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Map Editing

by Goetzenzar on 01/05/2002 19:30, 4767 messages, last message: 05/05/2023 08:39, 3530379 views, last view: 05/04/2024 07:48

Welcome to the map editing saloon:
here u can post ur screens, maps, comments, questions and answers about mapediting, and meet other ppl for coop-sessions online :)

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#181: Re: Terragen

by Shockie on 07/26/2002 11:40, refers to #180

nasa's 360 views are done by an amazing machine which you would have to see first had to believe, and them some equaly amaving software that changes it to that view, you could probable modify it back

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#182: lego && cube

by jethr0 on 07/26/2002 20:31

have you seen the astonishing things people are getting done with "virtual lego" :-). there's a lot of them out there just putting together lego pieces with the ldraw library and the mlcad modeller and then render the whole thing with povray...

wouldn't it be cool if it were possible to build those lego figures, houses, cars, etc not in a CAD-like modeller but instead in a first-person perspective with customary dimensions and the support for cooperative lego building.

would be cool, if someone coded that on top of cube *gg*


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#183: Re: lego && cube

by leonbrooks on 07/28/2002 17:28, refers to #182

jethr0, LeoCAD seems to be a step in that direction (see http://leocad.org/ - there is no missing `g' for copyright/trademark reasons :-) but yes, truly interactive virtual Lego would be a hoot, especially since you'd have an unlimited supply of bricks and could roll your own bricks if you wanted to. I suspect Lego of having internal CADding programs about which they say nothing.

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#184: Re: lego && cube

by Shockie on 07/30/2002 13:51, refers to #183

im sure they do, their HQ is more highly guarded than the defence building next door

they would have to have a proggie to do it, as all the designs thay have, and the work they do for the millitary

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#185: New map! Well, a 2nd hand one really!

by Bascule on 08/02/2002 00:46

I've been playing with some ideas and have converted aard1 to a true SP map to demonstrate them, as I don't have time ATM to do a map from scratch.

From the ReadMe:
A test on my part just to play around with a few ideas like using the menu to simulate a centre-print and using the 'door' feature to open up bigger areas of the map. I know the item and monster placement is a bit random, but hey, it's a Beta.

Tell me what you think :)

Find it at http://users.quista.net/ed.jo/Downloads/sp_aard1.zip

or visit the [C U B E] (T U B E) at http://users.quista.net/ed.jo

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#186: Re: New map! Well, a 2nd hand one really!

by pushplay on 08/02/2002 02:17, refers to #185

It's a good conecept map, but when I wandered into the 2nd carrot, I was stuck going forward until I went through the menu. I ended up triggering a lot of baddies as I slid forward through the map trying to avoid them and read the menu at the same time.

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#187: Re: New map! Well, a 2nd hand one really!

by Bascule on 08/02/2002 08:49, refers to #186

Yeah, I've had the same *feature*, it happens when you keep going forward after touching the trigger. If you just edge up to it slowly, it will be OK. Needless to say, it was just an experiment, but I won't be repeating that part of it!
(I've put a centreprint request in the Most Wanted thread).
The ability to trigger events/scripts etc from a trigger is a very good thing, though and I was trying to put it to good use :)

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#188: Re: New map! Well, a 2nd hand one really!

by pushplay on 08/02/2002 11:15, refers to #187

Necessity may be the mother of invention, but screwing around with things at random is the father.

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#189: LOL

by Bascule on 08/02/2002 11:51, refers to #188


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#190: Terrain prefab is up!

by Bascule on 08/06/2002 00:20

Finally got my script to work - Yay!

This will generate a small hill (11 by 11 cubes by 2 high) with the middle of the hill at the selection point.

From the ReadMe:

To use, either copy the entire contents of the hill.cfg into your autoexec, or open the console and type:
exec data\hill.cfg
THEN select a square on the grid where you want the middle of your hill to be, open the console and type 'hill', no quotes and no arguments required.
The script is clunky, long-winded and fugly - code aficianados will need to avert their gaze. I'll post the code separately for comment.

