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Voice announcements in Sauerbraten suck

by qubodup on 04/12/2008 03:30, 77 messages, last message: 05/14/2008 00:24, 35576 views, last view: 05/18/2024 16:25

Hey guys, hey gals,

I just got the cvs repo and was surprised by 1) pre-compiled linux binaries and 2) wonderful (player view only afaik) weapon models.

The voices ("quad damage", "health boost in ten seconds", "fight" etc.) still suck badly though.

I'll try around and maybe come up with something better. This is what I have so far:


Comments/criticism welcome of course.

Right now I'm not even sure what "style" I should pursue. Enthusiastic? Serious? Cool? (no) Happy? (no) We'll see..

PS: I put the "suck" in the thread title to attract people with it. :)

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#52: hmm

by fhsdkjfconorfhksdj on 05/01/2008 04:27

A little different, seeing as I only did one, and don't have the steps used to make the other, is this okay?


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#53: Re: ..

by fhsdkjfconorfhksdj on 05/01/2008 04:28, refers to #51

lol @ the first one :) nice

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#54: Message censored by administrator

by Zoozie on 05/01/2008 13:10

#55: ..

by tentus_ on 05/01/2008 15:30

Please do not promote piracy, even indirect piracy. We can and should be original in our efforts.

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#56: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 05/01/2008 19:00, refers to #56

I did read his post. Consider the following:

We have already had problems with sound licenses.
We have already had problems with people redistributing sounds from commercial games.
We have always had problems with people not being very original, but copying mediocre precedents like halo (see the entire "halo maps" thread).

Why invite trouble? I censored his message, and yours, as a preventative measure against problems we have had in the past, and unless we make efforts otherwise, will have again in the future. People will think on their own "hey, I like the sounds from X game, I'll do something like that."


Man, it's amazing how much people challenge the censoring decisions around here. We're just trying to make things go smoothly, we're not bad guys, just cautious ones.

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#56: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 05/01/2008 19:34, refers to #56

I'd hardly call halo mediocre as it's probably the top selling fps out there, and it's really one of the few reasons for the success of the Xbox 360. Ok, enough off-topicness.

I think what he meant was that it may be a good idea to try to mimic the tone of the halo announcer's voice, not the voice itself.

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#56: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 05/01/2008 20:53, refers to #56

Would you care to elaborate on what kind of problems have been had with sound licenses? I'd like to know, just to make sure the sounds I make are eligible to make it into a release, if they are liked enough.
I'm assuming you are talking about the sound transition between the spring/summer editions?

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#57: Re: ..

by qubodup on 05/02/2008 05:10, refers to #56

just take a look at the readmes accompanying the files in sauer.

I recommend you to use the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ or http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ license.

And I advise against the non-commercial and no derivate creative commons licenses.

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#58: ..

by qubodup on 05/02/2008 05:30


Great to see many different styles, I think if some of us make complete and good sounding sets, we can beg the devs to implement a 'voice option' to select from different voice packages. =)

When you have more-or less release-ready sound packages, you can upload them for example to http://www.quadropolis.us/

Some things to consider:

1. If you edit your sounds, please provide the raw, unedited sounds along with the edited ones. This will make life easier for people, who want to edit your sounds to create different styles etc.

2. Please provide the files in a lossless format, this is commonly .wav, .aiff or .flac (compressed, lossless) When saving files (after recording or editing them) do not select .mp3 or .ogg vorbis as output, these file formats are lossy and less valuable if someone wants to edit them.

3. Please select a liberal license, which allows editing and distribution. Creative Commons Attribution or Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike are good choices to allow a wide spectrum of people to use the sounds. (see links in previous post)

Quadropolis allows you to choose the license, see: http://www.quadropolis.us/taxonomy/term/70 http://www.quadropolis.us/taxonomy/term/71

Ok, now it's time to record my terrible voice some more =)

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#59: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 05/02/2008 14:05, refers to #57

Why exactly do you not like the non-commercial licenses? Sauerbraten is most definitely a non-commercial product, so I can't see any problems there...

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#60: styles

by Selios on 05/02/2008 20:55

talking about the style, i\'ve listened to the different voices posted here, and I actually prefer qubodup\'s samples. I think it might be better not adding too many effects, it can be quite annoying when you hear it again and again.

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#61: Re: ..

by noerrorsfound-on-windows on 05/03/2008 05:44, refers to #44

While experimenting with sounds yet again (just discovered the Vocoder plugin in Audacity which is awesome, and found out how to actually make stereo sounds >.>) I noticed what you're talking about. I just didn't cut out the extra parts after the voice was done (I didn't care enough to since it was a first attempt).

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#62: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 05/05/2008 15:40, refers to #56

Selling well != high quality. Anyhow, on to more productive things, such as that WAV file you guys asked for. I did some slightly more energetic readings like you guys asked for as well, but I'm a bit sick at the moment, so I apologize for any softened sounds.


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#63: ..

by PunDit_ on 05/12/2008 04:44


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#64: ...

by PunDit_ on 05/12/2008 04:52


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#65: Pundit

by tentus_ on 05/12/2008 05:27

Sounds good, Pundit. The missing S at the end of 'seconds' is a bit unnerving though (or maybe that's just my iffy install of VLC acting up?)

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#66: ..

by PunDit_Work1 on 05/12/2008 16:33


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#67: ..

by PunDit_Work1 on 05/12/2008 16:37

Tentus I will check into that.

Sorry about the triple post, this thread is broken. If I click to go to the last post it does not show the new replies.

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#68: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 05/12/2008 21:23, refers to #67

Are the right-pointing arrows at the top and bottom near the "board index link"? Those indicate you aren't on the last page.

Thread works fine for me, by the way.

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#69: Re: ..

by PunDit_Work1 on 05/12/2008 21:39, refers to #68

when I triple posted there were only left pointing arrows and the word board index. I am 100% sure it was or is screwed up. I even tried it on two different computers and 2 different browsers.

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