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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Most Wanted Feature

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 03:14, 4190 messages, last message: 04/30/2008 20:02, 3563422 views, last view: 05/04/2024 11:25, closed on 04/30/2008 20:09

Hello all... this thread is for discussing features you would like to see in cube, and in particular those that you find most urgent. If lots of people have the same urgent requests, I may give it priority to be implemented.

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#2241: uninstalling

by DorkeyDear on 07/22/2006 04:24

not really for the \'game\' but when u are uninstalling it, it shouldn\'t get rid of anything that you put in the folder yourself, such as your own maps. i accidently lost a couple of my home made maps (not finished of course) this way.

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#2242: true server reset

by MeatROme on 07/23/2006 02:59

Although this is just your basic hack,
I'm proposing this as a method to avoid servers stuck in SP mode (apart from disabling voting for SP on a network game ... my hack for that just votes for a random mode ...).

src/engine/server.cpp [l.408ff. [060722]]
bool b1 = bsend || brec;
bool b2 = (nonlocalclients==0);
if( !b2 || b1 ) printf("status: %d remote clients, %.1f send, %.1f rec (K/sec)\n", nonlocalclients, bsend/60.0f/1024, brec/60.0f/1024);
if (b2 && b1) sv->serveremptied(); // MeatROme

with serveremptied() defined in
with something like:

// map randomization
static const char *featuremap()
static const char *featmapnames[] =
"metl4", "curvedm", "metl2", "aard3", "vootdm2", "metl3", "pgdm", "orion", "roughinery", "vootdm3", "drianmp4"
srand(time(0)); // MeatROme : true randomness
int n = rand() % sizeof(featmapnames)/sizeof(featmapnames[0]);
return featmapnames[n];

void serveremptied() {
printf("Server emptied.\n");
s_strcpy(smapname, featuremap());
srand(time(0)); // MeatROme : true randomness
gamemode = rand() % 13; // exclude CAP
while (gamemode==1) gamemode = rand() % 13; // exclude Coop-Edit
printf("offering (%d) [ %s ] on [ %s ]\n", mastermode, modestr(gamemode), smapname);

Obviously "featuremap" should be wired into the map-completion code and find available maps for itself.

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#2243: Gravity

by Kaiser on 07/24/2006 23:55

Personally I would like to see a way of changing the acceleration of gravity in a map. Changing it for an entire map would be interesting but what I think would really make it neat is if you can change the individual gravity of cubes. With something like this if you set a small area to a negative gravity it would make you float up in the air gently instead of catapulting you at high speed like the jumppads do. The idea that I am thinking of would be to try and emulate a large blower fan that lifts you gently into the air.

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#2244: Smoke

by Kaiser on 07/25/2006 00:00

The smoke would be like the fog in a way except you chose where it is. what I would like to see it be able to do is to have areas of slightly higher and lower density as well as its own color seperate from the fog and possibly a direction. My idea here again ties into having a way of emulating air movement from something such as a fan blowing. Smoke though may take Sauerbraten over the edge of what the engine is capable of handling and if it never comes into play it won't be anything major not to have.

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#2245: Dead Zones

by Kaiser on 07/25/2006 00:03

In sauerbraten if you fall all the way to the very bottom of the map you die. I would like to see a way of implementing this in the rest of the map so that you can have things such as spikes or lava that if you fall into them you die. Or another variation would be to set how much HP you lose a second if you are touching a certain cube. With this you can take things such as radiation or being underwater as something that will affect your health.

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#2246: more weapons

by rengard on 07/25/2006 00:42

you need to add more melee and ranged weapons like sythes, and knives and swords, and ranged like sniper rifle, or a heat seeker and more machine guns like an actual AK-47 that dont shoot like a sniper. or dual pistles.

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#2247: maps

by rengard on 07/25/2006 00:43

you need to make bigger maps with more features and full access to all controls and an actual map editor thats not built into the game. You need to be able to make the wire frames and textures.

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#2248: Small things just to round out the game

by PFL on 07/25/2006 22:23

I love Sauerbraten. I really like the simple, speedy play but there are a few things I would love to see just to round out the game a bit. Here is a wee wishlist (I've mentioned a couple of these in other posts in different threads):

1) When, in a game, you enter the menu to, say, vote for a map if you get shot the menu goes away and you have to go through it again. It's annoying! I don't think the menu should vanish just 'cos you've been fragged...

2) A speech bubble (like Skulltag), or something similar, above people when they are chatting would be good so that you can see if they are in the middle of saying something. I think this would help the ettiquette of Sauerbraten - it certainly does in the Skulltag community.

3) Also, when someone sends a chat message it would be nice if there was some audio cue so that you would know someone is trying to speak. In the middle of frantic fragging it is really easy to miss someone's message. Again, I think this would help the etiquette.

4) On the scoreboard it would be nice if the name of the current map was there as a title to help people get used to the map names for voting purposes. Also a 'time left' message (maybe beside the name) would be good.

