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by Gamer on 04/30/2005 13:27, 48 messages, last message: 06/20/2005 22:31, 20509 views, last view: 05/18/2024 22:27

how do i add moving water to my level?? Please help, i' making a cool map!!!

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#27: "push" entity?

by Sparr on 05/12/2005 21:34

Actually, the functional part of moving water could be implemented very simply, with perhaps only 10 lines of code. Simply introduce a new entity type called "push". It would work similar to a jumppad, but instead of one hard push at the beginning it would provide a constant (slower) push as long as you are near it. Fill your river with push entities (maybe one every 2-4 cubes, depending on how its coded) and viola, flowing water.

Making it look like it is flowing is a whole other ballgame, and will have to wait at least until water quads can be seperated (right now all the water is rendered together).

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#28: Re: "push" entity?

by Sparr on 05/12/2005 22:05, refers to #27

Took 5 minutes to implement, turned out to be 13 lines of code (8 of which were copied from the JUMPPAD case in pickup()).

Works rather well. Unfortunately it doesnt "mesh" quite right with the physics gravity code so it can't be used to make a 'lift' (although that may not be difficult to fix)

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#29: Re: "push" entity?

by CC_machine on 05/13/2005 22:32, refers to #27

But why couldnt you just make the texture move in the disired direction? If you look carefully, you will see that water does move diagonally slightly

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#30: Re: "push" entity?

by Sparr on 05/14/2005 01:11, refers to #29

making the water move in a certain direction is actually trivial, just change a + to a - or vice versa in the water rendering code (slightly less trivial if you implement this as a map option). what is not trivial is making all the water in the level NOT move the same direction.

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#31: Re: "push" entity?

by tentus on 05/17/2005 14:06, refers to #28

i don't suppose you'ld be willing to put a text file showing your work on your site, would you? i'd love to be able to incorporate a push entity in my MOD.

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#32: Re: "push" entity?

by Sparr on 05/17/2005 19:41, refers to #31


The diff is very small. The implementation of the pusher is primitive, but works. I also put up a map you can use to test it, with a little 'flowing' water. I used just a few pushers with relatively hard push, a much smoother ride could be accomplished by putting in 4x as many pushers with 1/4 the push power, although care must be taken to prevent the push 'radius' from exceeding the edges of the water.

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#33: ..

by CC_machine on 05/21/2005 16:55

how do u use it in cube?

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#34: ..

by makkE on 05/21/2005 18:12

You will have to compile a new binary with that code integrated/replaced(? I can´t code). . Means you can´t use it in Cube really, it would be a mod/fork.

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#35: ..

by CC machine on 05/21/2005 19:32

oh, i have no idea what file to replace, how to compile etc etc..

so ill just wait for some one to make a mod using it

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#36: ..

by makkE on 05/21/2005 21:11

Well since tentus has shown intrest, It might appear in a new version of Cube Legends ;)
Imho this kind of entity would make more sense in singleplayer anyways. (would be cool to get drawn down some long tunnel and having to fight monsters that spawn in the water or something ;)

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#37: ..

by Sparr on 05/21/2005 23:48

well, as to how to compile, thats a whole other thread. but what to replace is easy. in the diff file --- and +++ show you which file is being modified. any lines below that start with a - should be removed, any lines that start with a + should be added.

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#38: Re: ..

by tentus on 05/22/2005 02:00, refers to #37

good, that's what i figured. my compiler is on a completely different (and unLANed) computer, so i just printed the diff file out and followed it fairly closely.

and ja, i'm going to have it in the next release of CL, and i'm willing to include and other little things anyone wants to make. i'm still working on making instagibSP for example.

oh, makkE, thanks for the level idea, i may know how to pull that off, with some teleports and these pushers.

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#39: ..

by CC machine on 05/28/2005 14:26

you can have intsgibSP in cube, go onto a sp map in instagib mode, then open console and type /sp. then press e a couple of times and voila, monsters in instagib!

unless you were talking about ogros with rifles and stuff then ok

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#40: ..

by CC machine on 05/28/2005 17:41

oh sorry forgot you need to type "/sp " with a space otherwise it restarts the map

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#41: Re: ..

by tentus on 06/08/2005 19:02, refers to #37

sparr, did you forget to add anything to your diff file? i've tried everything i can think of, from compiling straight cube to looking at every similar entity (ie jumppads), but i have yet to make your pusher entity work, even on your pushertest map.

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#42: ..

by Sparr on 06/08/2005 20:23

i left nothing out. can you elaborate on what does/doesnt work? do you see the entities in edit mode? does the name show up on the hud? do you get any sort of effect when you stand near them?

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#43: Re: ..

by tentus on 06/09/2005 02:01, refers to #42

Cube doesn't recognize them at all, but rather has ? marks for the entity type. i can't figure it out, but for some reason it just isn't registering them at all. everything else is intact, and every other change i make chages, so i know it's actually compiling, but... they're just ? entities.

i'll try swapping it and jumppads in position in cube.h and renderextras- if it stops registering the jumppads it's probably some little MAXENTTYPES value that i haven't been able to turn up yet.

anyone else have any theories? perhaps when i copy/pasted i missed something... somehow...

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#44: Idea

by SirLiveAlot. on 06/10/2005 02:16

Since were all talking about materials. Why dont we also have a new type of air. We could have poison fog as a new materials. I think if a map used correctly it could add lots to the gameplay. It will take more work then lava/acid though because poison shouldn't wear off the second you leave the poisoned area. However, I think it has the potential to make it worth while.

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#45: Re: Idea

by Pxtl on 06/10/2005 03:54, refers to #44

Well, personally I've been working on a scheme of modifiers. The principle is that modifiers are simply stacking up static changes onto attributes - when a modifier is applied or removed, the effective attribute level is recalculated. Each modifier is assumed to last until the bearer's death, or it self destructs. Modifiers can hold others - so you can have a "timed-destruct" modifier to hold poison effects, etc.

You could also have graphical modifiers to apply glows, etc.

The idea is that you could use this for as an easy-to-use mechanism for special weapon payloads (like poison guns, shield guns, etc), pickups, runes, etc. I based it on an exceptional mod for UT called Cosmic Unreal.

Now, if Sauer cubes could be defined as classes, then the effects on the player of being within the cube could be handled as modifiers. The water gameplay effects could be handled as a "flight" modifier combined with a "speed attribute" modifier. For volumes, simply have an "on enter" event, a "during" event, and an "on exit" event - have a modifier option for each. On enter and on exit occur when making a transition into any other volume class. To avoid crufting up the sauer cube data, simply use a class structure - each oct simply contains an index for its class in the class vector.

Really, this modifier concept would be a simple subset of a full-fledged scripting engine - while the "during" concept would be nice as a modifier, the "on enter" and "on exit" events for volume classes would best be handled as scripted events.

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#46: Re: Idea

by Pxtl on 06/10/2005 04:01, refers to #45

Bah - I should read over my comments before posting. While I'm dubious about wanting an "edit" feature, but a mandatory "preview" wouldn't hurt. I didn't clearly explain - the idea is that modifiers could be destroyed by an external object - surviving until destruction of the player is only the default behaviour. In the case of the "during" modifier concept, the modifier would be applied on entrance into the volume and removed when the player makes a transition into another kind of volume, making scripted volumes simple to implement - select a suite of modifiers for the "during" phase for your volume class and set any graphical effects the volume may have (such as wavy surface, transparency, etc).

That, and there are other problems with the water code - I forgot how the player can "jump" out of water, which is above the normal concepts of "flight" and "speed reduction".

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