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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Most Wanted Feature

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 03:14, 4190 messages, last message: 04/30/2008 20:02, 3591143 views, last view: 05/18/2024 08:36, closed on 04/30/2008 20:09

Hello all... this thread is for discussing features you would like to see in cube, and in particular those that you find most urgent. If lots of people have the same urgent requests, I may give it priority to be implemented.

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#1: Lighting

by Fredrik on 01/05/2002 17:57


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#2: Doors/Lifts

by rickclark on 01/05/2002 21:12

I know that you are planning/working on SP and I was just wondering if you were going to implement doors, lifts and switches? Seems like you would have to for SP, I would think, but I don't know the limits of the engine.

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#3: Visible hit damage

by Paul on 01/05/2002 23:21

Not as bad as it sounds :). Just make the screen flash red (or something along those lines) when hit. Its not obvious as to when you've been hit given that when I play I have music over the top so I don't hear the sound effects.

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#4: Yeah

by SleepwalkR on 01/06/2002 02:07

Paul, that's definately one feature I am missing, too. Something that tells you that you were being hit.

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#5: Environmental Damage

by Sun Dog on 01/06/2002 06:35

I'd love to see the ability to use explosive weapons to punch holes in walls and floors, a la Red Faction. Given that the Cube engine can easily modify world geometry on the fly, it should be (relatively) simple to do. You could create escape routes with detpacks, punch through a wall with a rocket launcher to reach an enemy on the other side, etc.

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#6: mirroring

by mantra on 01/06/2002 16:04

a great editing feature would be a mirror command, so that the process of making detailed symmetric maps would take considerably less time to build.

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#7: rick

by Aardappel on 01/06/2002 23:14

I will do the SP in stages, first up will be a DMSP style SP (monsters spawn, you kill them, map ends), then I will work towards more traditional SP, which SHOULD involve keys and/or switches, and some form of triggered changing floor/ceiling levels (doors etc).

All depending on getting a good set of monsters (models & sounds) of course. I can get by with q2 player models for the moment.

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#8: paul/sleepy: hit damage

by Aardappel on 01/06/2002 23:20

there already is visible hit damage, atleast I see a lot of red particles in my face when I get hit. Maybe this isn't clear enough... I'll see if I can add screen flashing.

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#9: sun dog

by Aardappel on 01/06/2002 23:37

such a feature is not without problems. Cube doesn't allow heighfields (which would be needed for a crater) in all possible combinations with surrounding geometry, thus results could be messy (or very hard). Also, this could make a fast running map VERY slow (in fps).

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#10: mantra

by Aardappel on 01/06/2002 23:37

yes, such a feature is on my list

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#11: heh

by Ralphis on 01/07/2002 04:47

How about adding 3dfx support? It sucks to watch 9 fps drop by the minute all the way to zero.

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#12: SP features

by Marten on 01/07/2002 12:28

Nice work on Cube !.

In the SP you're planning some features I think would be nice:

A tag for walls so you can climb them like a ladder.

Tag a unit so it drops a choosen item then (s)he/it dies.

Be able to set teams, you can activate friendly units and they follow you then activate again and they stay there they are, don't have to speak just follow around.

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#13: Adjustable Grid

by Peej on 01/07/2002 14:16

Aard, you got around to thinking about that adjustable grid idea I had back in the early betas? You know, so you can move the vertices of a cube to adjust its shape thus allowing more complex rooms. I remember you saying it wasn't technically impossible given the way Cube works.

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#14: ralphis

by Aardappel on 01/07/2002 20:06

I remember explaining to you before why "3dfx support" is something that died out 5 years ago, but it obviously didn't stick. What you mean by "3dfx support" means using Glide, which no new game is written two anymore. There are only 2 game api's, both of which are supported by your 3dfx card: opengl & d3d. Cube uses the former.

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#15: Marten

by Aardappel on 01/07/2002 20:12

Thanks for the ideas, but I am going to focus on the basics first. What is important to me most is the actual monster design and how you fight with them, the rest is all extras. I certainly won't have any "friendlies" or "helpers", they tend to suck badly (I prefer human helpers, i.e. coop :)

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#16: Peej

by Aardappel on 01/07/2002 20:23

it would be a cool engine idea, and would be quite trivial to add to cube from a rendering perspective. But it makes things into a nightmare for other parts of the engine that depend on the geometry of cubes, i.e. occlusion code, lighting, physics etc etc. So its more of a question of complexity. It could work if you only allowed small offsets and let physics etc just treat it like square, but that be nasty and wouldn't allow all the fun.

it's one of the more interesting ways of making cube even more flexible though, so I 'll give it some thought :)

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#17: I have a cool request

by DaZ on 01/08/2002 01:16

Fix the damn bug where I cant shoot! :)

Aard knows what I mean, if its any help the same problem happens on my brothers voodoo banshee and voodoo 4. So its definitely a voodoo thing... Please fix it, using only the fist in DM kinda sucks... hehe

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#18: DaZ

by Aardappel on 01/08/2002 02:00

If I knew what the problem was, I could make a workaround... but for that I'd need such a voodoo to work with.

You do realise its a bug in the drivers, not cube, do you?

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#19: ...

by spank on 01/08/2002 21:27

Cube works with my 16 meg Banshee using Xpentor drivers, although horribly slow. I have a 300MHz K6II with 192 megs of RAM.

What Cube definitely needs now, anyway, is more corners, at least corners at angles other than 45 degrees. And if that were to get done, a way to do long corner from one square to another without having to manually set all accordingly would be nice too.

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#20: ...

by spank on 01/08/2002 21:28

Cube works with my 16 meg Banshee using Xpentor drivers, although horribly slow. I have a 300MHz K6II with 192 megs of RAM.

What Cube definitely needs now, anyway, is more corners, at least corners at angles other than 45 degrees. And if that were to get done, a way to do long corner from one square to another without having to manually set all accordingly would be nice too.

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