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More Sauerbraten suggestions

by Mad Merv on 03/29/2006 04:05, 122 messages, last message: 04/27/2006 23:08, 41039 views, last view: 05/17/2024 23:34

I posted a bunch of sauerbraten suggestions for the editor UI, AI and weapon scripts under "Most Wanted Features".

another idea came to mind: the ability to manipulate the location of mapmodels by selecting them and holding "M" and using the mouse wheel for height; mouse movements could move it on a 2d plane -- holding "R" while a mapmodel is selected could use a 3d trackball effect to rotate the model, with the mouse wheel resetting its rotation to 45 degree angles. if the middle mouse is pressed, it could do the other axis

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#1: copied from Most Wanted Feature

by Mad Merv on 03/29/2006 04:09

sauerbraten needs a textbox that allows for simple script editing to control AI, add particle systems, and modify the functionality of guns.

sauerbraten could also use a way to select entities -- a selection highlight could appear around mapmodels and other entities ..

-ability to apply shaders from a menu on a selected surface.
-lights could be better rendered within the edit mode as a _color-coded directional arrows_ rather than a glowing blue particle

AI paths/movement curves idea:
bezier curves for AI paths; set start and end point, twist handle to move, use R to rotate. Link paths by matching endpoints.. copy and paste; autonumbered. render number next to path for reference.

pulsing and flashing lights, moving lights by selecting a light and start_path, then end_path, auto-referenced. copy and paste lights while selecting them and paths also copy

additional browsers:
in addition to the texture browser, it would be a good idea to provide an additional quick edit menu, that would enhance placement of entities with small visual icons, perhaps rendered on the fly offscreen at low resolutions during boot
hold shift in editor to....switch some mode in the editor back to a mouse cursor? perhaps a 'quick edit' menu could pop up that used a standard mouse cursor, arresting control of the camera view during this mode only.

debug and multithread the patch lighting to occur while using the editor

weapon language:

in addition to the special flags that could be used to set weapon statistics (duration, ammo, behavior/particle effect script, etc) . . . this same language should define the behavior of the weapons

enemies should be programmable in a
you should add an object based meta-language that provides timed movements and behaviors for both peaceful and combat AI.
simple commands like:

sniper; // sniper mode; enemy does not move when gains LOS; keeps its post and fires when given LOS opportunity
stand; // stands still; default setting
aggressive; // toggles aggression, which means kill on sight of player
wimpy; // toggles evasive combat
vindictive; // kills other AIs who engage it even accidentally
wait until <event|duration |player=near/distance|contact (with player)>;
seek [player|nearest|x/y/z or map marker name];
near [player|nearest|x/y/z or map marker name] then <command>;
animation x/y/z duration; // plays an animation at x/y/z
animation path duration; // interpolates an animation between coordinates x,y,z (moves object incrementally from source to dest for duration);
insane; /* toggles kill everyone mode, a special mode that provides sequences where enemies attack nearby wimpy enemies, for scenes */
hostage; /* special combat mode which penalizes the player */
sentry x/y/z distance; /* paces and stands within a certain distance of x/y/z, returns to x/y/z when not fighting */
hunt <duration>; /* hunts the player for x seconds, a counter which is reset when the enemie gets LOS on a player */

adapt the file format to a programmable filespec configuration file, so that you can modify the 3d file spec in a filespec.cfg file

-support for PCX in place of JPG files.
-support for TIF in place of JPG files.
-support for P4D files in place of md3 files, or other alternative animation format

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#2: ..

by Mad Merv on 03/29/2006 04:28

after selecting a mapmodel, you should be able to scale it using the mouse wheel or something; that way you can use the mushrooms several times at different sizes for instance, that way you can reuse mapmodels and scale them with a simple translation starting at 1.0

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#3: decals

by Mad Merv on 03/29/2006 13:06

it would be nice to do decals for pock marks and blast craters

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#4: ..

by FrenchMax on 03/29/2006 13:30

Make another type of menu
Have a real time light (like in cube)

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#5: gun position / firing position / shot position

by Mad Merv on 03/29/2006 15:10

move the emit position of the gun's shot to the right slightly to be obscured by the gun model.

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#6: Spam Assassins

by Mad Merv on 03/29/2006 15:14

I've started a project with some friends of mine housed at

this is a total conversion with new packaging in progress (v0.1 alpha)

this is not an official release

contains significant menu.cfg updates; no sauer maps.

we're looking for a host for our server, as sauerbraten.org's master server does not recognize our home IP because it's dynamic

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#7: ..

by makkE on 03/29/2006 17:22

You have not been given permission by me to redistribute my material.
Furthermore I didn´t allow you to alter my material (pistol skin).
You didn´t even ask.

