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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 11517364 views, last view: 06/01/2024 23:05

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#7808: Water problems

by theButcher on 03/25/2007 23:03

Alright, I've posted this before, but...
I am having trouble with the new water. On the first map I load, the water looks good, see http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=goodwaterpq7.jpg
for a screenshot of the good water.
But when I reload the map or load another, the water looks bad, see
for a screenshot of the bad water.
I am quite sure my drivers are up to date.
I am running sauer on Windows XP with an
Nvidia GeForce 6800.
Could someone please help me to fix this problem?

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#7809: ..

by Passa on 03/25/2007 23:25


Is anyone else getting posts disappearing when they hit refresh?

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#7810: Re: Water problems

by Passa on 03/25/2007 23:26, refers to #7808

And now I can see your message again..

Check if you're in 32bit colour.

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#7811: Esc brings showmenu error

by raveseer on 03/26/2007 02:19

i hit escape and showmenu cannot be found. any solutions?

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#7812: ..

by raveseer on 03/26/2007 02:22

nvm guys, thank you i found the answer

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#7813: Re: ..

by drian@work02 on 03/26/2007 08:20, refers to #7809

Passa, see #7810

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#7814: Re: Still Broken

by MeatROme on 03/26/2007 10:08, refers to #7806

More info on your system might help.
- You /can/ play on Windows ...
- You only have a problem with a specific texture and/or map ... is it truely only with this one image family (qcomp3*.jpg)? Check the image is okay, else fix that. Try creating a map with just that texture - still have a problem? (memory issue?)
- Edgy Eft is _unstable_ ... it's your own problem - use a stable system if you can't handle unstable. Dapper Drake if you want to stick with Ubuntu.
- run with gdb and give coredump to help debugging

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#7815: Re: Water problems

by MeatROme on 03/26/2007 10:16, refers to #7808

I doubt this is really a CFG thing ... but :
any weirdness in the map's CFG?
Does this happen too if you load any other map with water twice?
Backup your config.cfg and try again.

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#7816: Re: forum weirdness

by MeatROme on 03/26/2007 17:00, refers to #7809

Yeah, now I see this too.
If you look at the board index - the counters are all slightly off for the main threads ... maybe this is an indication of where the problem lies?

As a manual fix:
add a "&start=XYZ" to the URI - e.g. when it should show up to 7836 - try
"&start=7820" ... *shrug*

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#7817: mapping with other program

by Thör on 03/26/2007 21:36


Is it possible to make maps with another program than the ingame-builder?

Thanks in advance


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#7818: Re: mapping with other program

by absinth on 03/26/2007 22:52, refers to #7817

>Is it possible to make maps with another program than the ingame-builder?

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#7819: Re: Still Broken

by Freddy on 03/27/2007 16:40, refers to #7814

MeatROme: thanks for the hints. I replaced the qcomp3 textures with renamed copies of the qcomp2 ones, which are very similar. It still crashes at the new qcomp3's, so I'm thinking it might be an array out-of-bounds error or some such silliness. I was hoping that another Edgy Eft user might have had my problem (and fixed it, of course). It turns out that Sauerbraten does work with Edgy Eft. I can't use gdb because it completely freezes my computer, forcing a power-button restart. Now I think it might be a problem with my fglrx video driver (I'm having troubles with it) or my x300 card, which really needs to be upgraded anyway (although Sauer runs surprisingly well on it). I'll just play on XP until I get a new computer. But still, if you have a quick fix, I'm all ears.

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#7820: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 03/28/2007 08:31

Wow, Oasis is nicely done in the CVS Version. Bumpmapped textures almost everywhere... really pretty :D

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#7821: Game crushes

by Thath0r on 03/29/2007 15:51

Hi all

i've a big problem. Me and my friends like playing sauerbraten^^. But if we launch a LAN-Game one thing is very annoying: If we shoot with explosive weapons (granade launcher, rocket launcher) the game crushes and we have to restart it.

this is the error we encounter:

PLZ, help us!

WE have another problem, too:
We dont know, how to expand the LAN-Server. I read all the files, but the commands dont work.

Thx a lot


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#7822: Re: Game cr_a_shes

by MeatROme on 03/29/2007 18:21, refers to #7821

I usually run my client and/or server on linux ... but on my last LAN I just had to have a round of SB and so we did run it on Win32 ... no problems; maybe the devs can tell you more on what's causing this.

Re: "expanding" - d'ya mean like : more players? -- pass -c64 for a max of 64 players ... see : http://cube.wikispaces.com/Multiplayer+Guide#LAN


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#7823: Re: ..

by rock.n.rol_w/o_cookie on 03/29/2007 18:42, refers to #7820

Cool, could you post a screenshot ? :)

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#7824: In Cube/ActionCube

by Morosoph on 03/30/2007 04:51

Is there a way to shrink the font size?

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#7825: Re: Game cr_a_shes

by Thath0r on 03/30/2007 08:13, refers to #7822

Thank u, but the problem is, that if u ran "server.bat" in the sauerbraten-directory u start a lan server, right? And this one is made for 4 players and i dont know how to change it.


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#7826: Bug in Threading

by Morosoph on 03/30/2007 10:52

If there are new posts, I can see my recent post about font sizes; however, if I refresh the page, it goes (you go to the end of the previous page?).

I would hazard a guess that it would happen with this post, as well, so that if you hit refresh, it too will vanish.

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#7827: Re: Bug in Threading

by SanHolo on 03/30/2007 21:24, refers to #7826

Same here. Camino (Mozilla 1.8.x), Mac OS X.

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