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by gnarley on 02/27/2006 07:29, 89 messages, last message: 04/13/2006 20:17, 60896 views, last view: 09/09/2024 15:28

here's a link where you can DL the awesome Fusion Mod.

check it out. it's really well made.


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#70: new name for the game OR the engine

by Corpus Callosum on 04/02/2006 19:00

....would be a good idea.

seperate names for each, to reduce confusion as to what people are referring to.

maybe YOU (the reader) aren't confused, but we are talking about matters of public perception, and sometimes particular IDIOT'S misperceptions.

so, perhaps you should come up with a new word, and from then on "sauerbraten" would specifically mean either the game OR the engine (however you wanna do it).

maybe the fps and rpg should also have seperate names too, as right now, the word sauerbraten can mean 3 different things.
the fps game, the engine, or the rpg game.

not too much cconfusion YET about the rpg, but thats only because it is a very small topic right now. in the future it will be a huge topic.

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#71: Re: new name for the game OR the engine

by tentus on 04/02/2006 19:57, refers to #70

That's not a half bad idea, really. By making a linguistic seperation of the engine and the game, we'd avoid a lot of confusion.

Moreover, it'd make it possible to make the /game/ closed source, while the engine is open, so that we don't have the really cheap, stupid mods springing up claiming to be something totally new. Modders who just want to make a new story or theme wouldn't have to know much code to succeed in just that. At the same time, people who are interested in contributing to the engine would have a clearer path to take.

Quick question- will the RPG have teams? Most RPGs try to enrich their stories and gameplay by adding in multiple characters who move as a group, and I didn't know if that would be the case for Sauer.

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#72: Re: new name for the game OR the engine

by Passa on 04/02/2006 22:32, refers to #71

Another thing, when someone creates an add-on mod, rather than standalone, it can get them kudos in this community.

tentus: the rpg from MY understanding, will not be multiplayer. then again, you never know..

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#73: Re: new name for the game OR the engine

by tentus on 04/03/2006 06:55, refers to #72

I'm not saying multiple players, I'm saying have several sprites in your party. Rick made this possible in his bot mod for cube (something I became very interested in before I finally gave up on modding). I'm thinking that such a thing would not be hard to do for the RPG- make it so when you engage an enemy your comrades fade in and lend a hand, and in cutscenes (a distant possiblility?) they'll be present so we can have dialog and all.

But what I'm think on requires both friendly AI and some sort of logic for determining what the player is doing (in battle, out of battle, falling off stuff and hurting oneself...) It's a long way in the future.

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#74: Re: new name for the game OR the engine

by Passa on 04/03/2006 07:56, refers to #73

oh i get what ya mean now.. im not sure that would work that well in a FPS though...

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#75: Re: new name for the game OR the engine

by tentus on 04/04/2006 00:38, refers to #74

i thought we were talking about the RPG, not the FPS. as far as i'm concerned, they have very little to do with each other.

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#76: Re: new name for the game OR the engine

by pushplay on 04/04/2006 05:40, refers to #73

"I'm thinking that such a thing would not be hard to do for the RPG"

No. I can point you to several professors that can explain to you exactly why this is hard.

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#77: Re: new name for the game OR the engine

by Pxtl on 04/06/2006 13:44, refers to #76

*cough* *daikatana* *cough*

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#78: Re: new name for the game OR the engine

by Aardappel_ on 04/07/2006 01:36, refers to #77

to be clear:

"sauerbraten" is the name of the FPS game. It happens to have an engine that doesn't have its own name, but could be called "sauerbraten engine".

Yes, from this respect, "cubeengine.com" was a bit of a misnomer, but it was the only halfway relevant domainname available... I don't thing cubegame.com or whatever was available.

The RPG sofar is called "an RPG built on the sauerbraten engine", but will get its own unique name once it takes more shape.

I don't know what foodstuff I will be eating once the need for a name arises ;)

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#79: ..

by makkE on 04/07/2006 01:54

Have some moepkenbrot mit rübenkraut, it owns :)
hmm not a great name though :)

At least sauerbraten has this "wtf?!-factor" wich makes it memorable.

If you had started cube even later you had possibly not found any domain name at all, nintendo does it´s best to grab everything cube :)

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#80: Re: ..

by pushplay on 04/07/2006 02:14, refers to #79

Memorable if not easily spellable. :)

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#81: ..

by Corpus Callosum on 04/07/2006 03:01

hmmmm, 4 syllables, 3 vowels in a row.

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#82: ..

by makkE on 04/07/2006 03:08

Sauerbraten is still comparably easy to pronounce for the anglic tounge than a lot of other dutch or german words.

Thank god it´s not called

wich is the longest official german word.

Sorry, I myself as a german am still baffled by it, that´s why I like to bring it up. :D

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#83: ..

by makkE on 04/07/2006 03:09

darn i misspelled it, shame on me


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#84: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 04/07/2006 03:11, refers to #83


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#85: ..

by shadow,516 on 04/07/2006 03:23

IUPAC wins...


God, I love chemistry ;)

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#86: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 04/07/2006 03:25, refers to #85

OMG, the word's so long it streatched the page out. Sorry, lol.

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#87: ..

by makkE on 04/07/2006 03:29

omg :P

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#88: ..

by makkE on 04/07/2006 06:14

No need to spam.

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#89: new DL site

by Death(CcLeader) on 04/13/2006 20:17

hey can you repost the Download at a diffrent place so I can get it i can\'t subscribe to fileplanet so I can\'t get the FUSION MOD.


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