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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12355650 views, last view: 10/07/2024 11:30

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#9191: ..

by djGentoo on 10/05/2007 17:25

Wow, you actually put in some valid tags just by bashing your head on the keyboard!

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#9192: Re: Play once only.

by SheeEttin on 10/05/2007 21:06, refers to #9189

Triggers. Read the manual (specifically http://sauerbraten.org/docs/editref.html#_mapmodel_) on how to do that.

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#9193: help here... x[

by Q009 on 10/06/2007 14:52


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#9194: White trace on textures

by Alex_of_cubefr on 10/06/2007 15:11

Hi, I have a new graphique card (NVIDIA GeForce 7600 Gt), but i see white traces on textures on all games.
They are on all material, guy..
[url=http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/2637/screenshot24461yz2.png]clic here[/url]

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#9195: Re: White trace on textures

by SanHolo on 10/06/2007 19:12, refers to #9194

391 kB for a PNG sized 320x240? I guess that's a new world record. =D ;-)

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#9196: Re: White trace on textures

by MovingTarget on 10/06/2007 23:12, refers to #9194

Now, I might be wrong, but I THINK that some nVIDIA cards have a texture bug, and having nvidia_texgen_bug set to 1 might help. But it should be on automatically. Good luck!

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#9197: Backgrounds

by CrazyChao on 10/07/2007 00:41

Hello! I am a mapper, and I was wondering: How do you change the backgrounds on a map? By backgrounds, I mean like the default one with a lake and green mountains. How could I change it to a starry sky? (I have seen this background before.) Thank you.

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#9198: Re: Backgrounds

by Passa on 10/07/2007 00:43, refers to #9197


loadsky "staffy/staffy"

into your map's CFG. See this http://cube.wikispaces.com/Map+Config+and+Scripting#tocMap%20Config%20and%20Scripting1 for more info.

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#9199: Re: Backgrounds

by CrazyChao on 10/07/2007 00:49, refers to #9198

Thank you! Where could I find a list of skies?

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#9200: IP Banned from bsd.homeunix.com for no reason?

by felty on 10/07/2007 00:53

Has anyone else also been banned from this server for seemingly no reason? For all I was told, I got kicked because I was doing too well.

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#9201: Re: Backgrounds

by MeatROme on 10/07/2007 01:00, refers to #9199

heh, I answered in the other thread ... well as for a list ... this should get you started:

But you might be missing some ... I've just gone and grepped them from my current sauerbraten directory ... could be I've gotten one or two off maps from quadropolis ... the interwebs also have ressources of skyboxes (search for "skybox") so you can easily add your own if none of the exisiting match your taste/map.


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#9202: Re: Backgrounds

by tentus_ on 10/07/2007 05:22, refers to #9201

Also, making skyboxes is tremendously easy thanks to Terragen 1 or 2. Making your own content is always more rewarding!


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#9203: Config

by CrazyChao on 10/07/2007 07:33

I have made a map. How do I create a configuration file for it?

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#9204: Command List

by CrazyChao on 10/07/2007 08:01

I figured out how to make a configuration file. Now... where can I find a complete list of commands for configuration files?

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#9205: nowhere

by N1NJ4 on 10/07/2007 08:07

Nowhere CrazyChao. But some are in the readme in your Sauer folder.

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#9206: ..

by CrazyChao on 10/07/2007 08:10

Oh. Well, thank you anyway. You made me stop wasting my time looking for one. :P

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#9207: Default Weapon

by CrazyChao on 10/07/2007 08:44

In EisenStern, the default weapon is not the pistol. How do I change the default weapon?

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#9208: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 10/07/2007 08:44, refers to #9206

Best place to look is in other map cfgs. The editref html page that comes with sauer is a great place to look (I highly recommend reading it all the way through and playing around until you can say you understand 50% or more of it).

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#9209: Thanks MeatROme

by N1NJ4 on 10/07/2007 10:26

Thanks for the help MeatROme, that fixed it. Bindvar isn't in the readme - what docs are you talking about?

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#9210: Re: Thanks MeatROme

by MeatROme on 10/07/2007 15:29, refers to #9209


Of course - the non-static wiki is always a good place to check too ;)


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