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Chapter 3: Getting More Complex

3.1 Your third zoom script (introducing "sleep")

Your current zoom script should look like this:

zoom = [
    if ( = $zoomvar 1 ) [
        fov 50
        zoomvar = 0 // Sets zoomvar to 0
    if (= $zoomvar 0) [
        fov 100
        zoomvar = 1 // Resets zoomvar to 1

Right now, all it does is zoom in, then out. How would you make it slow down? Maybe

zoom = [
    if (= $zoomvar 1) [
        fov 90
        fov 80
        fov 70
        fov 60
        fov 50
        zoomvar = 0
    if (= $zoomvar 0) [
        fov 100
        zoomvar = 1

right? Wrong: Sauerbraten wants to execute the scipt as fast as possible. To you, it will seem as if the script zooms in just as fast as before. So what can possibly be done to slow it down? sleep.

sleeper = [
    echo Hello
    sleep 1000 [
        echo World
        sleep 1000 [
            echo !

"sleeper" echo's the word “Hello” on the console, then “World” a second later, and finally “!” a second after that.

Note two things: 1. The structure of sleep commands. Each new sleep has to be embedded in the one before, as with any other commands: sleep X [ sleep X [ echo hi; sleep X [ X ] ] ] 2. Time in Cube is measure in milliseconds (ms). A millisecond is 1/1000 of a second, so one second is 1,000 ms, a minute is 60,000 ms, etc..

So how can you apply this to "zoom"? sleeping for a fraction of a second before each fov change will zoom in (rather) smoothly. Try

zoom = [
    fov 90
        sleep 200 [
            fov 80
            sleep 200 [
                fov 70
                sleep 200 [
                    fov 60
                    sleep 200 [
                        fov 50
                        zoomvar = 0
    if ( = $zoomvar 0 ) [
        fov 100 // Or just reverse the process to smoothly zoom out
        zoomvar = 1

It’s a bit thrown-together, but also rather advanced for your third script. (We’ll keep doing more advanced zooms as you learn more terms and processes.)

3.2 Menus


Those terms let you script Cube's in-game menus. A simple menu that uses the first three (and "cleargui") is

newgui hello [
    guitext “Hello World!”
    guibutton “close” “cleargui”

This creates a menu that looks like this:

Hello gui scrnsht.jpg

and that closes when you click the text “close”.

To sum up, “newgui” is like “alias”. It creats a new menu with the title that comes after. “guitext” creats a new line of text, while “guibutton” creats a line of text that does “x” when you click it. Another basic element is a “guitab”. This allows you to put more information in your menu by using more than one “page”:

newgui hello [
    guitext “Hello World!”
    guibutton “close” “cleargui”
    guitab “next page”
    guitext “Hello again”
    guibutton “main menu” “showgui menu”

(As you should be able to guess, “showgui” shows the specified menu, while “cleargui” hides the menu.) Now we want to give our menu (gui from now on) a title. “guititle” shows the specified name centered at the specified place on the list.

newgui “hello 2” [
    guititle “The second Hello GUI”
    guitext “Say hello to the world again...”
    guibutton “click here” “say Hello World!; cleargui”

From the examples, you can see that you can script within the guibuttons’ actions. But you can also script in other parts of the gui, too, like the name, or the guitext:

newgui zoom [
    guititle “Status of the script ‘zoom’”
    guitext (format “zoomvar currently is %1” $zoomvar)
    if (= $zoomvar 1) [
        guitext “You are currently zoomed out.”
        guibutton “Click here to zoom in now.” “zoom”
    if (= $zoomvar 0) [
        guitext “You are currently zoomed in.”
        guibutton “Click here to zoom out now.” “zoom”
    guibutton “Click here to close.” “cleargui”

Note the use of “%” to display the value of “zoomvar” in the guitext. After the text in quotes is a list of values or alias names, which will be displayed in their designated place (%1, %2, %3, etc.)

format “%1 bottles of %2 on the %3, %1 bottles of %2!” $bottlenum beer wall

You may use up to nine values like this (%1 through %9).

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