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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Bug Reports

by eihrul on 09/03/2008 01:41, 1175 messages, last message: 12/31/2023 08:39, 934063 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:20

Please post your bug reports in here.

With your bug report, please submit the following information:

1) OS: Your operating system, i.e. Linux, Windows, or otherwise and what version you are using.

2) 3D card: The 3D card you are using. If you do not know, this is printed on the "Renderer:" line in the console when Sauerbraten starts up.

3) The edition of Sauerbraten you are using, i.e. Assassin edition, CVS as of a particular date, or otherwise.

4) Error information: If you are on Windows, a pop-up message showing filenames and line numbers should show up when Sauerbraten crashes; if possible, post a screenshot or a copy/paste of this. If on Linux, post a log of the startup info from the console, including relevant errors or any info you might have discovered. If on MacOS X, please post the crash log if applicable.

5) A description of the problem and how to reproduce it. Please give as much detail as possible on how someone can recreate the problem, in as certain terms as you can. If someone else can't reproduce the problem, it is unlikely he can fix it or tell you what is wrong.

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#1049: Re: ..

by eihrul on 03/30/2013 09:34, refers to #1048

Note that, while it may happen on all platforms, and you may think the 3D card is not applicable, the point here is that it is for me, the one processing the bug reports, to decide whether that information is applicable.

Most of the time it actually is, even if the reporting user thought it was not, so this is actually a bad and subversive bug report for reasons other than the obvious. :)

So while you can certainly add additional information beyond what I've asked for, bug reports must at least include what I asked for as well if they expect to get a response. Just a FYI.

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#1050: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 03/30/2013 10:07, refers to #1048

So, let's get to the point to the actual problem. You have a certain idea what I've done wrong in your eyes? As I can't figure it out so practically. If I knew that, then I probably could change it.

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#1051: Re: ..

by Zamwa on 03/30/2013 13:20, refers to #1048

When ever I feel like driving someone away I realize it was to others and My benefit for Me to socially adept rather than to make others feel inadequate and unwelcomed! I learned morons are one of gods social prodigy experiments sent to test rather or not the human race is ready join an alien race of even more moronically intellectual beings!

You seen them UFO's crash no point in wondering why!

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#1052: Re: ..

by Quin on 03/30/2013 14:07, refers to #1049

1) All platforms.
2) Nvidia GeForce 325M.
3) SVN.
4) suicizer01 is an unbearable moron.
5) When interacting with the Cube Forum, it is impossible to have an intelligent discussion without suicizer01 putting in his two cents and derailing topics with nonsensical and stupid crap. To reproduce this problem, simply post a message on the Cube Forum.

I have devised a patch to fix this issue:

IF USER != 'Quin' || POSTER != 'suicizer01' THEN PRINT COMMENT

I can convert this to the necessary SQL markup if necessary.

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#1053: Re: ..

by eihrul on 03/30/2013 14:47, refers to #1052

Still failed to report platform. :)

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#1054: sauerbraten freezes at start match

by justine on 04/01/2013 13:22

OS: arch linux
videocard: Gallium 0.4 on NV4B (nouveau)
collect edition of sauerbraten

Each time I try to run sauerbraten on this machine, it freezes when I try to start a game. The loading process sometimes stops with the message "creating minimap", sometimes a first frame of the game is shown. After the freeze the mouse can be moved out of the sauerbraten window.
How can I fix this problem?

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#1055: Re: sauerbraten freezes at start match

by eihrul on 04/01/2013 13:54, refers to #1054

You can try using the -f command-line option when running the sauerbraten_unix script, i.e.

./sauerbraten_unix -f

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#1056: Bug since installed a newer Cube2 Engine.

by jarek1980 on 04/01/2013 15:21

I\'ve installed the actual cube2 engine and it runs really slow (like a slideshow). i disabled all graphic features but will not help. When i start the engine there comes 2 bugs in the console. What can i do?

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#1057: Re: Bug since installed a newer Cube2 Engine.

by eihrul on 04/01/2013 15:57, refers to #1056

Install OpenGL drivers. You don't have any actually installed, and are instead using the Windows software renderer, which is why everything is slow.

So if you have an nvidia gpu, go to http://www.geforce.com/drivers

If you have an AMD gpu, to to http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx

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#1058: Re: sauerbraten freezes at start match

by justine on 04/01/2013 17:07, refers to #1055

The problem stays unchanged with sauerbraten-unix -f. I also tried ./sauerbraten_unix -w640 -h480 -b8 -z8 -a0 -f, but no change.

