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new release! assassin edition

by Aardappel_ on 12/22/2007 19:14, 268 messages, last message: 12/29/2008 17:05, 271016 views, last view: 04/30/2024 09:38, closed on 12/29/2008 17:22


New gameplay! Hudguns! lots of cool bits and bobs! Feedback in this thread!

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#41: ..

by James007 on 12/24/2007 06:56

ok so.... someone should make them. no other way its gonna happen lol

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#42: Re: Poor FPS

by *leOuf* on 12/24/2007 10:07, refers to #30


Unfortunately, it does not work : fps is the same with or without hudguns.

I checked all the options, they are the same as before (summer ed.). I checked the config files too, they are exactly the same.

I don't know what to do, since the game is quite unusable at the moment on a lot of maps.

Thanks for any help !

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#43: ..

by 'leOuf' on 12/24/2007 10:19

Sorry for the length, here is a part of my config file :

gamma 120
reflectmms 1
showclientnum 0
soundvol 255
particlesize 100
waterlod 1
vertwater 0
shadowmapbias 5
clockerror 1000000
particletext 1
reflectsize 8
emitfps 60
showfpsrange 0
decalfade 10000
texreduce 0
grassanimdist 500
clockfix 0
cursorsize 30
hidehud 0
dynlightdist 1024
watersubdiv 2
bounddynshadows 1
orientinterpolationtime 75
waterfade 0
grassdist 500
ogro 1
texcompress 128
dynshadow 0
shaderdetail 0
grassbillboard 1
glowmodels 0
crosshairsize 15
shadowmapsize 9
aniso 0
showpj 1
grasssamples 50
maxparticledistance 512
shadowmapradius 96
maxdynlights 0
maxbarreldebris 10
glassenv 0
hudgunsway 1
flaresize 100
sparklyfix 1
sensitivity 10
fpshadowmap 0
maxradarscale 1024
maxdebris 25
shadowmapdist 256
envmapmodels 0
ati_skybox_bug 0
explosion2d 0
showspectators 1
menudistance 40
hudgun 1
gui2d 0
undomegs 5
savebak 2
flarecutoff 1000
highlightscore 1
maxtexsize 128
showmat 1
waterrefract 0
animationinterpolationtime 150
blood 1
followorient 1
bypassheightmapcheck 0
teamhudguns 1
sensitivityscale 1
musicvol 30
blurshadowmap 1
showconnecting 0
damageblendfactor 300
invmouse 0
maxreflect 1
waterreflect 0
maxsoundsatonce 5
blursmsigma 100
grasslodz 150
grass 0
oqdynent 1
minframetime 10
grassbbcorrect 1
hidestats 0
showping 1
grassfalloff 100
outlinemeters 0
followdist 50
shadowmap 0
envmapsize 7
shadowmapprecision 0
menuautoclose 120
consize 5
lightmodels 0
crosshairfx 0
refractfog 0
reflectdist 2000
maxmodelradiusdistance 100
caustics 0
teamskins 0
trilinear 1
fov 92
bumpmodels 1
grasslod 25
shadowmappeelbias 20
grasstaper 200
guiautotab 16
maxroll 3
bilinear 1

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#44: Mac version

by absinth_vacation on 12/24/2007 12:25

hm that was bad timing, i\'m away on christmas holidays and won\'t be able to do the mac version until thursday at the earliest. if anyone wants to step up and provide the mac binary, that is fine with me.

happy christmas && happy fragging

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#45: Re: Poor fps

by steve_e on 12/24/2007 12:41, refers to #43

v-sync - are you sure it is not on? It is not listed in your post...

-vN Sets v-sync to N (N=1 to enable or N=0 to disable).

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#46: Linux, Intel 855 GPU

by UserName on 12/24/2007 13:14

Now I know why the codename is \"assassin\".
This new release will simply get rid of every outdated configurations !

Well ... I can\'t play this game anymore on my computer ... So, bye bye Sauerbraten !

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#47: ..

by Eris on 12/24/2007 15:43


two thumbs up! WAY UP!

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#48: ..

by James007 on 12/24/2007 17:01

i demand....
hulk smash.....

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#49: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/24/2007 17:08, refers to #38

Agreed on the sound... a bolt-action rifle sound for a plasma crossbow? Hmm...

I checked the freesound project, and I found three bow/arrow sounds, only one of which came anywhere near close.
I'd love the Half-Life crossbow sound, but that's not exactly available for use...

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#50: ..

by James007 on 12/24/2007 17:39

yeah, i am sure there are plenty of free sounds out there. you just gotta find them :]

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#51: Some things are not documented, Fix them

by Melatek. on 12/24/2007 18:02

I didn't know there existed particle 7/8/9/10 til I've seen it in a net-game, I don't know how to work with these particles since they aren't on the manual of the current sauerbraten, Please update the manual and add the info about these particles.

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#52: Re: Some things are not documented, Fix them

by demosthenes on 12/24/2007 18:42, refers to #51

What are 8, 9, and 10?

All I know are 0-7, 32-35.

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#53: Re: Some things are not documented, Fix them

by Argumentum on 12/24/2007 19:14, refers to #52

He's right, There are particles 8, 9 and 10, Check them out in the latest edition and they aren't documented, I tried this particle numbers and had some experiments on them, They don't seem to be finished as they don't do much but that's probably because they are not documented so I don't know how to use their variables :/

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#54: Re: General observations

by JadeMatrix on 12/24/2007 21:06, refers to #33

Horizontal doors? Those are just very flat vertical doors... you only need a new/rotated model.

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#55: Re: Some things are not documented, Fix them

by SheeEttin on 12/24/2007 21:08, refers to #53

8 appears to be the monster attack thing.
I'm not sure what 9 is, it's too dim to see.
10 is basically what you see, but the fourth attr is color (specify in hex, e.g. 0xFF0 for yellow).

Finally figured out where the particle definitions are in the source.
According to the comments, 8 is fire, 9 is smoke, and 10 is water. Not sure how they're supposed to work.

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#56: Re: Some things are not documented, Fix them

by SheeEttin on 12/24/2007 21:16, refers to #55

Small note: attr 4 is color for 8, 9, and 10. Doesn't appear to be anything else for them.

Now to figure out how to see particles without switching in and out of edit mode...

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#57: Crash

by meriton on 12/24/2007 23:32

I am sorry to report that the new version crashes while loading. The output of sauerbraten.bat is:

c:\\Programme\\games\\Sauerbraten>bin\\sauerbraten.exe -r
init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
Renderer: ATI Mobility Radeon X1700 x86/SSE2 (ATI Technologies Inc.)
Driver: 2.0.6012 WinXP Release
WARNING: ATI cards may show garbage in skybox. (use \"/ati_skybox_bug 1\" to fix)
Rendering using the OpenGL 1.5 GLSL shader path.
WARNING: Non-power-of-two textures not supported!
init: console
init: gl: effects
Sauerbraten Win32 Exception: 0xc0000005 [0x0]

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#58: Re: Some things are not documented, Fix them

by demosthenes on 12/25/2007 00:52, refers to #55

They're multi-particles, like type four.


A screenshot of several of them. From top: 4, 8, 10.

The color combinations are something like:

F0F, 00F, 06F, F60, F00

I'll add them to my menus (node 1005 on Quad) right now. :)

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#59: patches

by steve_e on 12/25/2007 04:55

You rock! Thanks!! (So, there is a Santa Claus after all...)

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#60: ..

by James007 on 12/25/2007 05:26

yeah but he died centuries ago.

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