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Team killing

by sal on 12/24/2006 15:53, 68 messages, last message: 01/27/2007 11:15, 15111 views, last view: 06/26/2024 06:34

Every time I play a multiplayer game, I always seem to get players (mostly unnamed) fragging me, when we are on the same team. I am not the only person affected by this, and I am sure you know just how frustrating it is.

Is it possible to do one of the following in Sauerbraten?

1. Put a notice at the start of a multiplayer game to say something along the lines of "The blue players are on your team. Red is your enemy."

2. (This may already be possible) Allow admins of servers to enter their own message which appears at the start of every multiplayer game. This would allow them to put a notice saying what they want, perhaps giving the link to their website, and more importantly, the ONLY SHOOT RED message.

I think the message needs to be big, across the screen. It only needs to be displayed for a couple of seconds, though of course that's my personal choice.


While posting, I have thought of another idea, though I am sure it will split some people. Democratic kicking.

If a player continues to team-kill, or is a general negative presence (perhaps trolling, flaming, etc) there should be some way to remove them from the game. A democratic kick function would be ideal. For example, go in to the menu, choose who should be kicked, and wait for votes. Other players can vote for or against, and the offending player will either stay or go. It should not wait for every player to vote, since some people won't bother. Similarly, if unnamed can't even change their name, then they won't be able to work out how to vote. I don't know the maths, but it should be possible to work out what percentage is needed without everyone voting.

Just a couple of ideas.

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#9: ..

by SanHolo on 12/25/2006 20:52

Maybe it would help if important messages like "you fragged a teammate" would appear in the middle of the screen in a fat font.

Even long-time-players like me often miss server-messages top-left, especially when there are many frags and the message disappears rapidly.

The +10 seconds delay is a good idea, nevertheless.

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#10: Re: ..

by Drakas on 12/25/2006 21:08, refers to #9

yeah, a big message popping up would be really good :)

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#11: meh..

by CC_machine-cookie#43697397635625369834526314875265082756458 on 12/25/2006 23:38

there should be something to force-feed newb players. new people rearely RTFM, so..

im for the idea of a TK message in big screen font, would help newbs in the above fashion.

i always kick (persistant)TKers from games, esp. if they're unnameds, they shuldn't be playing if they dont know how to play properly.

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#12: Re: meh..

by rancor on 12/26/2006 03:27, refers to #11

Yeah, I tend to do that too. One thing that would help with that would be showing the client number afer the name in messages if you were master. Right now, its difficult to figure out which unnamed to kick.

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#13: Re: meh..

by Drakas on 12/26/2006 08:11, refers to #12

Dreadnought has already implemented that. As he did it, he wanted to be able to also see people's nicknames above their heads bigger. He made them nearer and created a funny wall hack ;).

http://cpp.od5.co.uk/163/txt/ < diff code. I think its the one. Enjoy!

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#14: Re: meh..

by rancor on 12/26/2006 10:30, refers to #13

Thanks, that's going into the list of things I wish got merged.

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#15: Re: meh..

by kurtis84 on 12/26/2006 14:03, refers to #14

I think unnamed players should not be able to play...should be stuck in observer mode until they choose a name. As for the team-mate killers, take 50% of their health away each time they shoot or kill a teammate.

My 2 cents.

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#16: ..

by SanHolo on 12/26/2006 15:02

Maybe even a simple dialog if one launches the game and his name is "unnamed"? The rules are too simple, it could look like that:

| Enter your name: _________
| Do NOT shoot BLUE players!
| [OK]

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#17: Re: meh..

by Passa on 12/27/2006 13:26, refers to #15

'unnamed' players and 'Player' players appear in all sorts of free online games. Doing something like that would unfortunately discourage new players.. we were all newbs once :)

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#18: Re: meh..

by Drakas on 12/27/2006 14:29, refers to #15

Bad. new people should be encouraged to use the game, really.

