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by eihrul on 02/17/2007 19:19, 50 messages, last message: 03/19/2007 22:47, 12389 views, last view: 05/05/2024 17:15

We put this feature in the game for a reason. And it's annoying as hell to see half the servers disabling it.

Why? Because every time I go in and attempt to play, there's always somebody cheating, or somebody just teamkilling everyone, AND NOBODY CAN DO A DAMNED THING ABOUT IT.

I'm sorry, but this is pretty stupid. If you're worried about people abusing mastermode, THEN ENSURE YOUR USERS USE IT AS INTENDED: have a MOTD informing people to /setmaster 1 immediately if necessary. BUT DO NOT DISABLE MASTERMODE.

There are far more legitimate users than assholes, and mastermode is supposed to empower them to resolve stupid situations. So if responsible players would stop being lazy and start taking mastermode first, no problems.

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#31: ..

by Superdreadnought (Too lazy to restore cookie) on 03/11/2007 14:08

Your reaction makes me remember Erich Honecker telling some *truths* about capitalism.

ET's screen can be overviewed easily and not even one of teh huge amount of mods released has made the step backwards to having just one banner section like sauer has.

I got to admit that it is stupid to display the MOTD every 10 seconds even if the different types of messages are well separated (so the uselessness of this would be undescribable), but its the serveradmin's task to set up the interval.

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#32: Re: ..

by Drakas on 03/11/2007 14:27, refers to #31

Screw the interval, just send the message when the user joins!

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#33: ..

by Superdreadnought (Too lazy to restore cookie) on 03/11/2007 14:44

This is the decision the serveradmins have to make themselves (By leaving out the parameter or by not creating teh neccessary files the MOTD wont be displayed.)!

This is a lesson sauerbraten has to learn (In my opinion): Leave admins as much configuration options as possible. If you've ever been confrontated with the sheer mass of settings you can make for etpub (a popular mod for ET) you'll know what real freedom concerning server setup is.

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#34: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 03/11/2007 15:59, refers to #33

Freedom is all very well, ...
... but you decided to give admins exactly the two most annoying freedoms - one of which is especially enticing for any server admins in puperty or with extreme egocentric personalities.

The revolving MOTD is just a nuisance, but just that; I can leave any time I want to, in the end. And that's just what I do ;)

The bigger issue is definitely __the blocking of mastermode__ - this invalidates a lot of excellent code of the main development branch.

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#35: Re: ..

by {LiD}CC_machine.ThatLinuxNewb(WindowsAccount) on 03/11/2007 16:19, refers to #17

have you tried

/bind [key] connect [ip]; setmaster [masterpass] 1

haven't tried it myself, does it work?

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#36: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 03/11/2007 16:40, refers to #17

What cc_machine said - as long as you've still got client-slots open - should work just fine.

But on a more social note (yet again):
What's your issue?
If people are using your server and want to have a match in private or are afraid of having an open coop-edit session then who are you to discourage them.

Seeing that quite a lot of players seem to completey fail to understand the use of mastermode - in this case MM:3 [PRIVATE] seems most appropriate - is what I believe to be the main reason for the abundance of kicking.
Kicking is the offensive way,
setting a server to PRIVATE (or slightly less restrictive MM:2 [LOCKED]) is the Sauerbraten way. And this includes the generous hoster too.

On a lighter note : the amount of failed connects I see on PRIVATE sessions or full servers leads me to believe people can't even read the serverbrowser ...
I thought up some iconic representations there once ... maybe that'd make sauerbraten more accessible for the literary-challenged !?!

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#37: Re: ..

by Drakas on 03/11/2007 17:10, refers to #36

Umm, I would be quite happy to see something like disabling of advanced functions (/mastermode 3 or /mastermode 2) as well as disabling of -1, -2, 1 gamemodes on public servers that are high-capacity. this would improve a lot.

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#38: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 03/11/2007 17:32, refers to #37

SP gamemodes are no longer accessible IIRC - this /used to be/ a problem.

Whaaat? Drakas - I guess you haven't quite gotten the idea behind mastermode either - especially MM:2 and MM:3 are required.
This allows for people w/o a fast enough connection to host their own server to be able to use publically donated server-bandwidth for their own _/private/_ matches ... just a bunch of friends, no newbies or griefers - thank you very much - ... No Way we wanna loose this!

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#39: Re: ..

by Drakas on 03/11/2007 18:07, refers to #38

You didn't understand me, clearly: What I was meaning is that public server hosters should take off MM2 and MM3...

