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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube 3? Cube 2? WTF?!?

by Deehy on 09/29/2008 13:30, 40 messages, last message: 10/28/2008 02:13, 11502 views, last view: 06/25/2024 19:41

Will be Cube 3?
In CVS of Cube 2 are no serious changes! Only some simple code/shaders/maps changes. IT'S 5-7 MONTHS!!! How much time still for release next Sauerbraten version?

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#21: Re: ..

by scanf on 10/01/2008 19:03, refers to #19

Cube makes it very easy to add to the script language. In the case of Eisenstern we have created probably more script than code. Eisenstern is basically running from script. This could be done with sauer. I have to admit I did not know the power of cube script until contributing to Eisenstern.

Although new goodies have been added to SP over the last few years I'd agree that there has been a lack of interest in it. My first experience with Cube was SP and I played all the campaigns before moving to MP.

If you really look at the facts there are probably 40 people max on the servers at anytime playing MP. This a solid figure we know about. We don't know how many people play in SP mode it could be more than MP.

There are a few projects going on that could add some really nifty features to the SP game. I hope to see some of them integrated into the engine soon :)

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#22: Re: Singleplayer depth

by Quin on 10/02/2008 10:13, refers to #17

I haven't even played ICO, but I am quite amused at the queer direction this thread took :P I myself am mapping more than coding recently, but I can't show them off on Quadropolis because they're apart of BF SVN as soon as I make them :(

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#23: ..

by Acord on 10/02/2008 10:23

Oddly enough, there are two ways to achieve depth in a game.

1) Randomization. Random levels(rogue), monsters that are there on play through and not the next, random pieces(for tetris etc.), random letters(chicktionary, bookworm) and so on ad infinitum

2) An incredibly detailed and well crafted world. I am still for some randomization though, or perhaps something that causes levels to need to be solved in different ways each time they're played.

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#24: ..

by SephoD on 10/02/2008 11:23


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#25: Re: ..

by -Redon- on 10/02/2008 18:24, refers to #16

Im working on a SP map, but im a very slow editor :P
So it might take some time to finish it^^

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#26: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 10/02/2008 23:25, refers to #23

It seems to me that there is really rather more of a continuum there, between the two.

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#27: i am new

by john5422 on 10/03/2008 03:48

sry but how do you even play the game in the first place?

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#29: Multiplayer Depth

by aviynw on 10/13/2008 07:29

I think having objectives like those found in games like enemy territory would add a lot of depth to the multi-player gameplay.

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#30: ..

by MisanthropX on 10/13/2008 21:54

im workin too on SP maps (ive got already 2 sps running)
well the problem is.. im often very very uncreative offline.. and sp coop isnt possible online ._. well.. i guess the question came in tons of threads before but... why is no \"sp\" in \"mp\" possible?
dudes that would be soo cool..
that ure able to create a \"sp\" map together.. (with all the monsters, triggers etc)
and a whiteboard (cfg file for all of the server) so you can script together and do all the triggers on this \"whiteboard\"

also it would be cool if you can edit AND play these sp\'s together. dude i often dreamed about that =P (literaly xD) and i guess smth like that would REALLY increase depth of game.

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#31: Re: ..

by hotmitts on 10/16/2008 19:45, refers to #30

I only just discovered this game, I've been searching around for a little while for good open source moddable games, and it took me a while to stumble across this, for some reason.
I'm really impressed with the engine, of course, and it would be great to see a single-player campaign with saveable stats/items between maps...I do think that'd be popular actually

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#32: just build it

by kurtis84 on 10/21/2008 01:06, refers to #31

SP is a lot of work people. It's one thing to spend a few hours on a MP map, but SP takes commitment....I should know, with 2 SP maps I might never finish. Then there are the lack of entities...Sauer can do a SP map, but only in the spirit of quake1 SP...and even for that it lacks a few things last time I checked.


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#33: ..

by mrpiddly_000003 on 10/21/2008 01:54

On the note of sp mapping, would anyone be interested in a community mapping effort to develop large single player and rpg maps for sauerbraten? (not entirely through coedit)

I have been considering the idea for a while now, and I think I may have devised a "simple" way for the community to contribute to, and eventually piece together, extremely large sp/rpg maps.

