Editing related console commands |
edittoggleswitches between map edit mode and normal (default key = e). In map edit mode you can select bits of the map by clicking or dragging your crosshair on the floor or ceiling (using the "attack" command, normally MOUSE1), then use the commands below to modify the selection. While in edit mode, physics & collision don't apply (noclip), and key repeat is ON. Note that if you fly outside the map, cube still renders the world as if you were standing on the floor directly below the camera. edittex T DChanges the texture on current selection by browsing through a list of textures directly shown on the cubes. T is an integer denoting the type (floor = 0, lower or wall = 1, ceiling = 2, upper wall = 3), D is the direction you want to cycle the textures in (1 = forwards, -1 = backwards). Default keys are the six keys above the cursor keys, which each 2 of them cycle one type (and numpad 7/4 for upper). The way this works is slightly strange at first, but allows for very fast texture assignment. All textures are in 3 individual lists for each type (both wall kinds treated the same), and each time a texture is used, it is moved to the top of the list. So after a bit of editing, all your most frequently used textures will come first when pressing these keys, and the most recently used texture is set immediately when you press the forward key for the type. These lists are saved with the map. make a selection (including wall bits) and press these keys to get a feel for what they do. editheight T DT is the type as above (floors & ceilings only), and D is the delta value to move it in. Default keys are [ and ] for floor level, and o/p for ceiling. solid Bmakes the current selection all solid (i.e. wall) if B is true (non-zero), or all non-solid if it is false (0). This operation retains floor/ceiling heights/textures while swapping between the two. Default keys f and g respectively. equalize Tlevels the floor/ceiling of the selection (T as above). default keys , and . heightfield Tmarks the current selection as a heightfield, with T being floor or ceiling, as above. A surface marked as heightfield will use the vdelta values (see below) of its 4 corners to create a sloped surface. To mark a heightfield as normal again (ignoring vdelta values, set or not) use "solid 0". Default keys are h (floor) and i (ceiling). Heightfields should be made the exact size that is needed, not more not less. The most important reason for this is that cube automatically generates "caps" (side-faces for heightfields) only on the borders of the heighfield. This also means if you have 2 independant heightfields accidentally touch eachother, you will not get correct caps. Also, a heighfield is slightly slower to render than a non-heighfield floor or ceiling. Last but not least, a heightfield should have all the same baseheight (i.e. the height determined by a normal editheight operation) to get correct results. vdelta Nchanges the vdelta value of the current selection by N. Note that unlike all other editing functions, this function doesn't affect a cube, but its top-left vertex (market by the dot in the editing cursor). So to edit a N * M heightfield, you will likely have to edit the vdelta of (N+1) * (M+1) cubes, i.e. you have to select 1 row and 1 column more in the opposite direction of the red dot to affect all the vertices of a heightfield of a given size (try it, it makes sense :) A floor delta offsets vertices to beneath the level set by editheight (and a ceil delta to above). Delta offsets have a precision of a quarter of a unit, however you should use non-unitsize vertices only to touch other such vertices. Default keys are 8 and 9 to decrease/increase the vdelta. cornermakes the current selection into a "corner". Currently there is only one type of corner (a 45 degree one), only works on a single unit (cube) at a time. It can be positioned: undomulti-level undo of any of the changes caused by the above operations (default key = u). undomegs Nsets the number of megabytes used for the undo buffer (default 1). undo's work for any size areas, so the amount of undo steps per megabyte is more for small areas than for big ones (a megabyte fits 280 undo steps on a 16x16 area, but only 4 steps on a 128x128 area). copy pastecopy copies the current selection into a buffer. to paste it back requires a same size selection at the destination location. If it is not the same size the selection will be resized automatically prior to the paste operation (with the red dot as anchor), which is easier for large selections. (default keys are c and v respectively). replacerepeats your last texture edit thruout the map. The way it works is intuitive: simply edit any texture anywhere, then using "replace" will replace all textures thruout the map in the same way (taking into account wether it was a floor/wall/ceil/upper too). if the there was more than one "old" texture in your selection, the one nearest to the red dot is used. This operation can't be undone. newent type value1 value2 value3 value4adds a new entity where (x,y) is determined by the current selection (the red dot corner) and z by the camera height, of said type. Type is a string giving the type of entity, such as "light", and may optionally take values (depending on the entity):
delentdeletes the entity closest to the player (default key x) entproperty P Achanges property P (0..3) of the closest entity by amount A. For example "entproperty 0 2" when executed near a lightsource would increase its radius by 2. clearents typedeletes all entities of said type. recalcrecomputes all there is to recompute about a map, currently only lighting. Default key = r map nameloads up map "name" in the gamemode set previously by "mode". A map given as "blah" refers to "packages/base/blah.cgz", "mypackage/blah" refers to "packages/mypackage/blah.cgz". The menu has a set of maps that can be loaded. See also map in the gameplay docs. At every map load, "data/default_map_settings.cfg" is loaded which sets up all texture definitions etc. Everything defined in there can be overridden per package or per map by creating a "package.cfg" or "mapname.cfg" which contains whatever you want to do differently from the default. It can also set up triggers scripts per map etc.