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#40: ..

by KoiKitsune2006 on 03/12/2007 15:37

I got kicked from 3 servers today for just playing. (kicked/banned) There was ALOT of people just getting banned for no reason.

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#41: Re: ..

by Schmutzwurst on 03/13/2007 23:01, refers to #41

ok, first of all: im no clanmember, rather a just-for-fun-player and don\'t run any server. Nevertheless I\'m a quite frequent player and wonder why its just me who acually likes the modded servers like the-conquerors and hyper-frag, which are not available for being master. To be honest, almost all the time even prefer playing on those rather than on the others.

It is true, that usually there are by far more honest players than cheaters, but unfortunately especially the cheaters are keen to get masterstatus and start cheating afterwards, wherever this is possible, b/c mastermode is available to them. If it is late at night (US-time), they usually destroy the game for the last honest people out there, who otherwise might have stayed for a while - and: make by this means people call it a night.

I see that I mainly play capture (which is a team-mode) and thus look at it from this perspective. So iagree, that no master at all is difficult for ffa/default and other non-team-modes. But the problems in team-modes had been mainly the teamkillers and from time to time some cheaters. However Hyperfrag obviously recently modded their server that way, that you get kicked, if you kill more than 10 people from your own team, which tk and cheater will do but all the others usually really don\'t. with this feature, i recently had quite a good time on those servers, and just wanted to tell you. I also suppose, that there are many others who think the same way, but just don\'t give positive feedback here - one evidence of that for me is, that these two servers are the servers with the highest average of players online...

Whatever you guys plan for the next version, I just wanted to say, that I\'d appreciate, that you keep the option to restrict the mastermode and set a password. I believe thats what this is all about (and btw thats why I wonder, why you ask people not to disable mastermode, but implement the set-password-feature in the engine...?!? Does not really make sense to me).

Maybe an idea would be to implement such an autokick-option whenever people restrict mastermode...? and i bet there is an option to create an autokick-option against cheaters who kill by far more than the average best others per minute, if they do use their cheats.

Thats it. Oh: one thing off-topic: the capture-maps are getting a bit boring, because ther are only 6 of it... is it a copyright problem or couldn\'t you just randomly place bases into the new levels (fanatic quake, metl4, etc) so that the queue of maps a server usually runs through gets a little bigger? I would REALLY appreciate that!

Thanks, and keep up the good work, I really enjoy playing the game! :-)

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#42: Re: ..

by }TC{Shmutzwurst on 03/17/2007 00:22, refers to #41

ok, I have to admit that I'm a TC member now. Well they opened the mastermode anyways. It's allright. ;-)

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#43: ..

by SanHolo on 03/17/2007 00:30

"mastermode, but implement the set-password-feature in the engine...?!? Does not really make sense to me"

Well, if you set a master-password, anyone can still become master, but if you type the password you rewoke master-rights off of any other "master" who got master without password. ;)

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#44: ..

by Passa on 03/18/2007 09:30

Ontopic now, a lot of the servers out there are still using binaries with mastermode disabled, was just playing and the "Oberland-Server1" (IP: has mastermode disabled as well.

Its becoming a major pain now, previously it was just one or two servers, now its practically a majority..

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#45: Message censored by administrator

by Rocky Balboa on 03/18/2007 09:51

#46: Message censored by administrator

by Lex Luthor on 03/18/2007 09:56, refers to #45

#47: Message censored by administrator

by Rocky Balboa. on 03/18/2007 09:58, refers to #46

#48: Message censored by administrator

by Lex Luthor on 03/18/2007 09:59, refers to #47

#49: Re: ..

by }TC{Shmutzwurst on 03/19/2007 16:02, refers to #43

i gues i meant the scenario when noone (who knows the pw) is online.
it kinda sucks then, if the master is available for the cheaters.

but it sucks, too, if theres virtually no way to kick a cheater...

dilemma ;-(

the mentioned sentence does not really make as much sense to me
anymore as i believed it did, when i wrote it... lol. i did't run a
pw-protected server before or had a pw to such a server and i just got
it wrong (the way it works with the pw). just forget it.

without repeating whatever was so bad in the censored posts, could
anyone tell me what they were about?

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#50: don't worry about it

by {LiD}CC_machine.ThatLinuxNewb(WindowsAccount) on 03/19/2007 22:47

i thought the solution to the aboveposted problem was :

if the cheater has master, don't play on that server. :D

don't worry about mastermode abuse. there are a lot more legit players than cheaters :]

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