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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube 2 Engine used by TN Games

by n0err0rsf0und* on 10/26/2007 04:48, 69 messages, last message: 08/23/2009 22:08, 55455 views, last view: 06/02/2024 00:39

Video link: http://www.pcworld.com/video/id,623-page,1-bid,0/video.html

Apparently this "3rdSpace vest" (simulates being hit by bullets... O_o) comes with a game made with the Cube 2 engine! :D

You can see it a few times in the video.

"The FPS Vest is bundled with 3rd Space Incursion, a futuristic first person shooter game embedded with 3rd Space technology and developed to showcase the FPS Vest."

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#55: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/12/2007 16:45, refers to #54

OK, it is really simple. I re-re-recompiled the binaries, and then realized that the build target wasn't bin/sauerbraten.exe, it was bin/sauerbraten-mingw.exe. So I launched that, and the new stuff worked perfectly. Oh and btw, whoever is making the code::blocks project, could you use the latest nightly build?

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#56: Re: barrells, boxes, elevators and platforms

by MeatROme on 11/12/2007 17:00, refers to #44

you will see the binary is currently 3 weeks old ... (Revision 1.305) ... until a more recently compiled EXE isn't uploaded the new entities exist purely "in potentia" ... :-/

you might try http://www.quadropolis.us/files/sauerbraten-mingw-win32-20071111.exe

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#57: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/12/2007 17:37

Very fun to play with, but I see something strange: http://i18.tinypic.com/6ol0byo.jpg

That's in SP, by myself... Huh?

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#58: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/12/2007 18:31

A slightly more interesting picture...

All I did was start the game, /sp temp, switch to fist, hit tab.

I also saw a really long one that looked like part of a map CFG. It mentioned "texture 0" and "packages/subverse/metal_siding_kinks.jpg".

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#59: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/12/2007 20:19, refers to #58

One more post for two little notes:
Upon removing the barrel (and saving and loading the map), the orange command text stuff went away. On the scoreboard, there was me and a line with no name and a score of 0.

I did use the metal_siding_kinks texture in the temp map. You can see it in the first screenshot under the platform.

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#60: Re: ..

by eihrul on 11/12/2007 20:55, refers to #57


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#61: ..

by Julius on 11/12/2007 21:11

Hmm, so am I guessing right that these barrels are somehow treated like psudo players and thus also work in multiplayer since they are sync'ed with the server?

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#62: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 11/12/2007 21:14, refers to #61

no, absolutely not.
only client-side - SP exclusively;
don't ask for it in MP without having thought about ENet and multiple clients pushing the same moveable entity ...

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#63: ..

by Julius on 11/12/2007 21:38

Ahh too bad... I though it might have worked with that "player" work around (because they show up in the player list)... they wouldn't have to be movable though... just "exploadable" :)

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#64: ..

by zheddo on 11/13/2007 10:31

Where can i get those CVS files :(

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#65: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/14/2007 01:22

Oh, and let's not forget to add ent_action_* in data/stdedit.cfg, mkay? I found it very annoying to not be able to use my scroll wheel...

1 times 1 is... duh, 11?

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#66: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/14/2007 21:33, refers to #65

Perhaps the new ents should also be added to entswithdirection? :)

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#67: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 11/18/2007 20:43

AWESUM but still needs work !

Spotted a glitch : enter third person mode, don't move, then go backwards.

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#68: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/18/2007 21:09, refers to #67

lol nice eye! Try strafing left, too...

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#69: Re: haha

by j on 08/23/2009 22:08, refers to #23

"I'm trying to imagine Aard getting criminally large sums of money.

Nope, didn't help. "


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