Get it at http://users.quista.net/ed.jo/Downloads/Hill.zip

or visit the [C U B E] (T U B E) at http://users.quista.net/ed.jo

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#191: Better entity creation

by Piglet on 08/10/2002 20:54

I've made a config to improve the way that entity creation is handled. It dosent interfere with any previous settings or the original entity menu, and only requires two binds, one to choose an entity and the other to place instances of it. Get it here: http://www.12kb.b0x.com/stuff/Q-ent.cfg

comments suggestions greatly appreciated

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#192: Re: Better entity creation

by Piglet on 08/10/2002 21:22, refers to #191

and no the link isnt broken, its just weired, just refresh it.

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#193: Re: Better entity creation

by Bascule on 08/10/2002 22:16, refers to #192

It is weird, glad you put the warning!

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#194: Terrain Prefab

by Bascule on 08/11/2002 09:12

Proper release version of my terrain prefab is now up.
Following help from Pushplay and Aard, code is now sweet and neat :)
Still only one prefab ATM, but new function included to delete last created hill.
More prefabs in next release.

Get it at http://users.quista.net/ed.jo/Downloads/Hill.zip

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#195: Re: Better entity creation

by Piglet on 08/11/2002 09:47, refers to #193

ive just found out my cfg dosent quite work currently you need to change the second bind to "bind LALT [if (= $editing 1) [newent $chosen $num $numb][echo "This only works in edit mode!"]]"
or you can just re-download it. Sos about that.

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#196: Re: Terrain Prefab

by pushplay on 08/11/2002 11:46, refers to #194

I had fun screwing around with that: http://members.shaw.ca/pushplay/data/screwy.jpg

Anyways. That's a very attractive hill. I noticed that if I repeatedly made the hill in the same place (instead of just binding it to a key and holding it down like I did above), the hill would get steeper and I could control the height. You might want to consider making the height of the hill less drastic and letting people control the height as I did above. You also might want to return the cursor to it's original selection once the hill is made (you can see an example of that in the prefabgen wizard).

If you want to take your script to the next level you could also look into the option of making hills of arbitrary size. That would be more difficult though.

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#197: Campaign trial

by Piglet on 08/11/2002 19:44

I've made a mini SP campaign for Cube, (3 small levels) and i'd like to get some comments on my work before i add more to it, download it here :
(if the download doesent work just hit refresh and it should do)
If you do check it out PLEASE send comments to jonathan@thewhitings.freeserve.co.uk

oh and any cube download hosts, this is not ready for including on your sites, so dont put it on :P

thanks, Piglet

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#198: Re: Campaign trial

by Piglet on 08/11/2002 19:45, refers to #197

whoops didnt do the hyper link thing

http://www.12kb.b0x.com/stuff/pigcam.zip sos about that

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#199: Re: Terrain Prefab

by Bascule on 08/11/2002 22:56, refers to #196

lol at screenshot - nice one :)
I like the idea of building height by putting one hill on top of another, I'd not tried that. If it looks good, I'll put it in the ReadMe as a feature (with a credit of course) :)
Yeah, the ultimate aim is to use Aard's universaldelta; just wind the hill up and down using the mousewheel. I think that this will require a formula for curve generation, rather than a set of pre-defined prefabs, as the aliases will be too many and too long otherwise.

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#200: Terrain prefab new version :)

by Bascule on 08/25/2002 22:48

Latest, and probably last, version of my terrain prefab is now up.
There are now nine different hill prefabs to choose from.
Have fun ;)
Oh, Pushplay, I didn't include your hill-stacking technique in the ReadMe, as I found some strange effects if the selection point wasn't in exactly the right place (HOM, phantom walls and unwanted valleys all over the place!)

Get it at http://users.quista.net/ed.jo/Downloads/Hill.zip

Please post experiences/thoughts or feedback direct to me.

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