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"The Odyssey" (mpsp5), a new SP map from MitaMAN

by MitaMan on 12/10/2004 23:04, 41 messages, last message: 12/30/2004 19:52, 5276 views, last view: 05/05/2024 08:01

Hello fellow CUBERS, I have a new single player map for you to try. It's large (about 800 monsters, about an hour of gameplay) with a variety of areas (mini-episodes) to explore and kill in. The map also includes some new textures and triggered music (Fanatic songs in CUBE).

You can get the map from here:


For added killing pleasure I suggest downloading the great game items (teleport, weapons, etc...my favorite is the Keycard and Teleport.) from DCP's web site.


They add to the map, but are not required to play it.

To install "The Odyssey" just unzip the mpsp5.zip file into the main CUBE directory.

To play just type "sp mpsp5" (without the quotes) at the console and hit enter.

Gameplay hints: I suggest that when you teleport into a new area gather up supplies and save before moving on. Also, don't just blindly run into an area without checking out your surroundings, you will trigger more than you can handle if your not careful.

SLOW COMPUTER ALERT! Parts of the map are larger and more open than most CUBE maps. If the map runs too slow check the readme for suggestions on running it on slower systems.

Special thanks to Makke and Spentron for their "map editing aid".

As always, feedback is welcome. I spent many hours over several months making this map and would enjoy hearing what you guys think. My new email address is in the readme.

Come for the fun, stay for the killing!!


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#22: Re: ..

by tentus on 12/14/2004 15:06, refers to #21

That's happened to me a few times... <_< >_> :)

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#23: ..

by mikshaw on 12/15/2004 01:51

This is without a doubt the most beautiful Cube map I've ever seen.

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#24: ..

by mikshaw on 12/15/2004 04:02

One little glitch I've seen so far.

With the size of this map it'll be difficult to tell you exactly where this is, but trigger 44 is sitting on a platform with HOM that is visible when you stand on either side of it.

It's a trigger which opens a teleport.
The teleport takes you to a place with checkered floors, a huge number of skulls, one trigger upstairs which is visible from below, and this area is the first time I recall seeing blue light.
Does that tell you where I'm talking about?

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#25: Re: ..

by mitaman at other on 12/15/2004 12:50, refers to #24

>One little glitch I've seen so far.<

Yes, I know about it (after release of map. Sorry I didn't catch it before releasing the map. I thought I found all the glitches after the 5th or 6th playtest. Oh well.


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#26: Thanks Guys

by mitaman at other on 12/16/2004 04:18

It appears that overall you guys enjoyed this map. That makes me feel it was worth making. I really tried to make it as pretty and fun as possible.

To be honest much of the inspiration for this map design came from some great Quake2 maps made by Mark Shaun that I recently played. His work in Q2 is the best I've ever seen.

I'm hoping a new CUBE release is in the near future with some added "lighting effects" and "triggered sequence of events" commands.

Anyway, thanks again guys and happy holidays.


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#27: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 12/16/2004 06:49


I noticed that the map isn't hosted on spentron's website. Did you per chance get a new website for your maps?

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#28: Re: .website.

by mitaman at cave on 12/16/2004 15:33, refers to #27


No, I don't have website. My daughter uploaded my last (2) maps to her site. I guess it would be nice to have a MitaMAN/CUBE site, but to be honest I'm too lazy to make one. I'd rather spend my free time making maps for CUBE and playing other first person shooters.

And now to pimp my previous map, find it here:



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#29: Re: mpsp4

by mikshaw on 12/17/2004 03:05, refers to #28

Thought you might want to know that Linux is case-sensitive in practically all situations. In mpsp4 there are several files named in uppercase which need to be renamed in order to work on the Linux client.

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#30: ..

by Grogan on 12/17/2004 06:32

Case sensitive, yes and I hit that too with mpsp4 when I right clicked and extracted it.

However, at the time I didn't think of it but if you use the command line zip/unzip utility to unpack it instead, you can use the -L switch to force all lower case, which is how these files are referenced.

unzip -L filename.zip

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#31: t'anks

by mikshaw on 12/17/2004 15:36

Thanks for that info...it will be useful.

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#32: awesome!

by D.plomat on 12/18/2004 18:05

Good thing you announced also mpsp4 because i realized i had missed this one.

Also used the 'wakeup monster mass' technique, but i was at default skill, i suppose i wouldn't have survived this at skill 9 ;)

maybe it lacks one or two triggers when you teleport back to the starting room, the first time i went back the side doors of the second room and the door to the outdoor area were still closed, then i made the whole path again to the teleport and then it worked.

The blend of different monster groups is excellent.

Very cool SP map... going back from my cigarette+forum pause to my savegame :)

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#33: mpsp6

by jcdpc nomocookie on 12/19/2004 02:33

are ther plans for another map anytime soon? each one of your maps is better than the one before it, and the first one was pretty good...

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#34: Re: mpsp6

by mitaman at cave on 12/19/2004 03:25, refers to #33

Well, I'm working on a DM map, my first one. I'm trying to design the map so major fighting is done in an "arena room", then players must retreat into side rooms to grab pickups. We'll see how it turns out.

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#35: Co-op arena?

by tentus on 12/19/2004 04:03

A friend once suggested that I make a map where you have two areas, one firepower-intensive inner area and a more sedate outer area. The root concept was that people in the outer area could help out the inners by manipulating switches to give their friends an edge.

I told him it would be ridiculously hard to do in Cube. All the sketches I made (yes, i sketch out map ideas v_v) ended up just plain not working.

Just thought I'd toss that out to you MitaMAN, if anyone could maybe run with that idea I'd say it would be you.

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#36: Re: Co-op arena?

by mitaman at cave on 12/19/2004 18:09, refers to #35

I would really love to make a CTF map, or an Assault type map. Perhaps CUBE will implement some more game modes in the next release.
I'm sure it will be difficult to design a map that forces players to do most fighting in certain areas.
Even if I come up with a good map, do people really play custom DM maps?
Bottom line, I just enjoy mapping in CUBE. To me it's as much fun to map as it is to play.

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#37: ..

by Drakker_ on 12/20/2004 00:10

The goods custom DM maps are included in the cube releases, so if you make somethingreally good, its gonna be in the next release for sure. :)

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#38: ;

by mitaman at at other on 12/22/2004 19:52


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#39: ..

by Grogan on 12/22/2004 21:59

Do people play custom DMSP maps? I sure will if you make one.

I downloaded a bunch of Pushplay's maps a while back and I like them. (especially the "HMS" one, short, sweet and nasty)

I downloaded enigma's maps too. I especially like the one with the oil slicks.

Variety is the spice of life :-)

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#40: Re: ..

by tentus on 12/22/2004 23:29, refers to #39

i too recently downloaded enigma's maps, and i must say, very good! I hope to see more enigs soon!

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#41: ;

by mitamanincave on 12/30/2004 19:52


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