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More Sauerbraten suggestions

by Mad Merv on 03/29/2006 04:05, 122 messages, last message: 04/27/2006 23:08, 41049 views, last view: 05/18/2024 13:11

I posted a bunch of sauerbraten suggestions for the editor UI, AI and weapon scripts under "Most Wanted Features".

another idea came to mind: the ability to manipulate the location of mapmodels by selecting them and holding "M" and using the mouse wheel for height; mouse movements could move it on a 2d plane -- holding "R" while a mapmodel is selected could use a 3d trackball effect to rotate the model, with the mouse wheel resetting its rotation to 45 degree angles. if the middle mouse is pressed, it could do the other axis

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#84: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/08/2006 00:32

it would be nice to rotate sections at 45 degree angles, by the way.


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#85: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/08/2006 00:35

the "top post" on this forum has a confusion suggestion about a 3d trackball effect. If you think of +, up and down is latitudinal and left/right is longitudinal

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#86: /sendmap and /getmap command in Sauerbraten

by D-TurboKiller (LT) on 04/08/2006 18:04

It's really needed for me (and most probably for many others)! It's many times needed in servers!

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#87: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/09/2006 01:22

There would need to be /sendtexture /gettexture and a formalized package/unpackage protocol

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#88: ..

by makkE on 04/09/2006 01:31

The sendmap thing has been discussed already. It was easy in cube (only the tiny .cgz was sent) so it was fast even on 56k and the only downside was in most cases a diffrent sky and fog settings.

Sauer maps are larger, there was a discussion if lightmaps should be compiled by the client after recieving the map, but after all it´s not high priority on the todo list atm, iirc.

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#89: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/14/2006 13:09

it would be nice to see Sauerbraten's Entities menu contain an additional "at current position and orientation" option for mapmodels.

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#90: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/15/2006 01:59

did i mention it would also be nice to see an "objective" gametype similar to TC:Elite?

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#91: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 04/21/2006 03:37, refers to #90

plz elaborate for those of us who are not among group of people who played TC:Elite.

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#92: Re: ..

by RealNitro on 04/21/2006 09:38, refers to #91

Pxtl: imagine a Counter Strike-like mod for RTCW:ET. Terrorists try to plant a bomb, specops try to defuse it, or stop them before planting. When you die, you die, you don't revive until the next round. One round takes about 4 minutes. There are no crosshairs, aiming can be done with the ironsight of your weapon.

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#93: Editing

by QwertyDitto on 04/21/2006 10:48

Would you be able to make a editing interface that does not require a scroll mouse in the next version??

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#94: ..

by makkE on 04/21/2006 13:03

You can do it yourself:

bind x [ universaldelta 1 ]
bind y [ universaldelta -1 ]

where x and y are only examples, just bind the keys you want to use to substitute the wheel.

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#95: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/22/2006 23:20

TC:Elite has optional crosshairs, and a great weapon system that provides ironsights, multiple grenade types and accurate timing for combat. Instead of CTF, TC:Elite has Objective, a game-type which involves two sides, one side plants the bomb and the other side attempts to pacify the resistance in order to either interrupt the opposing squad's mission, or to defuse the planted bomb.

This could be made more abstract by using other time-based events aside from bomb-planting, such as is the case of RTCW, which has other time-based goals and events in multiplayer (such as flip 3 world-altering switches, plant charges, repair and utilize assault vehicles, destroy targets of opportunity).

Another game-type would be "imprisonment", where one squad must imprison and subdue the other squad, similar to a squad-based last-man standing, except with stun weapons and the chance for squad members to release imprisoned members of the squad).

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#96: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/22/2006 23:21

oh, TC:Elite also has crouch, crouch toggle, lean and zoom.

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#97: ..

by makkE on 04/23/2006 00:41

Mad merv, stuff like that (on the more realistic side) will probably not be integrated, sauer is supposed to have old-shool gameplay.
I like tc:e too, though :D
The only tactical shooter I ever played.

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#98: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/23/2006 00:43

makkE: I think sauer could easily have features like "zoom" and support these other suggested features. I don't know why you are so convinced it's that difficult to add such features. What I think could most easily be added is a bump texture or a normalization routine. Wouldn't that be spiffy?

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#99: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 04/23/2006 00:52, refers to #98

Sauerbraten does have zoom, and I believe it works with every weapon as well. Just hold down the G key, and roll your mousewheel ;)

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#100: ..

by makkE on 04/23/2006 00:55

Oh didn´t say it was difficult. I just know Aard doesn´t appreciate that kind of gameplay. (crouch, lean, iron sights etc).So it´s pretty unlikely to find a way into the main game.

A nice zoom (smooth) would be cool of course, (and I might even need that in a project lingering in the back of my head) but I don´t think that is of high priority at the moment on the coder´s todo list.
Shaders are being worked on at the moment.
Another issue about more diverse gametypes is simply content and it´s availability. It´s only a few guys working on maps and models atm (besides own mod projects), and those rather concentrate on the basic game and the rpg.
So it was easier to make one flag model and introduce the capture gametype, than other things that require more artload.

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#101: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/23/2006 01:28

I'd like to see the normal maps and full screen ansiotropic. The zooming thing would be great for a real sniper rifle.

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#102: Re: ..

by Passa on 04/23/2006 04:57, refers to #101

anisotropic filtering.. just set that setting on your drivers.

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#103: Re: ..

by rancor on 04/23/2006 06:48, refers to #102

It's more useful to have the game set that itself though, since you don't neccecarily want to force the same settings for everything. E.G., if I want to go run sauer with 16x AF, it would be nice to not have quake 4 demolish my system when I forget to turn it off.

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