I'll work on some server code to automatically rename unnameds to a randomly generated nick that would make bit of sense :)

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#19: Re: meh..

by Drakas on 12/27/2006 14:31, refers to #18

I'll use names from this list :)

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#20: conan

by conorkirkkirkirkrkirkrkrirkrrkrirk on 12/27/2006 20:14

That would be funny



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#21: Re: meh..

by Drakas on 12/29/2006 10:38, refers to #21


I think everything should be left as it is. The users should be automatically somehow noticed about that they're team-killing and in capture they'll get longer respawn times. Did you think about instagib? 1 health. You shoot a teammate by accident and you die. Pointless.

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#22: 1/10th Second Per Health (Re: #25)

by Morosoph on 01/03/2007 20:25

Respawn times could add proportionally to damage done (perhaps with an extra penalty per actual kill) to discourage wounding, if that is a problem...

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#23: Why do damage at all?

by Pxtl on 01/03/2007 22:20

Why damage the other player at all?

Obviously, shooting a teammate is a bad idea, and should be avoided. Realistically, shooting a teammate should be punished by... hurting the teammate, which is bad for the team - and hurting your score. Since score is calculated per-frag, your score is only affected by a kill.

Obviously, that's sub-optimal, and mostly used for realism reasons.

Realism? In Sauer?

Start from the beginning again. Why do we discourage shooting teammates? Because it's fun to have to discriminate between targets? If not, then just eliminate team damage and let people spam projectiles into the carnage (see UT). If so, then punish the player DIRECTLY instead of indirectly. Damage to teammate is dealt DIRECTLY to yourself instead of your teammate.

Now, the problem becomes TKers who jump into their teammate's shots to exploit this - particularly tough to avoid with the RL. But it's much harder to TKer that way, whereas any positive team-damage could still be used to annoy by the determined, suicidal griefer. After all, if the damage is 50-50 shooter/shootee, then the TKer can still shoot his teammates with glee.

So, my opinion: eliminate team damage and make it 100% self-damage for harming teammates.

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#24: Re: Why do damage at all?

by SanHolo on 01/03/2007 22:49, refers to #23

"eliminate team damage and make it 100% self-damage for harming teammates."

As you already pointed out, that's stupid since sometimes a teammate may walk into your nades or rockets which is not always your fault.
If you kill a teammate, you should die, too. I guess that's the best of the "punish the TKer"-methods.

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#25: Re: Why do damage at all?

by rock.n.rol_w/o_cookie on 01/03/2007 23:10, refers to #23

IMHO, turning off team damage would change the whole gameplay, now you have to watch out for every fire, thats a tactical gameplay element, thats ok like it is.

Better would be a solution with coloured crosshairs or an overlaying symbol when pointing a teammate.

I use /kick to play without TKers and cheaters ;)

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#26: Re: Why do damage at all?

by shadow,516 on 01/03/2007 23:12, refers to #23

I agree with pxtl on this one. In fact, I was thinking that just the other night.

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#27: Re: Why do damage at all?

by Morosoph on 01/04/2007 02:43, refers to #23

This is a good point, but the real problem isn't the rules, it's newbs. When the teams were "red" and "blue", I played my first teamgame fragging the blue ones (I was red!), until I was put right.

Simply speaking, some people don't learn too fast, or else don't care; they just want to frag randomly, and find a server, not really understanding that they're not all ffa/default. An extra delay on the next respawn, or else a short delay where there was none before is useful feedback; something that the rest of us can take for the sake of improving the overall game experience, IMO.

I'd suggest something like 5 seconds per teamkill, plus 0.1 seconds per team damage dealt.

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#28: Re: Why do damage at all?

by Drakas on 01/04/2007 23:07, refers to #27

why modify how the game is played? stupid.

If you don't like get TKed, then change your team. It's not you who's losing points, its the n00b. You simply need to watch out and be tactical!

Btw, crosshaird would be a very good thing, but rather - I'd consider a message showing that you killed a teammate rather than doing some extra crap to you...

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