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smash tv mod

by spectre on 01/19/2004 05:48, 39 messages, last message: 01/24/2004 16:50, 4874 views, last view: 05/04/2024 08:14

I am working on a smash tv mod for cube...
I won't get into the details because I want to suprise people, but I do need a little help. My modeling skills are pretty bad. I have an md2 model animated and working perfectly in the game of the smash tv main guy... but i can't get the weapon.md2 file to show up in his hand...so he has no weapon... i'd be so grateful if someone here who knows about md2 stuff could put the gun in his hand so it works in cube. I have the weapon file and the model file, i just need to combine the two. If anyone wants to help me out and possibly (if they wanted it) a permanant spot on the team let me know. paddy2dope@yahoo.com
thanks a lot... (btw I've been a lurker on here for about six months lol) thanks in advance :)

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#20: Re: ..

by spectre on 01/20/2004 05:30, refers to #19

thanks for finally understand that a name doesn't matter, but the content...

anyway, getting back on track... does anyone have suggestions on how to get this skin correct on the model? for some reason I can't get the gun properly skinned

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#21: I'll help

by Grumschnitz on 01/20/2004 09:18

I have some experience with .md2 skinning and would be delighted to have a look at your tuff and see if i can help. Send it as an email attachment or tell me if it's hosted somewhere.

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#22: Re: I'll help

by spectre on 01/20/2004 19:03, refers to #21

thank you so much... I owe ya for your troubles...I figured the thread was pretty much dead after that stupid little debate about the name of the mod. blah Thanks :) You just made my day! lol... I'll be emailing it right now.

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#23: Trademarks

by pushplay on 01/21/2004 05:23

A name does matter because if a company doesn't defend its trademark it becomes diluted and could enter the public domain, at which point they can't defend it.

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#24: ..

by spectre on 01/21/2004 06:27

maybe so, but the name of my mod shall stand...the name discussion is over remember, if you have a problem, suggestion, or whatever about the naming of my mod, then tell it to the bulk e-mail folder...thanks

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#25: Re: ..

by hungerburg on 01/21/2004 13:30, refers to #24

microsoft vs. mikewerksoft - cooking vs. eating temperature.

I myself dont know what smash-tv is except a cube mod - might be a soap opera on fox or network in the US. so Id rather like to read a feature list, than "its like..."

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#26: ..

by spectre on 01/21/2004 17:52

smash tv was a game created back when the original nintendo was popular. It was an overhead shooter with a massive amount of swarming enemies. It was a gameshow of the future where contestants would be hunted on the set and along the way of killing from room to room they'd get prizes like toasters and vcr's and other cheap crap. It was fun for it's time. It was created by acclaim, which is still around today. Here is a link to the arcade version with description, it was also made for nes (the version I had) and a few other systems as time went on. I also think it was on some primitive computers of the day.


In any case it wasn't the best game by far, but the idea was good. It was similar to the schwartzeneger (probably spelt wrong) movie called "the running man"

hope this helps. =)

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#27: Re: ..

by dcp on 01/22/2004 04:29, refers to #26

lol, it's 'schwarzenegger'... or 'got-a-lot-a-muscle-egger', as you like :-D

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#28: smash tv

by staffy02 on 01/22/2004 06:12

i still have smash tv the game.

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#29: ..

by Frank__i on 01/23/2004 03:03

i find a smash tv mod is a great idea , but how are you ganna make this

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#30: ..

by spectre on 01/23/2004 03:41

new models, maps, sounds, ect ect just like any other mod

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#31: ..

by Frank__i on 01/23/2004 04:48

ya but , look at smash tv , i find its a great game but your ganna turn that into a fps ?

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#32: ...

by staffy02 on 01/23/2004 06:50

it would be hard to make your mod so that enemies come in a constant stream like the
original smash tv unless you used dmsp and placed playerstarts in the four rooms which the monsters would come out of. but then you would lose the choice of going to different rooms and would just be sent to the next one.

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#33: Re: ...

by Piglet on 01/23/2004 10:56, refers to #32

staffy02: Your forgetting that the code of cube can be changed, in actual fact it shouldn't really be too tough (though some actual coding is necessary).

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#34: Re: ...

by D.plomat on 01/23/2004 11:04, refers to #32

That can be done by defining four different types of 'nextlevel' triggers for up,down,left and right room with different level attached to.
That can even be easy if the rooms are maps named with a convention like roomxxyy.cgz so the triggers choose the name of the next map by incrementing/decrementing xx or yy.

For the constant stream of monster, the easiest thing is probably defining a 'monsterstart' which only spawns monsters and not player.

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#35: Re: ...

by spectre on 01/23/2004 15:59, refers to #34

yep, it'll take some coding but nothing all that hard...just a little time...

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#36: ..

by Frank__i on 01/24/2004 00:33

but spectre , your doing this alone ?

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#37: Re: ..

by spectre on 01/24/2004 00:52, refers to #36

yea, with the help of Grumschnitz on a model skin if he can get back to me on that, I haven't heard from him in a while, but yes. It isn't that hard to do. Hell I've almost completed an xcom doom converstion based on the new polygonal engine called doomsday, but my modeler jumped ship on me. It's not that hard just takes time...once ig get the contestant model skinned I'll be in good shape...

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#38: ......

by staffy02 on 01/24/2004 01:18

with these up down left right triggers wouldn't there have to be something coded in to the engine to stop the player from just running straight for them or would they just be set so that they could only be used after all the monsters had been killed?

and are there going to be new weapons or just the cube weapons

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#39: ..

by spectre on 01/24/2004 16:50

of course there's going to be new weapons, if anyone has questions about that they should rent smash tv since there isn't much info on it on the internet, although I haven't really checked I know it's not as popular as a lot of other "classic" titles. And for the rooms I suggest I could make a monster trigger that when the last monster spawned is killed it allows access to a switch to open the particular door to the exit that is scripted to take you to a certain map...i might even be able to find a way to interject a map of the studio in between rooms like in the og game, but since I haven't looked at the code very much I can't really say at this point.

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