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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Most Wanted Feature

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 03:14, 4190 messages, last message: 04/30/2008 20:02, 3591061 views, last view: 05/18/2024 07:34, closed on 04/30/2008 20:09

Hello all... this thread is for discussing features you would like to see in cube, and in particular those that you find most urgent. If lots of people have the same urgent requests, I may give it priority to be implemented.

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#1981: Re: Game Controller Support

by The_Punk on 03/22/2006 10:30, refers to #1980

Well, I went ahead knocked out a first attempt at joystick support. You can check it out here:


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#1982: P4D File Format Specification

by Mad Merv on 03/22/2006 15:55


Please switch Sauerbraten to this format. I am working on the converter. Id has licensing restrictions on its MD2 and MD3 file formats.

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#1983: Re: P4D File Format Specification

by >driAn<. on 03/22/2006 18:30, refers to #1982

Can you provide a link to that license?

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#1984: ..

by makkE on 03/22/2006 21:37

I´m wondering too.
All I could find on the subject told me licence fees would be demanded by ID only if you would use ID´s native tools to produce md2 and md3´s for a commercial application.
And seeing id´s license policy to be rather open minded when it comes to non commercial stuff, I strongly doubt we would need to license those formats.

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#1985: Umm, file formats aren't copywritten

by Pxtl on 03/22/2006 21:55

ianal, afaik, iddqd, you can't copywrite a file format. You can copyright the encoder/decoder, patent the involved algorithms, etc. but the format itself is just formatting - that's like copywriting "books that start with the table of contents and end with the index".

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#1986: Re: Umm, file formats aren't copywritten

by >driAn<. on 03/22/2006 22:15, refers to #1985

There are patent protected video encdoing formats. And yes, software-patents suck.

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#1987: Re: Umm, file formats aren't copywritten

by Pxtl on 03/23/2006 05:41, refers to #1986

I believe that's patenting involved algorithms, not the format itself - creating a decoder/encoder becomes patent infringement. I doubt that md2 or md3 include any patented algorithms - that stuff usually mainly happens with bizarre things like searching or lossy compression.

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#1988: Re: Umm, file formats aren't copywritten

by CC_machine4 on 03/23/2006 21:56, refers to #1986


that's like saying patenting anything to do with subject x sucks. They did all the hard work and they bothered to publish it, why shouldn't they patent it?

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#1989: Zaurus Linux PDA version?

by axel_g on 03/24/2006 11:20


I have recently bought a Zaurus Linux PDA. The device features a 200 Mhz ARM CPU, but afaik no X-server.

Softwaresided, it comes with Qtopia Trolltech\'s PDA environment, and JAVA. The resolution is 320x200.

Any hope of getting Cube/Sauer to fly on this baby?

Doom, Heretic, Quake are available for it.

Thanks for your Info :)


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#1990: better kick function

by Passa on 03/24/2006 21:35

make it that when the master types
kick N
then it confirms first by saying in the console
'are you sure you want to kick player NAME HERE'
then they type the kick N again, if the position on the scoreboard has changed, it will say that message again as you will by trying to kick another player.
this will insure no accidental kicks.

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#1991: Re: Zaurus Linux PDA version?

by Sparr on 03/24/2006 22:18, refers to #1989

you COULD, in theory, get them to run. it would be insanely slow though, using software 3D. there are X servers for the zaurus, check out familiar.handhelds.org

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#1992: My Thoughts

by SanHolo on 03/25/2006 11:37

I really like Sauerbraten and hope the community continues to grow, so here are my thoughts:

-- The new Weapon (shooting the green balls) should not be there if one respawns, you should have to collect it

-- as for the kick-suggestion made by Passa (#2010), you could introduce player-ids which stay the same until the player connects from a different IP (or the like)

-- I added my own crosshair (since it is simply a PNG); you could add some more to choose from in the settings, as well as a slider to adjust its size right from the settings (I`d be happy to draw some for you, while we`re at it)

-- An alternate Fire mode was great =D =D

Well, that`s what comes to my mind, keep up the great work!


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#1993: ..

by CC_machine4 on 03/25/2006 13:50

another thought: make the kick and ban different functions. Getting kicked from a server can awaken you to what you were doing wrong, and if you're now banned then you're err... a bit upset. Also getting kicked makes you feel quite sad.. could be used as a warning. (1st time:kick | 2nd time:ban)

Also (maybe) allow the master to select the number of hours someone to be banned for.. so

/ban player hours(0.5-4)

for example.

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#1994: Re: My Thoughts

by tentus on 03/25/2006 15:29, refers to #1992

there are several crosshairs already made, mostly by Topher for Death Illustrated. It'd make sense to make them all included, it wouldn't complicate things too much or add much to the download.

About adjusting the size, you can do that just by entering crosshairsize X, with X determining the size (default is 15, but it can be anywhere from 0 to 50).

Something that would be nice would be the option of toggling between fonts. Particularly in the menus, a way to toggle between a bold, italics, and RPG font would be pretty sweet (CL's font is completely open if someone wants to use it... I've already started working on bold and italics fonts.)

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#1995: Re: My Thoughts

by rancor on 03/25/2006 20:23, refers to #1992

I agree that you shouldn't spawn with the grenade launcher, it makes things more like they were in cube, except with splash damage.

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#1996: Re: My Thoughts

by CC_machine4 on 03/25/2006 22:20, refers to #1995

wait.. get rid of the pistol, and change the starting weapon to shutgun and there ya go, more cube-like.

I agree on that once th GL is more powerful, though currently the grenade launcher is actually a bit weaker than the pistol(starting weapon)..

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#1997: Re: My Thoughts

by CC_machine4 on 03/25/2006 22:20, refers to #1995

wait.. get rid of the pistol, and change the starting weapon to shutgun and there ya go, more cube-like.

I agree on that once th GL is more powerful, though currently the grenade launcher is actually a bit weaker than the pistol(starting weapon)..

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#1998: Re: My Thoughts

by Passa on 03/26/2006 09:40, refers to #1997

hmm the grenade laucher should have a slight homing function

this would make it more n00b friendly ;)

it is very hard to hit an opponent with it

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#1999: Decals

by Natharuk on 03/26/2006 13:37

I just want decals.

(I hate this forum...phpbb2 for the win!)

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#2000: Re: Decals

by Passa on 03/26/2006 13:42, refers to #1999

you might be new here, but there was a thread not too long ago about a new forum.

my advice, dont bring it up! plus this forum isnt bad, the cookie athorisation feature is nice, no passwords needed!

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