboKiller made a good point, there is currently no way for people to use custom maps without everyone installing it manually. The best option would be for the server to automatically get the map from whatever player has it and then host it for download by the players that need it. A hash of the level file could be used to make sure that levels of the same name actually are the same map, if they aren't, the current level would be downloaded as a temporary map so that it could still be played on.

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#2019: Re: send/get map

by CC_machine4 on 04/24/2006 22:35, refers to #2019

yes, i agree send and getmap are one of the most important feautures that the devs are ignoring :(. forced getmap can&will screw up editing as well.

also, why not have getmap on the multiplayer menu ??? it should be there...

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#2020: Re: send/get map

by CC_machine4 on 04/24/2006 22:57, refers to #2019

*is one of

also, sending CFGs with maps would be cool :P

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