Please remove my material from this package immediately.

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#8: ..

by makkE on 03/29/2006 17:27

This includes:

Any of my models/skins in /models/objects
The folder /packages/models/flags
The folder /packages/models/makke
The folder /packages/models/grenades
The folder /packages/models/hudguns/pistol

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#9: ..

by makkE on 03/29/2006 18:00



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#10: Re: Spam Assassins

by CC_machine4 on 03/29/2006 19:06, refers to #6

sorry, but u have to ask for the material creators permission before you can include it in your mod, or use different materials entirely.

Aard should make this clear on cube's front page and maybe make a sticky (if that is possible)

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#11: Not asking permissions

by mitaman at dark cave on 03/29/2006 19:31

Why is it so hard for new people coming here to just read all the enclosed documents/text files included in CUBE and SAUER. It's pretty easy to figure out who the creator(s) of game content is, and who should be contacted for permission to use/change stuff.

makkE and many others have worked far too hard making good game content to have their stuff "taken and re-used".

Shame on all those that don't even bother to ask permission.


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#12: plus

by Pxtl on 03/29/2006 19:58

it's not like people can't release a mod that is meant to be installed onto an existing Cube/Sauer installation. Why they insist on releasing the mod as a standalone (which they'd never do with, say, UT) is beyond me.

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#13: ..

by mmmmmmmerv on 03/29/2006 20:23

this is not a release, i'm just sharing a glimpse at what we're working on to get feedback. we plan to replace all of the models; this is just a new menu system and a few sample levels for a pre-alpha total conversion mod for sauerbraten

if you'd like to talk more about it, feel free to email me

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#14: ..

by mmmmmmmerv on 03/29/2006 20:25

you're more than welcome to contribute to get your name on this project. we're trying to change the file format to get away from Id Software licensing issues. We'd also like to seem the major improvements made so that everyone can benefit off them

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#15: re: makke

by mmmmmmmerv on 03/29/2006 20:27

While I appreciate your concern, this was meant primarily as an invitation to look at our project and decide if you want our menus.cfg and other improvements

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#16: ..

by makkE on 03/29/2006 20:48

Merv, I know that you aim at making a TC and of course I do understand that you´re using the stuff merely as placeholders. (apart from others here).

Please understand that we have had lots of problems with people not caring at all about any copyrights (changing two files and claiming they made a new "game"),
so we react sort of harsh, but it´s got to become clear that the content isn´t "ffa", just before

I see from your portfolio that you have quite some experience in the field.
Please do understand we´re not against you doing your project, we do welcome that. It´s just our concern to make clear to mere noobs that they can´t go "wow cool I change a few files, whip that up and I made a game!!"

So please help us show people how the engines are meant to be modded, and add some placeholders in future alpha glimpses, some coloured boxes or the nothing model (I´m sure nieb doesn´t claim anything on a blank file) can be used to quicky get rid of the original content, without needing to change code.

By the way, please enlighten me on those license issues you see with md2/md3. I believe they only matter if a comercial use is planned. ID has been too much of a friendly company (seeing they opensource their engines) that I can´t believe there´s any restrictions towards using their formats in a non-commercial project.

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#17: Re: Spam Assassins

by CC_machine0 on 03/29/2006 21:25, refers to #6

wow, thanks for the slow server.. even though i\'m on 2mb, it\'s gonna take 2 hours to load.. and most of it is illegal sauerbraten copied stuff.. woow

can\'t you just release what you changed and have it as an add-on?

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#18: ..

by makkE on 03/29/2006 21:46

Calm down, cc.
Not everyone has über fast hosting at his disposal. How old are you?
And there´s actually quite some original content in that, so stop complaining before you seen it.

Be more polite in the future please.

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#19: Re: ..

by Passa on 03/29/2006 23:08, refers to #18

can someone please direct me to the original content? all I see is sauerbraten gameplay and a new menu, plus like 5 new textures

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#20: Re: ..

by eihrul on 03/29/2006 23:09, refers to #18

I think the stuff about MD2/MD3 he is spouting off is inane. The only way id can restrict your usage of the stuff is IF you use their tools to create them. And as far as I know, tools like GtkRadiant are solely GPL now.

In other words, total, utter inanity.

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