5) It would be nice to see the names of players playing on the server list. A floating box as you pass over the server name with the names of players would be good to see if you were looking for particular players to play with or avoid.

6) Bring back the crosshairfx! I really like this feature. It would be nice if the first 3rd (of health!) was shown as green, second 3rd as amber and the last 3rd as red.

7) And finally! As a wee retro nod to Quake and the like is would be nice if there was some graphical effect while Quad Damage was activated.

Sorry for the huge post! It didn't seem like such a big list in my head! Thanks, P :)

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#2249: Re: Small things just to round out the game

by Passa on 07/26/2006 08:11, refers to #2248

The only suggestion there that is not practical is the names of players with the server list thingo.. the reason being is that I would suppose this would consume more server bandwidth, as it would have to send more info to clients sending an info request, which could result in spiking pings on the server.

Most of the other suggestions seem reasonable though, compared to the usual 'vikles n new caracter dood'

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#2250: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 07/26/2006 09:25

A dynamic map menu would be cool : scan packages/base at the start of the game is possible, i think...

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#2251: Re: Small things just to round out the game

by MeatROme on 07/26/2006 11:38, refers to #2248

I especially like #4.
#7 would be nice too.

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#2252: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 07/26/2006 11:48, refers to #2250

The packages/base folder _is_ scanned for available maps.
This helps you when typing a "/map" command by TAB-completing your input.

The problem with "auto-generating" a map list is that so far there isn't a cheap way to know wether a map is SP or MP ...
... wouldn't you like the menus to make sense?

Also : look on quadropolis, there's an map-list-menu-auto-generator-script you can use if you really don't care about sorting.
If you do - but don't mind manual edits - you can look at the meATpAk (on quadropolis too) which has new map menus - one of them in lexical order, another sorted by game-type ...

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#2253: Re: Small things just to round out the game

by PFL on 07/26/2006 12:18, refers to #2249

Yeah, I kind of figured that to be the case but, you know what they say, if you don't ask you don't get! And to be honest I'd rather do without that than have loads of lag for people with lower bandwidths. As far as everything else goes I was going to try writing scripts for it all but it's just out of my league...:)

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#2254: ..

by Passa on 07/26/2006 12:42

A command to output the console contents to a logfile?

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#2255: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 07/26/2006 20:24, refers to #2254

That's an OS thing, sauerbraten doesn't need to worry about it.

You just pipe it there ...
./sauerbraten_unix -t -w640 -h480 > /tmp/csauer.log
sauerbraten.bat > C:\temp\csauer.log
should work.
Have you checked stdout.txt on Win32 systems - it should contain the log too, IIRC.

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#2256: Multh Languages (unicode)

by Arkblade on 07/27/2006 16:51


I hope cube engine supports Multh Languages (contain 2-byte code) like source engine.
it can allow translation and multh language chat.
This is especially important in RPG type Game.

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#2257: wanted features

by Silverfish123 on 07/27/2006 17:05

1. Damage increase on head shots
2. A mac version that doesn\'t require a scroll-wheel mouse...

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#2258: Re: wanted features

by MeatROme on 07/27/2006 17:20, refers to #2257

@1: I guess this won't happen - a rifle shot makes 100 dmg, so a un-boosted player dies instantly ... sauer ain't CS or UT!

-- -- --

@2: reconfigure your setup to not use scroll-wheel. You'll need to :
- delete config.cfg
- modify data/defaults.cfg
..(and any other cfg's where MOUSE4 and MOUSE5 are used)
..use two keys of your liking and bind ..them to call
..[universaldelta +1]
..[universaldelta -1].

... or just buy a scroll-wheel mouse, it's not just worth it for sauer!

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#2259: Re: wanted features

by djRobbieF on 07/27/2006 23:53, refers to #2258

>>sauer ain't CS or UT!
No, but we can learn from the greats and implement some really nice features based on the works of others.

>>modify data/defaults.cfg
Instead of doing that, wouldn't it be better to simply add an autoexec.cfg?

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#2260: Re: wanted features

by MeatROme on 07/28/2006 00:11, refers to #2259


I grepped several keywords ...


search the forum for comparisons of Cube, Sauerbraten and anything like UT, CS, or nexiuz. These kinds of suggestions always come from newcomers, ... the community in general and Aardappel as benevolent dictator in particular - isn't about sauer being like every other game.

The concentration is foremost on a certain form of simplicity,
you can see this clearly in the source code (if so inclined). Other considerations take lower precedence I'm afraid.

This is not to say that cool features might not one christmas be checked off on our wishes-come-true-list ... but some features, though they sound basic and too cool to miss, would be a boulder obstructing the further progress of key aspects of the engines throughput.


There /is/ an autoexec.cfg ... I strongly suggest you : RT(F/)FM
Read The (F***ing/) Fine Manual



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