I am just wondering if there is any real interest here. If there is, I will provide some more details about my plan and I would love to hear from other community members on the subject as well.

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#34: Re: ..

by freferferf on 10/21/2008 14:26, refers to #33

'Large' maps built with 'other people' are just a couple of upfront excuses for never finishing, or even starting.

Start small, and build quick. Be able to show something even if it's not epic. Why not take small MP maps, and stitch them together to build an SP map?

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#35: Re: ..

by mrpiddly_000003 on 10/21/2008 23:23, refers to #34

Here are a few key points where i disagree:

Sp/rpg require extremely large amounts of work if they are to be done correctly. This amount of work is rather uncommon in noncommercial games such as sauerbraten. Multiple people essential divide and conquer this daunting task.

Each designer has a different "specialty". One person may be a scripting stud, but others may be great at designing the base geometry of a level. These combinations of skills increases the overall quality of a map and allow for people to work on the one aspect of a map that they enjoy.

Each designer also has as different perspective. Ask two people what a city of the future looks like and they will provide you with very different visions. With a loose theme in place and multiple designers working around this theme, the level's environment will reflect each of their visions. This makes each area of the level feel unique and makes a large level more realistic.

Multiple designers provide a backup redundancy system for maps. When one person tries to design a map on they own, see NYC, they usually just give up after a while. Not only would multiple designers reduce work load per person, but they would also prevent maps from just slipping into inactivity and obscurity. The different levels of contributions would also work as an advantage. Some users may spend 4 hours a day working on sections of the map while others will contribute a model of a trash can and be done.

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#36: Re: ..

by freferferf on 10/22/2008 14:39, refers to #35

that all sounds ok.

then i guess the only question left is, when are you going to start?

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#37: Re: ..

by mrpiddly_000003 on 10/23/2008 01:32, refers to #36

I do not necessarily have to start this since anyone else with initiative could take some of my ideas and run with them, but this is far to idealistic.

After I complete some documentation and setting up the necessary resources, I shall provide information to the community. There is no telling when exactly this will be.

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#38: Re: ..

by spentron on 10/27/2008 15:57, refers to #16

Sauer does seem to need some new features such as map linking/branching and monster creation on the fly, such as pushplay's idea of a tag that leaves them invisible until triggered. There are other ways but the difference here is performance can be a real problem as it is.

MitaMan: I feel your pain. Unfortunately for my mapping I feel as though I did it. It was a huge part of my life and my primary creative outlet for about 3 years. I was obsessed enough to allow it to affect every aspect of my life including my job at the time (which, in fairness, it also allowed me to tolerate). I now have other projects and can't spend that kind of time on anything that hasn't been an even longer-term goal and/or has some chance of making me some spare change, at least (and even that has a deadline of sorts now, I figure I ought to aim at making some hard decisions and a change of priorities in about 2 years when I turn 50). I still have some interest but don't know if I'll get back to it. I hope many more mappers will step up to the plate and take over, but I can't do anything about it.

I do think the Sauer community has a healthily open mind, it's just small.

I do have a part-completed Sauer map. It has some cool bits but also runs like crap and it's just going to get worse. It explores some strengths of the worlds Sauer can create in that it is composed of 3 cube-shaped little "planets" in space close enough to see from each other but not interact. The total volume of this universe is maybe 10,000 times the actual play area. There's been some space maps since then that aren't as extreme, but at the time there wasn't anything like it.

Regarding multiple mapper projects, the idea of a city could work. When real cities are built, different people buy bits of land and each construct their own buildings etc. on them.

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#39: P.S.

by spentron on 10/27/2008 16:27

I also don't remember how to do most of that stuff anymore ;(

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#40: ..

by blikje bier on 10/27/2008 18:45

Well, well, well, and here i am thinking that at 44 years of age i could reckon myself as an old geezer in the Sauerbraten-scene.

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#41: Re: ..

by Quin on 10/28/2008 02:13, refers to #40

Yeah, made me feel nice a young too. Forgot what that felt like. Good on you both for still messing with games at that age, I hope I manage to do it myself!

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