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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube Legends

by tentus on 03/27/2005 05:45, 199 messages, last message: 04/29/2007 19:50, 132369 views, last view: 05/18/2024 22:23

This thread exists for discussion of my MOD, Cube Legends. This block of text introducing it is nonspecific so I'm not stuck with outdated or blatantly wrong information at the top of the thread.

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#21: looks very cool

by D.plomat on 04/20/2005 14:15

Just checked the screenshots, can't wait to test it when i'm back home (touchpad... :(

@Rick: it's a content mod, so normally you can take the content from a windows install and use it with the original linux binary. I've installed it on my FAT partition that is shared with both Win and Linux on my Laptop, i'll try to make a .tar.gz Linux version.

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#22: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/20/2005 14:22

Well I read about CL in this thread: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-324638.html
His brother said that the unmodified bins weren't very usefull...but I guess you're right...

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#23: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 04/21/2005 14:16, refers to #22

Ah, i've read too fast. Just checked the install, there's a tar file with CL source, this weekend i'll try to compile on my Linux box.

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#24: Compiled on Linux, just finished playing SP and DMSP map

by D.plomat on 04/23/2005 19:38


Superb maps, a lot of very cool models and the weapons feels very good, specially the bow.

The font, HUD icons and sounds also fit perfectly.

Tomorrow i'll send a mail with the Linux binary and the little changes i've made to have it compile on Linux.

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#25: ..

by makkE on 04/24/2005 00:39

Cool, Cube Legends for all :)

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#26: Uhh...

by enigma_0Z on 04/24/2005 05:46

Uhh... the CL1.0beta*.tar.gz doesn't work...

It looks for huduns in their old directories, and is missing some textures

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#27: excellent!

by Aardappel_ on 04/24/2005 11:00

great mod! was a lot of fun playing though sp and dmsp... inventive map designs, with some great atmosphere.

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#28: Re: Uhh...

by tentus on 04/24/2005 18:34, refers to #26

are you using the engine i've compiled? i can't remember this being a problem on any other comp it's been tested on- i definately changed directories and such AFTER i changed the source. check the checksum to be sure it's a good download, you may be missing some stuff. or are you on linux?

Dplomat has very kindly done some good work on a linux binary, which i think works, but i'm sure for myself, i'm just going off of secondhand reports.

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#29: Linux Version

by loz-linuxizer-work on 04/28/2005 01:46

Hi, this is Tentus' brother. I apologize for not being active on this forum for a long time...it\'s reflective of how many games I've played over the past few months (none).

D.plomat has has kindly built a Linux version and the tarball can be downloaded here: ftp://gentoobox.rh.ncsu.edu/cubelegends/1.0beta/cl-linux.tar.gz

I myself have had no luck making it compile under Linux or Solaris. Sorry. I should note that my system didn't like D.plomat's binaries either -- I promise to get cracking on this source once my exams are over in two weeks (yayyay!).

The gentoobox.rh.ncsu.edu server of mine has been up and down a lot recently. I ended up trashing my Gentoo installation and ended up reinstalling most of it (binutils can blow me!). I apologize for the inconvenience.

I should say that the Windows version appears to be stable as I personally have yet to find a bug in it. Attempting to start the Linux version on my computer results in a black screen, so I'll have to work on this.

Thanks for your time.

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#30: About Linux binary

by D.plomat on 05/06/2005 19:35

When thinking of it, i'm also on a Gentoo, but stage1 for AthlonXP, so i suppose my compiler outputs i686 only binaries. I'll try to either compile for i586 with some cross-compiler setting, or compile it on an older box.

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#31: ..

by BonX on 05/07/2005 15:38

very very nice work
but i think iam not clever enough i cant find a single door trigger even in the first level :)

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#32: Re: ..

by tentus on 05/10/2005 02:55, refers to #31

the levels have no defined order... which one are you talking about?

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#33: ..

by sinsky on 05/17/2005 11:21

I have a decent connection now, however I can't reach http://gentoobox.rh.ncsu.edu/cl. If there are mirrors listed on the site please post them here too.

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#34: Re: ..

by tentus on 05/17/2005 13:56, refers to #33

ja, the server is down for a bit. sorry, it should be back up in a week or so, unless my host is further set back. he's moving, so gentoobox.rh.ncsu.edu is not physically there to connect with.

on other cl news, i'm working on getting some new entities incorporated into the game, such as a very large teleport. if anyone has something they'd like to have included, this would be a great time to send me such things.

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#35: multiplayer

by CC machine on 05/21/2005 10:43

i cant get multiplayer to work, it just freezes whenever i press j

oh and i can get cube to work with multiplayer

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#36: entities

by CC machine on 05/21/2005 20:00

some ideas for entities, some may not be programmable:

1.pusher (see water thread)
2.king/queen (if you kill them game is over, but they dont attack you, or maybe they do ill leave you to decide that)
3.backpack like in DooM to store more ammo
4.traps (autoguns, swinging axes etc.)
5.invincibility/invisibility etc. pickups like in DooM
6.vehicles (horse and cart for example)
7.monster powerups (i.e. pickups that only monsters can use)
8.bosses (self-explanatory)
9.moving/animated mapmodels
10.infinite ammo pickup (you get infinite ammo like the fist)
11.more varieties of armour (e.g. armour that shields from rockets only but shields 90% damage from rockets)
12.spherical lights (may not be neccasery scince current cube lighting can make a map quite atmosphereic)
13.upgrades (i.e. pickups to increase speed of movement, weapon damage etc.)
14.torch/light pickup (i.e. pickup so that you can still see in dark places, but only within a certian range)
15.possibility of drowning - this could be activated by the mapper to prevent breaking some maps (although this isnt an entity)
16.pain entity (you get hurt if you get near it, e.g. if you go near a spike)
17.text entity (just displays text at a certian height that always faces the player - could be used in tutorials etc.)

i hope that this has given you some ideas, sorry if none of these can be implemented, may add to this list

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#37: Re: entities

by jean pierre on 05/21/2005 20:23, refers to #36


I made one myself the problem is he is easily beaten even with 10000 health but i made a boss when i got to compile Cube ;) so yes 1 of your ideas can be implemented by a guy on compiling knowledge

Cons about #8 if you got rocket launcher or shotgun you kill him with only 5 shots so i recommend Rifle or Machine Gun/ChainGun for bosses

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#38: ..

by CC_machine on 05/21/2005 21:02

ok, what about the other ideas?

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#39: Re: entities

by CC machine on 05/21/2005 21:13, refers to #37

heres a point: make it so he only takes 60% or less from rocket/shell damage

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#40: more entities!

by CC machine on 05/21/2005 21:38

Also to add to that list:

18. walls that can be knocked down only by hitting them with a rocket / when they take x amount of damage
19. fly pickup (give ability to fly like you can underwater and in edit mode)
20. money (silly idea really, money can be acconplished by simply using good coding skills in the map .cfg file)

there. 20 ents. that should be enough for one day

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