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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by samel on 10/05/2004 22:12, 38 messages, last message: 01/21/2005 11:10, 8013 views, last view: 05/18/2024 22:13

I think this is news that deserve it's own thread. After I read e:n:i:g:m:a's thread about wanting a live cd with cube on it I thought I make it easier for people who wants to know, not having to read al the replies hoping to find an answer.

Anyway, Linux Live Game Project (at http://tuxgamers.altervista.org/) has made a knoppix-based distro that includes many games (see http://tuxgamers.altervista.org/
llgp/games-0.0.1.php), including CUBE. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know how well it works, but how wonderful won't it be to bring a bunch of CDs to a LAN? =) FU Counter Strike...ehh..

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#18: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 10/13/2004 00:37, refers to #17

sorry, I don't follow what you're trying to say :)

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#19: Re: ..

by sinsky on 10/13/2004 01:05, refers to #18

Me neither :)

Well.. let's continue anyway. Imagine we have a stadium with a soccer game going on, but something is wrong - the number of players in each team varies (people come from the stands into the playground, players vanish into the air from time to time, etc.) What could be wrong with a game like that? As we can see (no doubt!), money is required to keep the constant number of players in a soccer game and people at the stands so that everything is in place until the game ends. Commercial software and soccer games make a lot more money than free software and tennis games.

Umm.. hope it sounds good :)

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#20: Cube on a livecd?

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 10/13/2004 04:10

Cube on a livecd? AWESOME!!!!!!

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#21: Sorry...

by sandman on 01/14/2005 19:48

I'm the creator of LLGP, and I'm sorry but in the new version of my live cd there's not cube.

In the first version I installed manually cube, but on the new version I wanted to manage all programs trought apt, and there is not a debian package for cube! So I didn't installed it on the new version.

I think that a great game like cube deserve debian packages. Someone can build them? If the packages will be included in the debian repository I will re-include cube on the next version of my cd!

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#22: Re: Sorry...

by Pxtl on 01/16/2005 23:16, refers to #21

Problem is Cube isn't 100% open-source - doens't Deb require build-from-source for the deb packages?

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#23: Re: Sorry...

by D.plomat on 01/17/2005 13:54, refers to #22

no, it's not a technical requirement, only a requirements for including the package in main Debian.

There are already packages in non-free for some binary packages (like flashplayer plugin and similar)

About 100% Open source, i consider it is, and it would be possible to make a Debian-policy compatible Cube deb using recompiled binaries. (but obviously ppl would always replace them by the official ones to connect to public servers).

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#24: Mmhmm.

by Pxtl on 01/17/2005 18:56

Ideally, a substitute masterserver would do well for an opensource version, as the Cube masterserver's tendency to list everybody on every version in the same list makes it frustrating for those you use incompatible Cube versions. Perhaps the tuxgaming community could run one?

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#25: Re: Sorry...

by Aardappel_ on 01/17/2005 19:23, refers to #23

I spoke to one of the debian maintainers once about including Cube, and they were extremely uncooperative. They insisted it had to be built from source (completely ignoring what confusion it gives to new players that try to connect with such a build), and even my suggestion of just putting the entire thing in non-free (what a joke, but ok) was ignored. These people are such religious fanatics about OS they can't think logically anymore.

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#26: Re: Sorry...

by Pxtl on 01/17/2005 19:34, refers to #25

That's such a shame - Debian has become the core of many popular end-user distros such as Knoppix and Ubuntu. Its too bad that their zealotry impedes developers like you.

I still think a second masterserver would be nice for the opensource version - then maybe the opensource version could get into the liveCD and get some momentum through Debian-based distros - and if it gets cheated to hell, the players can come here for the closed version.

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#27: Re: Sorry...

by sinsky on 01/18/2005 00:11, refers to #25

This is off-topic but anyway - I installed Debian some time ago, my intention being to have Linux binaries for Orb and Debian my choice because of bad experience before with Red Hat 6. And some element of chance of course. I had great trouble configuring my mouse and finally gave up, it was plain annoying (imagine you want to do something and your cursor does something else or does nothing at all, on a random basis). Then it got worse, I formatted my harddrive because I couldn't get rid of the linux boot loader no matter what I did, and I think I have some experience with these things. It may all have been my fault but I really tried and it really didn't work.

