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New mapmodels for sauerbraten

by Fischkopf on 10/25/2009 21:47, 32 messages, last message: 12/01/2009 03:56, 12125 views, last view: 06/27/2024 19:36, closed on 12/01/2009 05:53

Yes, i think sauerbraten should have new mapmodels since nowadays most of the mapmodels included in sauerbraten look very primitive. For instance the barrels, dont they look bad? The trees could be better as well.

If you already have the possibility for very high-quality mapmodels why are there no included in sauerbraten? The same applies to the Monsters, by the way.

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#15: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 10/27/2009 03:56, refers to #4

what is sauerbraten's format anyways?

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#16: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 10/27/2009 04:38, refers to #15

md2, md3, md5, or obj. Take your pick.

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#17: ..

by Quin on 10/27/2009 07:22

Sorry, tentus and I are a bit apathetic when it comes to posts like this; the flamewar is likely our fault and I apologise on both our behalves for being jaded old devs :P

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#18: Re: ..

by Q009 on 10/27/2009 14:49, refers to #6

envmapped, bumpmapped mapmodels: in SauerEnhanced [future release]

only md3s and md5s for now
because md2s doesnt support bumpmapping

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#19: Re: ..

by Nixot on 10/27/2009 19:43, refers to #18

D: Doesn't it?! It supports masks.jpg... Oh well. I remember the GUI edition had good enough masks.jpg's for the HUD weapons to make them look bump mapped. :P

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#20: Message censored by administrator

by Nixot on 10/27/2009 19:44

#21: ..

by Fischkopf on 10/27/2009 22:46

envmapped and bumpmapped mapmodels that already sounds nice.

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#22: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/27/2009 23:26, refers to #21

So generate some bumpmaps for the old models. It's not hard. I believe there's a plugin for the GIMP that'll take the texture and generate a bumpmap.

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#23: Re: ..

by Quin on 10/28/2009 01:16, refers to #22

There's even a <normal> texture command that does the same thing, and it's done automatically by the engine ;)

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#24: ..

by Mister Hyde on 10/28/2009 02:43

#22, it is found here:

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#25: ..

by Mister Hyde on 10/28/2009 02:46

#17, Naah. I probably should have just skipped Sub Zero's posts in the first place. I completely ignored the "No arguing" and never should have.

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#26: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/28/2009 04:50, refers to #23

Is there some documentation or an example of this? grep can't find any relevant instances of '<normal>' in packages or src in Cube 2 or BF.

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#27: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 10/28/2009 08:12, refers to #26


at this writing, lines 802 to 921

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#28: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 10/30/2009 00:33, refers to #16

thats what i figured... i was just making sure... however the only thing that affects me at the moment is bumpmap that is at the most of course... although i am looking into blender...

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#29: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 10/30/2009 01:02, refers to #17

actually, its because i am immature, a jackass, and a moron all rolled into one... so yeah... and i also can bet you about $10 that no one here is going to deny that either...

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#30: New mapmodels

by Anonymev on 11/10/2009 20:39

I know where u can get some new models. theyre md2 but they are still useful go to:


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#31: Re: New mapmodels

by Nixot on 11/10/2009 21:59, refers to #30

I used modelpack 19 in Newcube

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#32: Message censored by administrator

by LeftClicker on 12/01/2009 03:56

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