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Map Editing

by Goetzenzar on 01/05/2002 19:30, 4767 messages, last message: 05/05/2023 08:39, 3561035 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:35

Welcome to the map editing saloon:
here u can post ur screens, maps, comments, questions and answers about mapediting, and meet other ppl for coop-sessions online :)

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#41: New Map!!!

by SirLiveAlot on 02/05/2002 18:53

I made a new map it is call gateway it is at
Tell me what you think.

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#42: Savemap

by kbx on 02/05/2002 18:58

To save a map, in console type /savemap name and it will save it as name.cgz
np. :)

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#43: Castle Keep Sniper Edition

by rickclark on 02/06/2002 00:43

I have done a remake of PushPlay's nice Castle Keep (with his permission) and made it into a sniper map, Castle Keep Sniper Edition. At the usual place:


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#44: Re: "KO Corral" is ready...

by rickclark on 02/06/2002 00:46, refers to #36

Cool map. I ran around the edge sniping at the monsters, then I would run through the middle chaingunning. Loads of fun.

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#45: Re: New Map!!!

by rickclark on 02/06/2002 00:48, refers to #41

It plays well and I love the different levels. I really hosed those badguys down with the CG in the dark alley. :)

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#46: Whee.

by kbx on 02/07/2002 04:43

I finished my first 3d map, EVER! :)
Try it out, tell me how much it sucks(haha)
actually it's fun, not great looking or anything but I like it. Please tell me what you think. :)

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#47: Fusion

by pushplay on 02/07/2002 05:43

It's new map time for me as well. This one's called Fusion and can be downloaded for the low low price of only 7,243 bytes. Damn these maps are small.


Pedo is a good map too by the way, way better than the name implies.

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#48: Re: Whee.

by nilfilter on 02/07/2002 05:45, refers to #46

I really like its spacious architecture, I bet it'll be big fun to play online with 4+ players. Took me a while to find the teleporter ;-)
Personally I'd prefer a little more eye-candy, just a few more textures.

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#49: Re: Whee.

by kbx on 02/07/2002 13:15, refers to #48

Yeah, Pedo was my first Cube map, at first it was just a big cube and some walls, but I added a lot of stuff in it.
Hmm, more textures.. Gonna try that, I'm gonna go fix the small bugs in the map and upload it again first tho. :)

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#50: Pedo Revision 1

by kbx on 02/07/2002 15:24

w00t. It's done. Revision 1 of my map Pedo.
You can grab it at:
If you find any bugs or have any comments please post it here.
(I deleted the old Pedo.zip).

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#51: H.M.S. Pushplay

by pushplay (on a different computer) on 02/08/2002 06:35

I was screwing around and what I ended up with was actually a pretty good map. It\\\'s a love letter to myself. I made it pretty fast, but I still think it\\\'s fun for a 1 on 1 duel. This will be my last release for a while.


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#52: new large map ready: "checkmate"

by nilfilter on 02/08/2002 20:41

it's a 256x256 with lots of buildings and open space, and possibly some performance issues. Would be great if somebody gave me a few optimization tips.


Thx & cheers

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#53: Re: new large map ready: "checkmate"

by pushplay on 02/09/2002 09:48, refers to #52

Optimization. In general, an fps game becomes bogged down when it needs to draw triangles faster than it can compute them. Triangles are how surfaces are conveyed. Triangle heavy objects are anything that is small, intricate, or sloped. In cube, this means arches, corners, or just having a whole bunch of stuff on screen. So a particularly complex room souldn't be visable from a distance, or else the contents of that room in addition to everything else you see need to be drawn, which can overwhelm a computer. Generally this means complex rooms, simplistic outdoors, walls and corners.

Your map isn't all that bad polygon wise. The wvt reached some levels I'd never seen before, but I'm not sure what it represents.

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#54: Re: new large map ready: "checkmate"

by nilfilter on 02/09/2002 14:10, refers to #53

Thx, pushplay.

I added the large solid brick cube and the 45°-wall behind which I made all solid (see 2-cmate1.jpg) to reduce the wvt from 18500 (!) to some 10000.

I still get some 13000 wvt in the building with table and seats, when standing left of those viewing the other large building diagonally opposite.
What I don't understand is the 13000 wvt are not reduced even when vis blockers are between the two buildings.

Damn, creating this map took me quite some time, and I fear it won't be playable online with more than a handful of players...


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#55: nilfilter

by Aardappel on 02/09/2002 17:07

if you fly above the map in edit mode, you will be able to see the occlusion culling of the map from the viewpoint below you. in cmate from most positions in the map the whole map is visible which slows you down. Also you wanna try and really understand the bit about geometric mipmapping in the docs, as this can reduce the amount of cubes in the first place.

A purely aesthetical comment: your lighting is almost fullbright... try to leave the inside areas darker, and have some variation.

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#56: Re: H.M.S. Pushplay

by rickclark on 02/09/2002 18:13, refers to #51

An interesting map. I did a Doombot map with a similiar layout. It was funny watching all the monsters jump out of the crow's nest. :)

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#57: Re: nilfilter

by nilfilter on 02/09/2002 18:34, refers to #55

Thx, Aardappel.

> ... try and really understand the bit about geometric mipmapping in the docs...
I am trying, but still am a at a loss here and there. cmate is my 2nd map, and several things are still beyond my limited capacity to comprehend :-)

Right now I am doing a massive rewrite of cmate, using more solids & vis blockers. It is promising so far, but I am at a point now where I have to compromise the initial gameplay idea.

It is RTFM time again, I guess...


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#58: texturing question

by nilfilter on 02/09/2002 18:43


how can I change the default wall texture when pulling some cubes down from the sky/ceiling?

I'm have uploaded a sample screenshot here:

I want to change the red bricks above the Egyptian eyes to match the rest of the wall.

Cheers, and TIA

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#59: Re: texturing question

by rickclark on 02/09/2002 23:10, refers to #58

Use the 7 key to change the textures.

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#60: Re: texturing question

by nilfilter on 02/10/2002 04:06, refers to #59

Thx, I learned I have to reload the map, as I have to do with some (not all) entities.

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