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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by eihrul on 01/12/2004 05:48, 35 messages, last message: 04/14/2004 13:44, 10824 views, last view: 09/27/2024 17:18

I have made up some experimental servers that I *THINK* will fix the double ogro problem. These are protocol compatible with the current release.

I urge all current servers that are experiencing ogro duplication problems to try the following binaries out (for freebsd or linux):


Anybody running these experimental servers, please announce you are doing so and what IP/name you are, as I would also like players to ascertain whether they subsequently experience double ogro problems on said servers, and post results here!

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#19: Re: Update

by kurtis84 on 02/01/2004 23:57, refers to #18

If by permanent you mean someone like me that leaves one running 24/7 aside from rare reboots...then yes. And it would be nice to not worry about it when browsing the server list for a game.

I've taken mine down for the time being...as this bug shows up way too much.

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#20: Re: Update

by spentron-postcrash2 on 02/02/2004 05:59, refers to #19

>I've taken mine down for the time being

I wish more would do this if they're not going to fix it. MOST of the ones appearing in the browser are bad, I even see people playing and get on and can't play. Possibly aggravated by modem.
Bad servers I've found so far (partial names):
cindy.coldmoon (ping champ)
Different cube protocol:

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#21: Re: Update

by Aardappel on 02/02/2004 23:00, refers to #20

if someone can take it upon themselves to try and reach these people that would be grand :)

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#22: Re: mmm

by hungerburg on 02/05/2004 02:57, refers to #11

its a pity, but some asking around and digging the info-zip and power-archiver sites did not result in finding any windows apps, that support setting unix permissions in zip archives. also remembrance of the horror that hit me then starts to slowly fade.

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#23: Re: mmm

by Aardappel on 02/07/2004 00:03, refers to #22

that's inconvenient. If me or eihrul thinks of it next release, I will send him the whole archive which he can then repackage.

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#24: Ports?

by Comander on 02/07/2004 08:34

can who version more able pots make?
Multi ports like hlds..

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#25: ..

by pushplay on 02/23/2004 00:01


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#26: ..

by pushplay on 02/23/2004 00:02

whoops, I have to bump this again

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#27: This needs a

by D.plomat on 03/04/2004 14:26


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#28: ..

by staffy02 on 03/09/2004 10:27

what does bump do?

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#29: ..

by para on 03/10/2004 02:14


'cmon admins. get you server fix before i'm seeing double ALL the time :)

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#30: Amen.

by Pxtl on 03/10/2004 02:58

The more annoying feature is that afflicted servers are stuck in "coop edit" mode and show too many players in the server browser. Very annoying when hunting for a game.

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#31: ..

by para on 03/10/2004 23:14

funny thing is, i got on an internet server with the double ergo problem while my coworker, on the same office LAN, got on the same server and had no problem.

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#32: another bump

by makkE on 03/18/2004 16:43

plz ppl try and contact the admins, I have done it for some... lanparty-nrw.de now worx again :)
others donĀ“t reply :(

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#33: Re: another bump

by Aardappel on 03/18/2004 20:33, refers to #32

thanks for trying :)

I think the only way to get the admin's attention may be another release, and we will do one anyway since there is some great new content coming up..

I am going to be swamped up until the end of this month (GDC and all), but after that I want to make a push for releasing a new version.

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#34: Re: A bump does...

by D.plomat on 03/26/2004 15:59, refers to #28

this ;)

(making the thread go to the top of the list, and avoid it leave out into the 'Archive' threads)

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#35: ..

by makkE on 04/14/2004 13:44

bump, though the new release is in sight :)

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