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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/17/2004 03:59, 67 messages, last message: 02/03/2005 02:52, 34005 views, last view: 05/18/2024 18:56

Hey guys, I want to make an RPG based on the Cube engine...but I have one problem: I don't know how to code.

Could you guys help me? I want it to be an action/RPG. I can design the textures, 3d models, anything, but i don't know any code except for HTML ;)

I will be getting a sourceforge.net project soon, but want to know if anybody would be willing to help me out before I make that kind of committment!

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#28: ..

by arghvark on 08/20/2004 23:28



Come on NWN even has a linux port http://happypenguin.org/show?Neverwinter%20Nights%20Client
There is one other really good one, but I cant remeber its name, but will post once I do.

Can you call any of these more "dated" then cube? I think not.

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#29: ..

by arghvark on 08/21/2004 00:07

btw: What are you talking about "occult influences"?

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#30: Re: Thank you

by j.c.d.p.c. on 08/21/2004 00:13, refers to #27

Safe to play? occult influences?

Many christains i know (including myself) love playing D&D-style games and have no problem with supposed "occult influences"

RPG's are fantasy, and if someone is not intellegent to discern fantsy from reality then they belong in a psych ward.

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#31: stanze also wants to say something :)

by makkE on 08/21/2004 02:40

damn german keyboard :) stanze writes on makkEs ordi (he wants to let everybody know, that he is not responsible for my rude comments)
no, ahem, I don´t understand this guy. He has a story or what? he makes costumes (scratch my head)? Well my boss makes costumes for 18th centurys exhibitions, but she wants no coders (lol).
But I was told that something like brother of the fallen angel (lol) is object of the story. Well I am a buddhist and we have no angels :). very occult stuff (lol).
But I really like Baldurs Gate and RPGs like that. Hmm the story is a bit more worked out :).
I myself was a writer when I was young :). It´s easier to write a book, you can do it all on your own :).
After all they ALL have told you to use sauerbraten and not cube. Why do you insist? If here´s no coder for you, search elsewhere.

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#32: alternatives

by j.c.d.p.c. on 08/21/2004 02:50

the OHRRPGCE is a very good RPG creator. Just a suggestion- www.hamsterrepublic.com.

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#33: ..

by makkE on 08/21/2004 02:56

lol this is makke again...
just saw the "artwork" by inoovati on his site.... i painted better swords when i was 9....
this promises to be a constant source of fun ;)

now seriously: an rpg like you plan it takes way more than that.. you need to have a WORLD, you need to have some more of a story than a cheap rip off outta the bible...
and what´s that "innovative mix" you have there in gameplay?(aren´t baldur´s gate and even way older titles just like that?!?) did you ever play any REAL rpg.. seems not (afaik Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy are not what a real rpg player would call and rpg....
and speakin of that... you mention "modern" rpg players... hmm most rpg fans I know play those old 10 year and older titles, not because they like 4 pixels in 4 colours, but because they have rich worlds and storys...
you should have read the forum guidelines btw.

well ok I´ll stop the bashing now, good luck with your game.......

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#34: I know...

by innovati on 08/21/2004 03:40

you gyus have missed it entirely...



As for the swords, those were just ideas for a variety of different Handles and guards (Did I say it was my best work anywhere?). About making a complete world for the game, you guys think that it takes lots of work?

It takes more than you think now, you've ont only gotta create the world, and maps, but also histories for each of the groups of people, they must have distinctive art styles, different cultural trditions and languages. There is soo sooo much that goes into a game. But did i ask for your help with any of that?

I don't mind if you want to contribute to that side of things, but I need coders. Me and my friends are making the story. Not up on the website yet. The website is a placeholder, a temporary peek into the devloppment.

That is not all the work that is being done on Final Dawn, in reality, the story and cultures have been around for about a year now...but i haven't had time to type them up in the last week for you to read. I have looked at all those projects, and out of those that aren't DEAD or $$$, the only ones left are not the type of game engine I need.

Where did the idea of an fallen angel come into this game? not form my site. the two word i used were "Nephilim" and "Human". I did say that there was a God, but I clearly explained that it was a fictional angelology, i'm not trying to impose or imply that this diety and angelology is or even *could* be real in the world. It is just an illustration and a framework to base a system of morals on, and give the cultures seen in the world some depth.

It explains the emnity between the Fallen (Humans) and the Nephilim, and why the Nephilim are so scarce.

And...the story I have written on the website is equal to the blurb about a movie on its back cover, it is in no means (or implied) the complete story, nor is it (or implied) all the work that has been done on the story. It is just the story at a glance.

It was made for people who want to know what the gist of the story is, without having to wade through a complete manuscript.

I am not designing the costumes, Anna-Neko is, and if you had read the caption below the first image, there's even a link to her site.

I have NO qualms whatsoever about using Saurbraten instead of Cube for the game. The only reason i am using Cube is because Saurbraten is not yet at a level of maturity where it can be released in a game. Also, as spentron said, even if the game is made on the Cube engine, it would not be very hard to port it to Saurbraten.

There IS some debate between the Old-style RPG games (like D&D and paper/tabletop RPGs) and the newer (I know it is a mis-definition)RPG games. The game I am making and the audience i am making it for call it an RPG. i am not the originator of this mis-definition, but that is the word they are looking for. On my site, I describe it as an Action/RPG, insinuating that there is action involved in the game. This should be, mixed with the rest of the description I graciously provided, enough for any kind of video-gamer to distinguish the type of game my game is.

