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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 11452749 views, last view: 05/19/2024 12:55

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#3405: Re: ATI 9500 128 mb

by makkE on 10/12/2004 14:50, refers to #3401

if u use that resolution, the answer is possibly yes. Imho 800x600 is totally sufficient, u might try a lower resolution if you want more fps.

@bilby : STOP selling it. Can´t tell you more, coz I havent´t seen it. But manipulating other ppl´s maps is also a big NO. Just because cube is free doesn´t mean it does´nt contain some people´s interlectual property.

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#3406: Re: Snake

by El_waffle_negro (jcdpc) on 10/12/2004 15:03, refers to #3404

you can buy me a ferrari. I think that might rectify the situation. :)

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#3407: Re: ATI 9500 128 mb

by Pxtl on 10/12/2004 15:07, refers to #3405

Well, selling it is perfectly legal, or at least would be if he compiled from the GPLd source. GPL allows for reselling derivitives. Still, that doesn't apply to the original binary, and I doubt it applies to the models he uses - particularly the Johnny model.

Still, its good etiquette to give credit where credit is due, and I think Bilby is saying he did just that.

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#3408: Re: ATI 9500 128 mb

by sinsky on 10/12/2004 15:36, refers to #3407

It's not GPLd source there are some LGPL libraries (if we're talking about the Cube source).. GPL does not allow selling of the derived binaries, just media they are written on like CD, DVD etc. but LGPL does. GPL allows selling products designed with a GPL program like pics, docs..

I don't know where Johnny is from, if he's from a commercial product it's perfectly illegal to sell him. It's just a very bad situation in a legal sense.

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#3409: mapmodels

by dcp on 10/12/2004 17:43

i couldn't check it, can anyone, who did, tell me if some of my mapmodels were included in this russian shit? if so, then... you better watch over your shoulder, NO mercy!

same for the guys from jetgroove!

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#3410: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 10/12/2004 23:39

Uhh, is there way to force the old lighting model in the new versions of cube? I'm curious as to whether or not that would fix the linux/ATI lighting error.

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#3411: Re: ATI 9500 128 mb

by Aardappel_ on 10/13/2004 00:27, refers to #3407

Cube is NOT GPL... it is ZLIB. The major offense this guy has caused is copying/modifying of media. Yes he can use the source code commercially, if he clearly indicates the origin (which is debatable in this case).

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#3412: Re: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 10/13/2004 02:39, refers to #3410

HAHAHAHA!!! nevermind. It WORKS with the 13 drivers!!!! WOO HOO! I'm soooo happy!!!!

Oh yeah,

I get this strange error now, every time I start cube, is it something to worry about?

./bin_unix/linux_client: /usr/lib/opengl/ati/lib/libGL.so.1: no version information available (required by ./bin_unix/linux_client)

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#3413: Re: ATI 9500 128 mb

by Pxtl on 10/13/2004 03:09, refers to #3411

Yes, that was my guess as to the problem as well.

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#3414: Re: What kind of sorting does CUBE perform?

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 10/13/2004 04:04, refers to #3403

Do you mean alpha sorting or depth sorting?

If it is depth sorting, Cube provides dynamic occlusion culling, which means that it doesn't even attempt to draw what you can't see, thus no need for sorting. Unless you turn that off, then I would expect it does a standard z-buffer sort, probably LEQUAL or ALWAYS

If it is alpha sorting, I would expect that it has no need for this because of the near complete lack of semi-transparent surfaces. What is drawn as translucent is probably sorted like anything else, but not affected by occlusion culling so that it will show up when needed.

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#3415: Re: What kind of sorting does CUBE perform?

by ty on 10/13/2004 13:46, refers to #3403


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#3416: Re: What kind of sorting does CUBE perform?

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 10/13/2004 14:06, refers to #3415

Uhh, what does "gh" mean?

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#3417: Questions!!

by Frakass on 10/13/2004 21:56

Je sais qu'il y a quand meme quelque francais sur ce jeu donc jai plusieur questions!
1) peut ton changer le skin du joueur ou en cree un car on a tous le meme c po facile a ce reconnaitre?
2) Quand jouez vous?
3) Ya t'il des sites francophones de cube car sa serez mieux que de polluez leur forum?
voila je ne pense avoir rien oublié, bon jeu et a plus pour un shoot!

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#3418: Mes francais, c'est merde, mais...

by Pxtl on 10/13/2004 22:05

1) non.
2) quand je peux.
3) je ne pense pas.

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by e:n:i:g:m:a on 10/13/2004 23:28

OK! I was having alot of fun editing a map in Cube, when my computer just locked up. The remainder of the sound buffer repeated and the keyboard wouldn't respond. Is that a cube-related problem, an ATI-related problem, a linux-related problem, or an isolated incident? It's only happened once, but I'd like it to not happen again.

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#3420: Maybe another linux-related problem

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 10/14/2004 00:14

I've got another problem. Cube can't seem to play the midi or module songs. Is there something I need to add to alsa or sdl and re-compile?

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#3421: Re: Questions!!

by D.plomat on 10/14/2004 10:13, refers to #3417

1) cf pxtl
2) cf pxtl ;)
3) Je pense que cela ne dérange personne, j'ai déja vu parler allemand ou espagnol, et Aard connaît beaucoup de langues (dont la français)... éventuellement sinon il suffit de créer une file française sur le forum... en cherchant dans la liste de tous les threads ça ne m'étonnerait pas qu'il y en ai déja une.

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#3422: Re: Questions!!

by D.plomat on 10/14/2004 10:16, refers to #3421

Il suffisait de demander :)


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#3423: Cube isn't incomplete to me.

by Lavaball on 10/15/2004 07:08

Someone said in 1 of my topic's that Cube is incomplete i believe it is fully completed but it update's after a year and it sin't incomplete in my believe's.

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#3424: Re: Cube isn't incomplete to me.

by D.plomat on 10/15/2004 15:47, refers to #3423

Indeed, it's a long time since Cube is complete enough to be very fun playing.

(I knew Cube at the times of the 2002 version, it was already complete, now it's in an "enhancement" phase, each version adding cool new features :)

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