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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 11519006 views, last view: 06/02/2024 07:05

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#1956: Re: AHHHH!!!!!!

by hungerburg on 09/28/2003 14:30, refers to #1955

why not put this on the files page, theres room left! (probably also for a link to the linux updates?)

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#1957: Re: AHHHH!!!!!!

by D.plomat on 09/28/2003 14:48, refers to #1956

Looks like the website hasn't been updated since a long time, there are also some broken and outdated links on the main page. Maybe Aard (or SleepwalkR) is planning to update when next Cube release available?
For what i've said above, i think this isn't on the page because it's pretty obvious stuff. Eventually if many newbies are asking for it, i've an installshield limited edition on some PC at work, and i can make an installer so that pure newbies will be happy clicking on a setup.exe, enter name plus some configuration in a dialogbox and have the links added on the desktop and start menu...
And a rpm for Linux newbies ;)

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#1958: Um porno thingy

by >Pathegreat on 09/28/2003 21:49

Ummmmmmmmmm.................. hehehee ok when i clikc on adlecgames on cubes main page its a German porno page! i guess adlec games stoped making cube games.Well i guess more people will click on that link now ^_-

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#1959: pathfinder pathegreat

by hungerburg on 09/30/2003 20:20, refers to #1958

long time no see!

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#1960: collision problem...

by RandomTask on 10/03/2003 00:28

can I first say congrats on producing a fine homebrew engine Aard, it\'s nice to see effort going into cross platform work - which only seems to happen when people do this thing for love not money.

Anyway a problem I have is that there is something wrong with the collision detection on the weapon fire. IE 90% of the time when I fire a rocket it blows up in my face - as if it blew up on my avatar. The same happens with the other weapons but is not as lethal.

I\'m sure this doesnt happen to everyone else as it is pretty much unplayable.


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#1961: collision

by Pxtl on 10/03/2003 05:29

Read back in this thread. Only about 10 posts back we discuss it. Its a graphics driver problem. Aard uses OpenGL tracing functions that some drivers don't handle properly. If you're careful, you can even shoot through walls - and 'cause cube is client side hit-detection, you can even kill other players through walls.

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#1962: items.png

by sinsky on 10/05/2003 19:06

I have no programming experience, please tell me if there is a way to make the graphics in items.png disappear. I tried to use the transparent color but it didn\'t work for that particular file.

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#1963: Re: items.png

by pushplay on 10/05/2003 22:38, refers to #1962

There's no configuration option for that. I'm not sure why you'd want to do it though.

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#1964: ..

by sinsky on 10/06/2003 21:37

I may begin making a game which will have a 3D packman-like aspect. Thanks anyway :)

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#1965: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 10/08/2003 12:05, refers to #1964

"no programming experience" + "begin making a game" = Good luck ;)

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#1966: ..

by sinsky on 10/09/2003 02:10

Are you laughing at me? Well stop, you don't know everything! It's going to be a quest - with puzzles and so on.. it will have action, it will have drama, (oops; that was from Star Control 2 I think.. well it's going to be great! really :)

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#1967: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 10/09/2003 13:39, refers to #1966

Not laughing at you, just pointing out that you're gonna have to learn C programming before doing anything.

If you already know C, you'll see that Cube code is very clean and readable and there are some guys here on the forum that know Cube source that can help you, so you'll find this not too hard -but somewhat time consuming-. If not, well you'd better buy some good C book, and begin practicing some programming tutorials.

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#1968: ..

by sinsky on 10/09/2003 17:13

Yesterday I downloaded Dev-c++, and the day before I was at this url - http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net, where I found a tutorial about using the engine you will find on that site with it. Still, I'm not eager to go into C more than I need to, the game I plan will be IE browser based (http://www.whirlywiryweb.com) and Cube was my choice for 3D because the resolution and window size is configurable from the command line, and the license is MIT-like. I'm not going to begin work right now, first I will have to think of a decent story that will have to inspire me, I have to do that until the beginning of 2004. Otherwise I'll quit this project. If I get stuck with the C++ code I will search for help here. Thanks!

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#1969: Re: ..

by pushplay on 10/09/2003 23:21, refers to #1968

Cube is written in C++, but mostly it's written like a C program. C isn't a large language, so if you understand Cube you pretty much understand C. If you want a book I recommend Kernighan & Ritchie.

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#1970: Brian

by pushplay on 10/09/2003 23:22

I tried to reply to your e-mail, but it bounced back.

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#1971: Re: ..

by sinsky on 10/10/2003 13:27, refers to #1969

Thank you and sorry about the email. If anyone wishes to contact me for any reason, please use sdsinsky@yahoo.com instead.

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#1972: Sinsky

by pushplay on 10/10/2003 20:27

You're Brian G. Black?

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#1973: Playing Cube

by Tarnak on 10/11/2003 06:00

Cube is incredibly laggy to me. I'd like some help on figuring out what the problem is. I'd rather not give out system specs here, but drop me an email if you'll help: Karl_Evil@hotmail.com. I probably won't check this thread anyway, but I'll try to.

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#1974: Re: Playing Cube

by spentron-postcrash2 on 10/11/2003 07:09, refers to #1973

I'd say the absolute minimum spec is what I used to run: Celeron 333 MHz, TNT graphics card ... at 640x480 resolution. RAM requirement probably 32 or 64 MB. It's not as efficient as Quake due to more on-the-fly processing.

The resolution can be changed by editing cube.bat, or making a shortcut to the .bat, and adding -w640 -h480 to the target command line.

Driver and other issues can cause great slowdown. This is often an issue with other marginal graphics cards (e.g. Savage, lower Radeon, Voodoo, better Matrox) as opposed to ones will simply insufficient power (SIS, can't remember). I used Detonator 6.50 drivers I thought (nvidia368Win9xPCI.zip) with the TNT and now use 41.09 with GeForce2-MX (integrated).

You didn't say if this is online, which is a whole different matter, but should be OK if not broken.

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#1975: Re: Playing Cube

by spentron-postcrash2 on 10/11/2003 07:14, refers to #1974

Bad line break ... should have been:
-w640 -h480

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