As for occult influences, I don't care if yur priest plays "Satans temple: The Bloody Ressurection" every night with you, I do not like playing games with occult influences. It's not that I can't handle it, or am afraid of it, I JUST DON'T ENJOY IT!

Could you play a game that DIDN'T have occult influences? Sure you could, everybody could, but as soon as I or anybody else puts them in, that alienates a part of the potential market. That I why I do not want to put them in.

also, I have stated many many many times that i want this game to be cross platform. As in run on more than one OS. Very few Action/RPG games are crossplatform. If I use a gamemaker (Which I do not!) or if I modify an existing RPG, it will not likely be cross-platform.

I am not asking for you to tell me how i should make my game, or why I am doing my game this way or that way. I'm not asking for your art critiques, or isults. All i asked of you is that somebody help fix the Cube engine so that me and my friends can make a game in peace, the way we want to make it. we are willing and ready to make the rest of it, but the only thing we cannot do is the coding.

I hope this clears up some mis-conceptions about the nature of my game. It doesn't seem like anybody is even reading my posts or my website.

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#35: Re: I know...

by spentron on 08/21/2004 14:09, refers to #34

I thought the whole idea of occult influences is to stop people you don't like from enjoying your game. Well that and it looks cool ... I could see some exagerated Christian influence being even cooler though, such as a huge gleaming white Shopping Cathedral (see _fRINGE_).

Here's an idea for a less occult RPG. The game starts in 3rd person with fists knives and swords (variant fist). Eventually the player gets the power to pull weapons from the future: Double barrel shotgun, rifle, chaingun, bunny jumping, rocket jumping, first person perspective ... excuse me.

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#36: Done

by innovati from another computer on 08/21/2004 15:11

About your occult/Christian influences, I don\'t want my game to be religiously or philosophically offensive to anhybody. I don\'t want any noticeable influence on it. It takes place in another time, in another place, away from earthly religions, it has it\'s own. It doesn\'t have a cathedral as a place of worship, it has it\'s own.

And, as you mentioned (half-sacrastically) about the game that starts out as an RPg, then turns into an FPS, that a great idea. Star Wars Jedi Knight is kinda like that. You have guns as well as lightsabres, and you can finish the level using only guns or only lightsabres. I usually tend to use the lightsabres more, because I like 3rd person and swords far more than guns.

I don\'t ususally like anything to do with guns, because I am in Canada, it\'s not a part of our culture here. In the US (no offence, my mom\'s American) they go as far as to think that it\'s their duty to own a gun, and if you don\'t have one, you\'re not protecting your family.

The only reason guns are so popular in the US, is because before the pilgrims came over, in england, all weapons had to be kept in an armoury. They came over, and now had the right to have them in their house. Whereas Canada remained a british colony, and so, although the guns did not have to be kept in an armoury, they wern\'t as crazy about the freedom to own guns, they had them when they needed them, and that was all that mattered.

I don\'t like guns on a personal leve, because there is no sportsmanship. With swords, it takes skill to win a duel, it takes talent to survive. In most cases with guns, it goes > \"Boom! you\'re dead\". There is not sportsmanship in that. This is where computer games are the balance. In the game, there is sportsmanship, and talent. Not in real life.

I\'m not the hugest fan of guns you\'ll ever find. SW:JK did have osme interesting gameplay though...

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#37: ..

by pushplay on 08/22/2004 05:42

So people in the US like guns because they didn't have to be kept in an armoury, and people in Canada don't like guns because they didn't have to be kept in an armoury? Ok then.

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#38: ..

by makkE on 08/22/2004 12:51

wayne anyways...:P

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#39: Re: ..

by dcp on 08/22/2004 23:05, refers to #37

ever watched 'bowling for columbine'? then you know...

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#40: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/23/2004 02:02

yeah, but don't believe anything Mchael Moore says, he's a commie, and leaves out fact if they disprove his theory. He is very slanted, but does also have some valid points...

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#41: ..

by pushplay on 08/23/2004 04:09

I call a mulligan on this topic.

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#42: Mulligan?

by Pxtl on 08/23/2004 15:01

wtf is a mulligan? If that means "lets stop before we get a stupid, offtopic flamewar" then I agree... but wtf is a mulligan?

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#43: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/23/2004 20:22

a mulligan kinda sound like a mullet. Nobody wants a mullet. Why would we want a mulligan?

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#44: Re: ..

by dcp on 08/23/2004 22:23, refers to #43

lol, leo.org says mullet = some sort of fish OR: a 'vokuhila'... HAHAHAHA 'vorne kurz, hinten lang'... which means a really bad haicut in german... ;-)

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#45: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/23/2004 23:12

Mullet: a haircut typically worn in the late 80's and early 90's.

It consisted of short hair on the top of the head, and long hair on the sides and back.

"All business on top, all party in the back."

And you're right, to a mediterreanian, a mullet is indeed a fish. My italian cookbook is so funny because there's a recipre for "fried Mullet" we mostly just laugh at it...

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#46: ..

by arghvark on 08/24/2004 05:34

its "Business up front, party in the back"

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#47: Re: ..

by dcp on 08/24/2004 19:26, refers to #46

isn't it 'lice in the back'? lol...

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