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The Trick Jumping server

by Q009 on 10/06/2007 11:54, 35 messages, last message: 10/17/2007 04:11, 5893 views, last view: 10/07/2024 11:53

Hi! I gonna make first Trick jumping server for Sauerbraten... And i need help:
Who can make auto getting map in ffa* mode? Pls..
I'm dont known at modifing the C++ code...

My e-mail: q009q009@gmail.com


*Ffa - Free for all game mode (Deathmath)

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#16: ..

by Thomas_______ on 10/06/2007 21:39

It\'s simple, you only need to allow in fpsgame/fpsserver.h the sendmap command in all mode\'s and you need to add by clientconnect

-> clientconnect

sendf(ci->clientnum, 1, \"ris\", SV_SERVMSG, \"server sending map...\");
sendfile(ci->clientnum, 2, mapdata, \"ri\", SV_SENDMAP);

and by sendmap (void receivefile(int sender, uchar *data, int len))

remove the \"gamemode != 1 ||\"

BUT: i don\'t know if that is working .. cause i think the client is proofing if it\'s coop...

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#17: ..

by grinch_ on 10/06/2007 21:43

I mean a getmap function that sends everything needed to run a map - CFG file, textures, sounds etc. The malicious user sending a corrupted/crafted OGZ file is a poor excuse, the OGZ file reader should be rock solid anyway, can sauer not detect maps with exceeded limits or something? I have no understanding in this area. No, the security risk that comes to mind is the map CFG file, a malicious user could overwrite configs or run an infinite loop. The scripting language needs to be sandboxed and a (full) file transfer service needs to be implemented, both potentially significant work.

Think, how do other games do it? Now do you see? :)

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#18: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/06/2007 23:23, refers to #17

Umm... I can't think of any other games that provide content in that manner.

However, you are right, the CFG is also a risk.

You say that scripting "needs" to be sandboxed and that a full file transfer service "needs" to be implemented...
Well, you've got the source, you're free to do it. eihrul (and others) won't (and can't) implement every suggestion made.
Sauer is open-source--make it happen, maybe it will become part of the whole.

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#19: ..

by grinch_ on 10/06/2007 23:30


I know for sure CS:Source does it :D

Yes it's open source, but "it would be a massive headache with my current [lack of] knowledge and tolerance of sauer's source code."

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#20: ..

by ndazza on 10/07/2007 01:14

Quoting #17:
"The malicious user sending a corrupted/crafted OGZ file is a poor excuse, the OGZ file reader should be rock solid anyway, can sauer not detect maps with exceeded limits or something? I have no understanding in this area."

It's nothing to do with detecting bad maps. If there are *any* bugs in the map loading/parsing code (hint: all code has bugs) there is the potential for a security breach on the client. This can be exploited by carefully crafting the aforementioned "specially crafted OGZ".

And yes, the problem is exacerbated with config files.


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#21: yea

by ATIRULE on 10/07/2007 02:35

the odds of some one useing it to hack your pc are about 1 in 100000000000000000
yea sauer has's its share of jerk's Like every other game out there.
and this IS A VERY POOR excuse. for not addine Something that would make every mapper/players life better and as far as some one uploading a bad map thats easily avoidable just add a map crc or make it so that the player can't upload a map in FFA let the server handle it

btw sauer needs some kind of basic anti cheat a simple
crc check added to both the client AND server would work Iso if a haxor trys to trick the client crc cnack the server will catch it
something like this ..
get crc from sever...
cyclic redundancy check received checking against known sever/client crc if fail then disconnect and ban ip for 60 mins

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#22: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 10/07/2007 03:24

ATIRULE: i would not hire you as a security consultant.

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#23: Re: yea

by tentus_ on 10/07/2007 05:18, refers to #21

OK, no language on this poor Earth translates that badly. Even with a bad case of double-babelfish-ness we can get more legible sentences than what you just said.

Getmap should be a prompted action, never an default one. It\'s one thing to have the option to make it automatic- then users are making the security decision for themselves. Perhaps a checkbox in the GUI somewhere. But by no means should a game start downloading new maps without a "yes" click involved somewhere.

A possibility would be to have a simple line "Maps are available on this server" show up when you go to a server, just the same as any other server messages. I personally wouldn't care for the feature, but it'd be doable. Having some kind of checking of those maps sounds ridiculous though- why bother going to all that effort for something that will eventually be worked around?

As asked for frequently, a "getmap content" would be a nice feature, for cfgs and the like. Why exactly isn't there a get cfg feature, anyway?

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#24: Re: yea

by Drakas on 10/07/2007 10:49, refers to #23

How about a simple dialog box when getmap is done?
Click yes or no :)

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#25: ..

by Q009 on 10/07/2007 12:32

dont works D=

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#26: ..

by RealNitro on 10/07/2007 14:45

Another game that auto-downloads maps is RTCW:ET. But indeed, auto-downloading maps is dangerous.

But! A simple dialog box with a warning and a 'download' and 'do not download' button (with 'do not download' as default) isn't any more safe then using getmap.

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#27: Re: ..

by RealNitro on 10/07/2007 14:46, refers to #26

that should have been: \"isn\'t any less safe then using getmap\"

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#28: Re: yea

by SheeEttin on 10/07/2007 20:02, refers to #23

I like the idea of "there is a map available on this server" appearing. If it appears in the console, however, it's easily missed.

Maybe, like RealNitro suggests, a GUI popup saying "There is a map available for getmap on this server. Get it?" with a yes/no would be nice--but potentially annoying, depending on how the server stores maps. For example, if a server is running complex in insta (with people playing 'n everything), you don't want this dialog popping up and giving you someone's recreation of a Burger King that was abandoned days ago.

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#29: ..

by geartrooper^2 on 10/08/2007 04:07

Even before I would ask for an automatic /getmap I'd ask for a map.cfg transfer with /sendmap.

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#30: ..

by Q009 on 10/10/2007 17:06

='( no more helps...

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#31: ..

by Q009 on 10/10/2007 17:09

Some players is noobs and dont known how to enter a command also say!!!
And i want make server with auto-sending/getting map!

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#32: ..

by Louis on 10/11/2007 01:55

Why the f*** do you want people who can't use the console on your server?

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#33: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/11/2007 02:45, refers to #31

As we've (or at least I've) said before, you can't implement an auto-getmap by only modifying the server. You WILL have to modify the client.

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#34: Re: ..

by Q009 on 10/12/2007 13:16, refers to #33

YES! I known it!

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#35: Re: ..

by GreyMario on 10/17/2007 04:11, refers to #33

SheeEttin: Total lies. Just ask David Prock, aka D.P., that guy in w00t.

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