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#1059: Re: sauerbraten freezes at start match

by eihrul on 04/01/2013 17:25, refers to #1058

Best I can suggest then is upgrade to a newer and less buggy driver. And if the new ones are still buggy, then report upstream to the Nouveau developers.

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#1060: ..

by Papriko on 04/02/2013 21:29

Okay, remember report 961? It was about the sounds I get when I disconnect a server and then minimize Sauerbraten or switch to a different desktop. It seems like it is not only the sound, it calculates the entire map physics.

I just disconnected from turbine while hovering (I was spec) right above a jumppad. Sauerbraten shows me the title screen, but while I write this post I keep hearing the ka-swoosh of the jumppad which has been under me.

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#1061: Unable to compile RPG project file

by intercooler on 04/25/2013 02:53

I'm trying to compile the rpg project file in the new collect edition. It keeps giving me a weird error when I try to do it. I deleted the game and reinstalled it with the same issue.

I am using Windows 7 32 bit.

I am using the newest code blocks program with it. This is just a part of the error.

")]+0x77)||undefined reference to `path(char*)'|
)]+0x97)||undefined reference to `opengzfile(char const*, char const*, stream*, int)'|
)]+0x6d7)||undefined reference to `path(char*)'|
.objs\client32\engine\decal.o:decal.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\grass.o:grass.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\lightmap.o:lightmap.cpp|| undefined reference to `sincos360'|
.objs\client32\engine\lightmap.o:lightmap.cpp|| undefined reference to `sincos360'|
.objs\client32\engine\lightmap.o:lightmap.cpp|| undefined reference to `sincos360'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| more undefined references to `randomMT()' follow|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `openutf8file(char const*, char const*, stream*)'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `randomMT()'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| more undefined references to `randomMT()' follow|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `uni2cubeoffsets'|
.objs\client32\engine\main.o:main.cpp|| undefined reference to `uni2cubechars'|
||More errors follow but not being shown.|
||Edit the max errors limit in compiler options...|
||=== Build finished: 50 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 3 seconds) ===|"

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#1062: Message censored by administrator

by Razgriz on 04/26/2013 00:10, refers to #1061

#1063: Random Heighmaps

by Pyccna on 05/10/2013 22:25

1.) Windows 7
2.) Intel(R) HD Graphics Family (Intel)
3.) Collect Edition
4.) None

Making Ch. 2 of the Warzone SP series & some textures appear with heightmaps from the trak5 package.

For example:
texture 0 textures/waterfall.jpg
texscroll 0 1

texture pops up with different trak5 hightmaps depending on the viewing angle. Anyway to fix this?

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#1064: Re: Random Heighmaps

by suicizer01 on 05/11/2013 13:36, refers to #1063

That often occurs when you haven't set the bumpmapped texture while you did set the dhadersetting. The engine take the previous bumpmapped texture to prevent crashing.

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#1065: Re: Random Heighmaps

by suicizer01 on 05/11/2013 13:39, refers to #1064

Dhadersetting = Shadersetting

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#1066: Re: Random Heighmaps

by Q009 on 05/11/2013 15:13, refers to #1064

Its purpose isn't really to prevent crash :P In fact, it doesn't have any purpose, the engine doesn't do anything in regards to that

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#1067: Re: Random Heighmaps

by Pyccna on 05/11/2013 19:51, refers to #1064

Me forgetting to set values again :P Thanks a bunch!

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#1068: SP Monstercheck

by Pyccna on 05/13/2013 00:11

Okay, any monstercheck or command regarding to monsters dying aren't working anymore. Here's my cfg:

mytext = [echo (concatword " "(getname)":") $arg1

monster1checkstate = [0]

trigger100state =[0]

monstercheck1 = [
monster1checkstate = 1
monster1id = 1
checkmonster1num = [
if (= $monstercheckstate 1) [
sleep 10 [
curmonster1num = (nummonsters $monsterid)
if (> $curmonster1num 0) [
] [
sleep 10 mytext ["(text)"]
sleep 1000 echo ["(more text)"]
sleep 1000 [trigger 100 1]
monster1checkstate = 0

(monster is set to: "monster 90 1 1 0 0")

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