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Monumental SP episode

by geartrooper2 on 05/09/2009 08:44, 53 messages, last message: 11/26/2009 12:32, 8112 views, last view: 05/31/2024 19:21

We are considering a giant effort for a single player episode. We want to know who will be willing to help out if we continue with this idea. So far we have this group;

Coders; quin

3d modelers/animators; geartrooper, deathguppie

Mappers; Redon

Storywriters; all contributors can help with the story

If you want to help sign up here.

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#34: ..

by geartrooper2 on 08/13/2009 10:59

We can't promise that, nor are we planning on it. But there will be other changes which will hopefully enhance the sauerbraten player experience.

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#35: sounds

by Q009 on 08/15/2009 15:48

if youre gonna need ambient sounds:



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#36: preview...

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 08/19/2009 19:28

heres a preview of my textures: [IMG]http://i25.tinypic.com/f3gc35.jpg[/IMG]

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#37: Re: preview...

by tentus_ on 08/19/2009 21:16, refers to #36

Those are letters, bro, possibly usable for decals. Textures are non-distinguishable patterns, wherein the individual elements that go into have been scaled down to make them that way. Look it up if you don't believe me.

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#38: Re: preview...

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 08/20/2009 00:04, refers to #37

true, i just didn't have enough time to make them like that due to school coming up and all... plus on top of that i need to spend a little more time with GIMP in order to make better textures.

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#39: ..

by dylan529776 on 08/21/2009 06:18

Hey, can I sign up as a story writer?

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#40: ..

by geartrooper2 on 08/24/2009 00:11

The story is all but written by the current members. But there may be future episodes.

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#41: ...

by Ryuk on 09/22/2009 18:17

I'm looking forward to this.
May I ask, roughly how much % is done now? Is the project still active or is it on a hiatus right now?

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#42: ..

by geartrooper2 on 09/22/2009 20:36

production is even, yet slow. Unfortunately I am indisposed at this time for another project, but our other developers continue to work.

Percentage-wise we are at 40 or so.

Thanks for your interest in this project.

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#43: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 09/23/2009 04:13, refers to #42

Thanks for making this, can't wait to see it...

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#44: Manual Labor

by LeftClicker on 10/13/2009 05:09

Hi, LeftClicker here. I'm not too good at mapping/modeling, so I'd like to offer storytelling and boring labor help (like making a staircase, duplicating portals, and adding a nice touch to things. Disregard this post if you don't wan't my help.
== LeftClicker ==

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#45: ..

by geartrooper2 on 10/13/2009 19:12

Thankyou for your offer. Join the sauerbraten irc channel and we'll see if we can't squeeze you into the project.

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#46: Questions

by fispaul on 10/22/2009 12:15


I am still really looking forward to this, but while playing the campaign we have now in Sauerbraten I noticed some annoying things and have some other questions:

When playing the singleplayer, lets say you are about halway through and have killed over 50 monsters, and you accidentally press "e", ALL of them come back, and you enter edit mode.

Will this ever be "fixed"?
I think it might be a good idea to disable edit mode in "Campaign" but you can look at those levels in edit mode simply by going to that map but no tin campaign.

Also, since this will be a pretty long level, are there any plans on having a save feature, so you can save and continue playing next time?

Also, will this be an add-on map to SB or a standalone game?

That's it for now, maybe I'll have more later,

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#47: ..

by geartrooper2 on 10/23/2009 01:08

Thanks for your interest fispaul. The editing feature is probably not going to be changed. The current method of saving is checkpoints, so I doubt that will change, either. The campaign will be an add-on to sauer with a few enhancements.

To those interested production continues, but has slowed somewhat due to other projects. But have no fear, MSP will arrive!

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#48: Re: Questions

by SheeEttin on 10/23/2009 06:21, refers to #46

/bind e [ (if (> (mode) -1) [edittoggle]) ]
...or something like that would probably do what you're looking for. (You should probably also bind another key to edittoggle.)

I believe that Blood Frontier has the default edittoggle bind on F1.

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#49: ..

by Mister Hyde on 10/29/2009 04:42

I can try my best to help with AI coding.

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#50: interesting

by kurtis84 on 11/08/2009 17:35

You guys still looking for more maps? If you need a mapper, I've had a nice long rest...I'm sure I could build a couple.

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#51: ..

by Fischkopf on 11/08/2009 18:05

how about some some screenshots? :D

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#52: ..

by geartrooper2 on 11/10/2009 23:28

kurtis84 you're needed. :D what timing!

the project remains secret until completion. sorry.

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#53: ..

by nemyax on 11/26/2009 12:32

Do you need help on the modelling/animation front?

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