When the map finishes it will load the next map when one is defined, otherwise
reloads the current map. You can define what map follows a particular map by
making an alias like (in the map script): savemap namesaves the current map, using the same naming scheme as "map". makes a versioned backup (mapname_N.BAK) if a map by that name already exists, so you can never lose a map. If you leave out the "name" argument, it is saved under the current map name. where you store a map depends on the complexity of what you are creating: if its a single map (maybe with its own .cfg) then the "base" package is the best place. If its multiple maps or a map with new media (textures etc.) its better to store it in its own package (a directory under "packages"), which makes distributing it less messy. newmap sizecreates a new map of 2^size cubes. 6 is small, 7 medium, 8 large. You can go up to 12 but theres not a lot of point in that :) mapenlargeif you accidentally made your map too small, this command will make it 1 power of two bigger. So if you created a 6 size map (64x64 units) it will become a 7 map (128x128), with your old map in the middle (from 32-96) and the new areas solid. mapmsg "Title by Author"sets the map msg, which will be displayed when the map loads. Either use the above format, or simply "by Author" if the map has no particular title (always displayed after the map load msg). waterlevel Hsets the global water level in your map to H (an empty map has levels 0-16), which will render every cube that has a lower floor than H with a nice wavy water alpha texture, and applies water physics to any entity located below it. Performance notes: water is rendered for a whole square encapsulating all visible water areas in the map (try flying above the map in edit mode to see how). So the most efficient water is a single body of water, or multiple water areas that are mostly not visible from eachother. Players can influence how accurate the water is rendered using the "watersubdiv" command (config). fullbright Bsets all light values to fullbright (1 = on, 0 = off), so you don't need to edit the map in the dark. Will be reset when you issue a recalc. Only works in edit mode. showmipToggles between showing what parts of the scenery are rendered using what size cubes, and outputs some stats too. This can give mappers hints as to what architecture to align / textures to change etc. toggleocullturns occlusion culling on & off. the reason you may want to turn it off is to get an overview of your map from above, without having all occluded bits stripped out. textureresetsets the texture slot to 0 for the subsequent "texture" commands texture subnum filenamebinds the texture indicated in filename to the current texture slot, then increments the slot number. This is for use in texture.cfg files only. subnum allows secondary textures to be specified for a single texture slot, for use in shaders and other features (unused for now, should be set to 0 to indicate primary texture). slope xdelta ydeltamakes a slope out of the current selection (make it a heighfield first). xdelta and ydelta are the steps that specify the slope with the red vertex as left-top, i.e. "slope 1 2" will make a slope that increases just 1 step from left to right, and is slightly steeper from top to bottom. "slope -6 0" decreases steeply from left to right, and does not slope at all from top to bottom. Note that like the vdelta command, an increasing vdelta goes further away from the player, regardless of floor or ceiling. arch sidedeltamakes an arch out of the current selection (first make it a heightfield of some sort). Will make the arch in the long direction, i.e when you have 6x2 cubes selected, the arch will span 7 vertices. optionally, sidedelta specifies the delta to add to the outer rows of vertices in the other direction, i.e. give the impression of an arch that bends 2 ways (try "arch 2" on an selection of atleast 2 thick to see the effect). Not all arch sizes are necessarily available, see data/prefabs.cfg. archvertex span vertex deltadefines a vertex delta for a specific arch span prefab, used by the "arch" command. See data/prefabs.cfg for an example on usage. perlin scale seed cubesizegenerates a perlin noise landscape in the current selection. scale determines the frequency of the features, default = 10. seed sets the random seed, keep this the same if you want to create multiple perlin areas which fit with eachother, or use different numbers if you want alternative random generations. cubesize says how many cubes to generate a surface for at once, not used for now. select x y xs ysselects the given area, as if dragged with the mouse. Useful for making complex geometry-generating scripts. The current dimensions of the selection (either created by the user or this command) are in the variables selx, sely, selxs and selys and can also be read/modified. Coordinates are as follows: after a "newmap 6" the top-left corner (the one where the red dot points) are (8,8), the opposite corner is (56,56) (or (120,120) on a "newmap 7" etc.). edittag Nsets the tag value (1..255) for the current selection (0 means no tag). Tags are used to determine what cubes to modify when a certain tag is triggered (see "newent trigger"). If a cube has a tag associated with it, gridlines show up in red. trigger N Ttriggers trigger N of type T, as if the player had picked up the equivalent "trigger" entity (see above). music nameplays song "name" (with "packages" as base dir). This command is best used from map cfg files or triggers. N = registersound nameregisters sound "name" with cube (see for example data/sounds.cfg). This command returns the sound number N, which is assigned from 0 onwards, and which can be used with "sound" command below. if the sound was already registered, its existing index is returned. registersound does not actually load the sound, this is done on first play. sound Nplays sound N, see data/sounds.cfg for default sounds, and use registersound to register your own. for example, sound 0 and
sound (registersound "aard/jump") both play
the standard jump sound.
mapmodelresetresets the mapmodel slots/indices to 0. Each subsequent mapmodel command increases it again. see default_map_settings.cfg for an example mapmodel R H Z S Nregisters a mapmodel that can be placed in maps using newent
mapmodel (see newent). N is the name, R is the square
radius, H the height, Z the initial Z-offset above ground, and S the snap value
in 16ths of a cube unit (0 meaning no snap). All of these values are used for
collision as well as rendering. Specifying a snap can be useful for
architectural mapmodels, as the md2 format doesn't provide exact vertex
coordinates. Example: mapmodel 4 2 4 2 this
map model is 8x8x2 in size (x,y,z), by default hovers 4 units above ground, and
has all coordinates snapped to the nearest even number. See data/models.cfg.
scalelights RP IPScales all lights in the map. Radius is scaled by perceptage RP and intensity by IP. Useful if you have a map which is too dark or bright but you want to keep the light entities where they are.