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Voice announcements in Sauerbraten suck

by qubodup on 04/12/2008 03:30, 77 messages, last message: 05/14/2008 00:24, 35575 views, last view: 05/18/2024 16:03

Hey guys, hey gals,

I just got the cvs repo and was surprised by 1) pre-compiled linux binaries and 2) wonderful (player view only afaik) weapon models.

The voices ("quad damage", "health boost in ten seconds", "fight" etc.) still suck badly though.

I'll try around and maybe come up with something better. This is what I have so far:


Comments/criticism welcome of course.

Right now I'm not even sure what "style" I should pursue. Enthusiastic? Serious? Cool? (no) Happy? (no) We'll see..

PS: I put the "suck" in the thread title to attract people with it. :)

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#1: I think

by Hirato Kirata on 04/12/2008 03:53

I think there's an alternative announcer voice pack on quadropolis somewhere. Cant' say where but I know it's there.

I'd suggest looking for it, I haven't tried it but some have described that voice as being 'far more interested ni the action'.

~Hirato Kirata

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#2: Emotion.

by fhdskdconorsfdhk on 04/12/2008 06:14

The problem with our current annoucnments is the lack of emotion, it is usually a depressed person. That one made me want to drink alone on a Friday night. (Not really :) )

We need someone with a big voice, who needs to yell the anouncments. It shouldn't sound very clean either.

A deep voice is nice, but we could probably get away with a mid but not high pitched voice.

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#3: Re: Emotion.

by demosthenes on 04/12/2008 08:15, refers to #2

Perhaps I'll crank some out (oh noes! teh interwebs are stealing my voice!) later this weekend. Anyone have a quick list of voice announcements to replace?

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#4: ..

by qubodup on 04/12/2008 10:28

List of existing voice announcements:

"Respawn point"
"Health boost"
"Health boost in ten seconds"
"Quad damage"
"Quad damage in ten seconds"
"Base captured"
"Base lost"

Non-existing voice announcements, sounds being used instead:

"Flag dropped"
"Flag taken" / "Flag captured"
"Flag returned"
"Score!" / "Scored!" / "You score!" / "You scored!" / "Your team scores!" / "Your team scored!"

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#5: ..

by qubodup on 04/12/2008 14:05

So I found http://www.quadropolis.us/node/304 and maaaybe http://www.quadropolis.us/node/551

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#6: ..

by oioioioioioio on 04/12/2008 16:39

Next cube release needs sprees announcements \"SAUER KILL!\", \"MONSTER OGRE! OGRE! OGRE! (eco), \"CUBINATION!\"...

And the voice needs more power ;)

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#7: ..

by Julius on 04/12/2008 20:12

Hi qubodup!

You voice samples IMHO sounds like you were sitting in your flat and were afraid of what (imaginary) neighbours could think :p

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#8: Female voice?

by yoopers on 04/12/2008 22:24

I think a polite, soothing, female voice would be an excellent choice to serve as a foil to the action-packed intensity of Sauer. There's something wonderfully dissonant (at least, in this close and cramped space I call my head ;) about the thought of a voice similar to the one from London's Tube (I haven't been there in a few years, it may have changed) telling you to "Mind the gap", while you run around blowing the frack out of others.

*Goes off to try and convince his wife*

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#9: ..

by qubodup on 04/13/2008 22:37

demosthenes: That would be cool!

Julius: Hey there =) - I was sitting in a flat, though I stopped caring years ago ^^

yoopers: definitely - though McCain wouldn\'t be too bad either =D Hope your wife has a good sense of humor and accepts

Here\'s today\'s \"progress\" O_o http://fgl.tumblr.com/post/31658486
I wish my g*d d*mn fr*aking audacity wouldn\'t sc*w up on me, as it does right now. D=

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#10: Re: ..

by qubodup on 04/13/2008 22:39, refers to #6

oioioioioioio: I only got the joke after posting the previous msg.

My reply to you is: XD!

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#11: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 04/14/2008 02:28, refers to #9

I rather like what you put up there, I'll have to give those some playtesting. I'll try and talk some of the gals at the local uni into recording some voiceovers for me, in case yooper's wife isn't feeling it. :)

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#12: ..

by qubodup on 04/14/2008 13:45

this is fun =)


On the good side of audacity screwing up is that I can't spend time on editing this stuff.

me = lazy f.

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#13: ..

by Julius on 04/14/2008 15:15

dunno.. now it sounds more like a male domina :p
(or at least what I imagine someone like that would sound like...)

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#14: Re: ..

by qubodup on 04/14/2008 15:55, refers to #13

XD hahaha XD

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#15: Re: ..

by yoopers on 04/14/2008 17:35, refers to #11

I'm going to get my wife tipsy on the drink tonight so her French accent shines out, then record. She says she's game for it as long as I'm buying. ;]

I also know a guy who plays Sauer whose wife does the best "telephone operator" voice I've ever heard. I'll see if he can cajole her into giving it a shot.

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#16: ..

by qubodup on 04/14/2008 22:26

I'm amazed how much enthusiasm is in this thread =D I hope there will be some cool results!

Please give a thought to licensing by the way, it will make the game maintainers' life easier including the voices! (I recommend CC-BY-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ )

6 times 7? Am I supposed to calculate that in my head O_o...

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#17: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 04/18/2008 06:17, refers to #16

Here's a few attempts by me. Feel free to give useful advice (or even sarcastic and mean advice).


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#18: ..

by Julius on 04/18/2008 14:19

You know these unfortunate people that have their vocal-cords removed and have to speak with a little device wich they press to their throat? That's how most of the voice samples sound right now, e.g. there is to little "melody" in them.

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#19: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 04/18/2008 16:37, refers to #18

Haha, ouch. So, try getting a little more music into them? I have a little experience with liturgical chanting, I'll give it a shot, but I can't really imagine it coming out pretty.

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#20: ..

by RealNitro on 04/18/2008 21:15

I like the samples by posted by tentus. tentus: you should make them a bit longer though, my player eats the last second...

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