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Map Editing

by Goetzenzar on 01/05/2002 19:30, 4767 messages, last message: 05/05/2023 08:39, 3561092 views, last view: 06/02/2024 11:15

Welcome to the map editing saloon:
here u can post ur screens, maps, comments, questions and answers about mapediting, and meet other ppl for coop-sessions online :)

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#4124: Skycastle Revision

by Matt Bierner on 07/01/2009 22:19

For a while now, I have been working on a revision of the 'Skycastle' map originally released by okicomputer in 2006. I recently received his permission to release my revision and I now think it is appropriate to announce what I am working on and to post a few beta screenshots.

The idea behind this revision was to make the map fully playable as well as improving its appearance.

The most obvious change is the new visual style of the map. This involved making the entire map more like a floating castle in the sky. (I made the design more airy/open and I removed the giant lakes and unnecessary solid ground)

There are thousands of other changes I have made, some large and some almost unnoticeable, but I will not list them all here.

A few screenshots of the map [flickr]:

This map may not be released as a beta for a while (I am not a big fan of releasing work that I consider unfinished, even as a beta) , but I would appreciate any ideas, comments, or suggestions people have for my revision.

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#4125: 1 way doors?

by wangchi623 on 07/06/2009 06:14, refers to #4124

can someone please tell me how to make 1way doors?

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#4126: Re: 1 way doors?

by MeatROme on 07/06/2009 10:43, refers to #4125

There's nothing semipermeable in Cube2.
Whatever for anyway?! Detailed questions may lead to detailed answers ;-)

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#4127: 1 way door

by saasdasdasdasdsadsadsad on 07/06/2009 12:12

get creative with the telaports other then that your sol

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#4128: Re: 1 way doors?

by fispaul on 07/06/2009 15:24, refers to #4126

I think he means like in the map Europium, at the spawn bases in ctf modes you can go out of a door, but not go back in again.

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#4129: Re: 1 way doors?

by tentus_ on 07/06/2009 16:46, refers to #4128

You can also simply make a door that is right beside a ledge. Drop the player down a bit and bingo, one-way route.

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#4130: Re: 1 way doors?

by MeatROme on 07/06/2009 17:50, refers to #4128

Well - as I said - a more elaborate question might've enticed me to actually start thinking about ... just expecting people to "mind-read" doesn't :-P

If you know of an example - name it .. and then learn to copy-n-paste :-)

It kinda looks like that door in "europium" was done with the help of "One-Way Cubes" http://www.quadropolis.us/node/1484

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#4131: Partical effects

by DesertFox on 07/06/2009 22:30

Hi, I was just wondering how do you spawn particle effects. Tanks!

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#4132: Re: Partical effects

by MeatROme on 07/06/2009 23:48, refers to #4131

just like any other entity .. but I agree - they are a bit more involved.
Maybe looking at these two nodes will help you get started (always assuming you've read the docs already):
They're both a bit older already, so might not give you access to the latest and finest, but the concept and basic particles should work even in trooper-release. Have Fun!

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#4133: Skyboxes

by DesertFox on 07/08/2009 15:42

Guten tag! I was having issues with skyboxes. I load the correct file(s) And then the sky is black with white lines! help please! Thanks!

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#4134: ..

by Osbios on 07/09/2009 18:17

@DesertFox: What command and parameters did you use exactly to load the skymap?

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#4135: Texture blending

by Marwo on 07/09/2009 22:56

Hi, im working on a map at the moment and i really need to blend some textures in some areas of the map, and ive read the readme, but i still cant get it right.

i want to blend \"gor/GR_GK_003_cc.jpg\" with \"gor/WT_GK_014_cc.jpg\" so that i could paint one texture smothly over to the other one so it doesnt look to sharp.

Could someone please give me an example on how i should set it up in my CFG?
It would be really helpfull!

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#4136: Halo CE and Sauerbraten

by Deathcage on 07/10/2009 07:33, refers to #4116

Hey i dont know if anyone will take much notice or care or even if this post will be deleted or not but as e all know sauerbraten's editor kicks ass but in my own eyes the game lacks much. What i am suggesting is maybe if there was a way i could export the sauerbraten map i have made as a model so i can use it in other programs. if you know how or this has already been done please email me a link or reply at SMU12F_man@hotmail.com. Thank you. Apologies if this is in the wrong section/forum.

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#4137: Re: Halo CE and Sauerbraten

by SheeEttin on 07/10/2009 08:05, refers to #4136


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#4138: Re: sauerbraten .ogz to other formats converter

by simo on 07/10/2009 13:08, refers to #4120

Hey, I was trying to do something similar, i was trying to convert it into a quake map appropriate for a map editor like QuArK or Radient for further changes. See, I'm entering a quake 2 mapping contest and i can't be arsed making basic designs by slinging together make shift brush. (cubes are much more fun :P) then i want to add detail in QuArK then export to quake 2. Anyone got some advice?

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#4139: I am creating

by naujissimo on 07/12/2009 09:30

my own game based off of the Sauerbratem engine. I want to have bosses, my own characters, (including NPCs), my own enemies, and skins for the guns. How dod I do this? I don\\\'t know code, by the way.

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#4140: Re: I am creating

by tentus_ on 07/12/2009 20:40, refers to #4139

Not to be a downer, but short of knowing code, most of what you just mentioned is going to be extremely difficult if not impossible. You can look into some of the Sauerbraten forks, but what you're looking to do is programming-intensive.

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#4141: Re: I am creating

by Zama on 07/13/2009 12:42, refers to #4139

changing skin is a bit hard but worth it. code yeah it's a challenge I'z tryn to make scroll texture show My favorite tv shows in HD!

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#4142: Re: I am creating

by )FC($k!llz_ on 07/14/2009 01:27, refers to #4141

i love you HD idea. sauer TV. useful for messing around maps which happens to have a TV.

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#4143: ..

by Chronic667 on 07/14/2009 15:08

I had a sound outside of the world but managed to find it and delete it using entfind. However i still have the error showing but the type is now "none?".

Is there a way to fix this error too?

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