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#28: Re: Sorry...

by sinsky on 01/18/2005 00:27, refers to #27

By the way recently tried Knoppix and it worket perfectly, am I such a fool or is it easier to make a Debian live CD (Knoppix is Debian, isn't it?) than a sophisticated configuration program?

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#29: Re: Sorry...

by D.plomat on 01/18/2005 20:07, refers to #25

Too bad they didn't try to find/accept a solution...

If one day i learn to make deb's i'd eventually make a cube deb for main and a cube-cheatprotected-binaries for non-free, but that's very unlikely, as i use Debian mostly only at work.
I use Gentoo at home, and while Debian is simpler and more straightforward to install, this kind of fanatism was #2 argument for choosing Gentoo instead (#1 is the USE flags)

Anyway many here probably always use the .tar.gz even if there is a package for their distro, and Cube became famous by itself without being 'distro-supported'... Just that we have to help newbies learning to tar+chmod ;)

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#30: Re: Sorry...

by D.plomat on 01/18/2005 20:12, refers to #28

I checked the docs of both Knoppix and Gentoo tools for making Live CDs and i think it requires very good knowledge of package making (which i don't have) so making a Linux-from scratch ISO might be easier.

A thing that needs to be added is auto-detection of 3D hardware, as most often live-CDs use only XFree-included drivers (excepted game CDs)

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#31: ..

by Grogan on 01/18/2005 21:31

I was just about to say, it's a shame that Cube isn't included on the Games Knoppix cd, because it's got everything needed to play it, including the SDL stuff and detection of ATI and NVIDIA cards and a choice to install proprietary drivers.

As I was typing this, I went to the site http://games-knoppix.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/ and cube is now listed!

Games Knoppix 3.7-0.2 released

This makes me very happy and I'm going to download the new ISO pretty soon.

I also use the games knoppix CD to test out video cards. Instead of screwing around installing drivers for something temporary I just boot with this CD.

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#32: Re: Sorry...

by Aardappel_ on 01/19/2005 17:56, refers to #26

having a seperate masterserver for the open source protocol is a bad idea... I don't want to split the community just because some debian admins are being stubborn. And have all these new users subjected to the easiest cheating in the world without knowing it (no, people don't read readme's).

Also, don't go off making a seperate "free" debian package. That will bring incompatible protocols into the world and this messageboard will be flooded with people asking why they can't connect to servers (again, people don't read readme's).

There's only 1 way cube should be distributed, and that is with premade binaries, and no building from source.

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#33: ..

by >driAn<. on 01/20/2005 12:58

Aardappel: I think the diff-protocol error message should be more clear and give the players a hint that they should get the official cube from sf.net

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#34: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 01/20/2005 13:06, refers to #33

good idea, something like adding "download the cheat-protected executables at... " to the message

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#35: Well..

by Pxtl on 01/20/2005 20:05

Ideally the masterserver list would show which protocol the game its hosting is, or some other method for having multiple protocols in the masterserver list, just to allow mods to play online reasonably well. Either way, that would also encourage use of the OSS Cube implementation, which Aard wants to discourage.

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#36: ..

by makkE on 01/21/2005 00:27

I´d say forget about debian.. any linux user will find cube sooner or later on sf, don´t you think?
I found it when I tried linux and wanted to get q3 to run so.. where´s the problem.. if those debian ppl don´t want cube, it´s their fault ...

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#37: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 01/21/2005 10:33, refers to #36

Yes, and in fact having the same simple installation method on all distros is something cool... good'ole .tar.gz rules :)

And with the precompiled binaries users don't even have to mess around with ./configure && make && make_install

The only thing newbies seems to miss is the required libs installation. I've started writing a Cube FAQ so i'll add an entry for each major distro with the rpm/emerge/apt-get commands for the libs.

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