automatic LOD on the whole map allowing for configurable fps / visual quality
tradeoff on any hardware.
very high precision _dynamic_ occlusion culling.
simplistic but effective lighting, that can do _dynamic_ soft shadows &
in-engine editing of the world geometry in full 3D, even networked with
multiple people (coop editing, a first!).
no map precompilation of any kind needed, everything is dynamic & instant.
simplistic quad-tree world structure, with slopes (heightfields with caps),
slants, water, and mapmodels.
robust collision detection & physics
client/server networking, demo recording, master server / server browser
singleplayer & multiplayer FPS game (weapons, items, many game modes,
monsters, triggers) with savegames.
mini scripting language
comes with full source code under the ZLIB license!
eihrul (Lee Salzman) for his great network library, *nix ports, and extensive
goetz (Johannes Hupp) for his endless map collection.
metlslime (John Fitzgibbons) for the metl1/2/3 maps, models, textures, and lots
of feedback
sleepwalker (Kristian Duske) for his cube messageboard, hosting, master server,
testing and feedback.
Lukas Zapletal & Ludek Horacek (pingpong) for their cube soundtrack
Fanatic (Marc A. Pullen) for his soundtrack and maps
dcp (Dietmar Pier) for his extensive set of mapmodels
Brendan Burns for his MacOSX port
Gomjabbar, RPG, pushplay, SirLiveAlot, kdoom (Kurt Kesler), KREiM, JCDPC,
mitaman, nieb, fanatic, dcp, spentron, jf, Makke, driAn, Piglet, Rick Clark,
zippie, gibbie, Tarin, Lu-Wang, Bal, Grindspire, Gleeb and Dave Bulow for their
maps and feedback.
maj, cybear, paul, and all the other #terrafusion people for their testing
& feedback.
DarthVim for his hudguns.
DaMaul & Lu-Wang for their game music.
Sock (http://www.planetquake.com/simland) for his brilliant egyptian & tech
Iikka "Fingers" Keranen (www.digital-eel.com/surface) for his ikbase & ik2k
Than (www.planetquake.com/cesspit) for his textures and feedback
Remedy Entertainment Ltd, for being so generous to make their Max Payne
textures freely available.
Seth & Ulrich Galbraith (http://www.planetquake.com/simitar) for their GPL
Brian "EvilBastard" Collins, Conrad, Magarnigal, Psionic, James Green, Andreas
Möller, Ryan Butts & Jeramy Cooke for their q2 player models
the SDL team (www.libsdl.org), and the FMOD people (www.fmod.org) for their
indispensable libraries