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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

cube on iphone

by a~baby~rabbit on 09/26/2008 03:06, 100 messages, last message: 07/24/2009 01:04, 68789 views, last view: 06/26/2024 17:57

With a couple of days work I've ported cube to the iphone/touch... the result is very rough around the edges in terms of usability and is a tad slow (5-15fps), but it works! See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzz24bpSYO4 (sorry about the poor volume, and my bad camera work...)

What next? I'll fix the interface see if I can tweak the performance a little. If I can make it more playable then I'll still needs Aards permission before I can consider making it (and it's content) a freebie on the Apple AppStore (and yes, I am a registered iphone dev).

PS Before people ask - I did consider porting Sauerbraten, but it uses too many opengl features that I'd have to work around for the ES and the codebase is significantly more complex.

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#93: Re: Jerky Aiming

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/16/2009 21:33, refers to #92

please discontinue with the misinformation - you are referring to some legacy mouse variables which were unused on the iphone.

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#94: ..

by Retsam09 on 01/17/2009 21:25

Sorry, an accident left me with memory loss a while ago, trying to get it back. (my mind too) I used to create my own games, maps, monsters,items etc. Now all is lost except some flashing thoughts of the past.
Forgive my ignorance and persistance please.

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#95: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/25/2009 06:03

Heh, I had completely forgotten about this, but my brother just got an iPod Touch and downloaded Cube on it.

Never played a game with more awkward controls, but it's still awesome. (I still prefer it on pc...)

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#96: source code available

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/26/2009 20:37

For all those who have asked, the source code for the iphone port is available from a link off http://fernlightning.com/doku.php?id=iphone:cube:start - have fun...

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#97: Re: source code available

by bishop on 01/29/2009 21:45, refers to #96

do you have instructions on how to compile it to run in the simulator?

some enet files were missing that I had to hunt down, had to set the include file path and when I finally got it to compile I get an Unknown Error when running it in the iphone simulator

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#98: Re: source code available

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/29/2009 23:06, refers to #97

Any instructions would be found on the fernLightning website. The only support advice I can offer is that intimacy with the original Cube code/algorithms and with the iphone development environment should help you through many issues.

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#99: New version available (v1.7)

by baby~rabbit on 07/23/2009 23:23

See Appstore - updated with bug fixes and performance improvements.

This is likely to be the final iphone version.

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#100: Re: New version available (v1.7)

by )FC($k!llz_ on 07/24/2009 01:04, refers to #99


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