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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12355073 views, last view: 10/07/2024 07:15

for questions, announcements etc.

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#9318: Question about LAN

by Overpowered on 10/20/2007 03:46

Is it possible to play with 2 people over LAN on co-op on the single player levels? With the demons and stuff.

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#9319: Re: ..

by perhapsdemosthenesagain on 10/20/2007 04:04, refers to #9317

That option seems to be a deprecated one with the 163.xx drivers. :-/ (SLi AA, I mean. I'll look again, though.)

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#9320: Re: Question about LAN

by SheeEttin on 10/20/2007 04:25, refers to #9318

Not currently, but it's being considered for some point in the future.

I wouldn't hold your breath, though.

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#9321: Re: color symbol

by MeatROme on 10/20/2007 15:24, refers to #9309

See this post

If you can't figure out how your system enables you to input control-chars (try Alt-Gr + NumKeyPad on Windows or just press Ctrl + L on Linux) then using a wrapper script should at least give you control over colours ...

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#9322: Re: color symbol

by MeatROme on 10/20/2007 15:27, refers to #9321

... oh - BTW - in console input
you'll NEVER see the control-char,
it'll be there though - so press your desired number after it and keep typing, the line should then be coloured as desired ... end your colour with "f" (for back to white) ... or better still ... always start them of with "s" (for save previous colour) and end them with "r" (for restoring to the last saved colour).
(Of course the "f", "s" and "r" need to be prepended with the control-char)

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#9323: mutable map

by kerno on 10/20/2007 22:01

would Sauerbraten engine be suitable to use in 3d tile based, game with changeable map. I'm looking for some 3d engine that could support a game similiar to first parts of X-COM/UFO series, eg: multiple levels (but confined to layers tiles of constant dimensions), terrain that changes during gameplay (tiles that chage appearance as they take damage or walls that can be demolished). I'm ready to implement the logic, however I'd like to do as little graphics engine programming as possible.
If not, do you have any other suggestions?
Thanks & regards

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#9324: Re: mutable map

by Quin on 10/21/2007 02:15, refers to #9323

Maybe not Sauerbraten directly, but Cube maybe, as it is basically a terrain generator pretending to be an FPS, and doesn't use lightmaps like Sauer does.

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#9325: a weird glitch in edit mode

by twoot on 10/21/2007 08:36

every time i try to edit in sauer now i get this realy werid looking glitch that i didnt get on any other computer. its like there is a particle strobe light turned on and following me arround how do i fix this????

heres a screen


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#9326: Re: a weird glitch in edit mode

by Quin on 10/21/2007 16:23, refers to #9325

Try changing your Z-buffer depth, on the command line run sauer with the '-z24' or '-z16'.

All else fails, Wiki FAQ; http://cube.wikispaces.com/FAQ

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#9327: screen width and height

by streamer on 10/22/2007 12:09

How can I resize visible portion of rendered screen? i.e. if my resolution is 1024x768 I want to all rendered stuff be within upper half of screen (1024x (768/2))


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#9328: Re: screen width and height

by MeatROme on 10/22/2007 14:49, refers to #9327

start with "-t -w1024 -h334"

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#9329: Where does sauerbraten access fov?

by Memphetic on 10/22/2007 15:06

Where does the game access (in the source code) the variable defined by typing /fov <int> ? The only thing I've found is a line saying VARP(fov,10,105,150) which apparently initializes and sets boundaries on the variable to be controlled by /fov. I want to make this a non-variable though, so I need to know where it is accessed in the sources.

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#9330: Re: Where does sauerbraten access fov?

by MeatROme on 10/22/2007 15:22, refers to #9329

That /is/ where it's defined (look at commands.h for the alias used) ... simply replace the line with "int fov;" ... maybe you'll need to add an "extern int fov" into one of the headers though so you can access it outside of it's scope.

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#9331: Re: probleme menus

by Drakas__ on 10/22/2007 21:31, refers to #9314


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#9332: Re: Where does sauerbraten access fov?

by SheeEttin on 10/22/2007 21:52, refers to #9329

You mean lock the FOV?
Just set the max and min to the same number.

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#9333: Re: Where does sauerbraten access fov?

by MeatROme on 10/22/2007 22:02, refers to #9332

Ha! LOL ... yeah,
but that's a /little/ hack-y, mmh!?!
This way the user'd still get fov TAB-autocompleted, for example.

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#9334: Re: mutable map

by yoopers on 10/22/2007 22:35, refers to #9323

Not to put a damper on your enthusiasm (XCOM remains in my Top 5 Games of all time :), but UFO: Alien Invasion already exists to provide an Open Source recreation of XCOM. I highly recommend checking it out:


They need more "arty" people to help create new maps and scenarios.

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#9335: Re: Where does sauerbraten access fov?

by Quin on 10/23/2007 03:54, refers to #9329

Change to:

VARP(fov, 1, 105, 0);

When min is more than max, the variable is marked read only. You'll find a few of these around the Sauerbraten source.

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#9336: Re: mutable map

by kerno on 10/23/2007 17:54, refers to #9334

Yes, I've already seen and played UFO:AI for quite some time. However, in my opinion the gameplay loses something important when you cannot interact with environment (eg. demolish map). That's why I'm asking about 3d engine that could support mutable map. Afaik UFO:AI is based on Quake 2 engine, with all it's strengths and limitations...
Any suggestions?

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#9337: Odd texturing...

by Memphetic on 10/23/2007 22:07

For one reason or another, my custom made models have an odd texturing problem where it somewhat turns the model into a paper model, or makes the left side transparent or something... when I load the md3 and textures into an md3 viewer, though, it looks just fine. Any ideas? Screenshots: http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd15/memphetic/screenshot_28459.jpg and http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd15/memphetic/screenshot1.jpg

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