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smash tv mod

by spectre on 01/19/2004 05:48, 39 messages, last message: 01/24/2004 16:50, 4884 views, last view: 05/17/2024 18:41

I am working on a smash tv mod for cube...
I won't get into the details because I want to suprise people, but I do need a little help. My modeling skills are pretty bad. I have an md2 model animated and working perfectly in the game of the smash tv main guy... but i can't get the weapon.md2 file to show up in his hand...so he has no weapon... i'd be so grateful if someone here who knows about md2 stuff could put the gun in his hand so it works in cube. I have the weapon file and the model file, i just need to combine the two. If anyone wants to help me out and possibly (if they wanted it) a permanant spot on the team let me know. paddy2dope@yahoo.com
thanks a lot... (btw I've been a lurker on here for about six months lol) thanks in advance :)

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#1: ..

by pushplay on 01/19/2004 07:10

That's a great question and I have no idea how you do it. If you have more patience than I do you might be able to figure it out from the md2 viewer source:

I'm a big fan of top down shooters like smash tv and crimson land, so I look forward to seeing what you produce. Are you trying to do something similar to Smash TV or emulate it outright?

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#2: ..

by spectre on 01/19/2004 07:43

its basically a fps version of smash tv
i'm calling it Smash TV: Season Two

anyway I've managed to combine the two md2 models and it looks really nice BUT that messed up the skin...
if anyone out there knows about md2 (quake 2 / cube) model skinning and could figure this out for me that'd be great because once again I am at a complete loss for how to do this... I have the original character skin and the skin for the weapon i put in his hands, but i cant get the weapon skin to fit in with the player skin... basically the weapon is covered in the players texture instead of the weapon texture... if that makes sense...I'm sure it'd be really easy for a skinner/modeler to do, but I'm more suited to coding... so if anyone could help me or tell me how to skin the darn model that'd be great! thanks!

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#3: ..

by spectre on 01/19/2004 07:43

btw- thanks for the reply and interest!

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#4: Re: ..

by pushplay on 01/19/2004 08:13, refers to #2

Now this I think I can help you with. Once you draw the ogro polygons and you're ready to draw the gun polygons you'll need to change textures with the gl command: glBindTexture(...) like on rendermd2:220. OpenGL's handling of textures is weird, but you can probably figure out how to use Aard's functions without understanding the opengl itself.

About your theme: I find it's a better idea to take some concept and make it your own rather than just changing it. Instead of just taking Smash TV into 3D, you could create your own guns and baddies, give it a new name, and put a different spin on things. It'll give you a chance to flex your creative muscle, the owner of the SmashTV name won't breathe down your neck, and it just generally looks better.

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#5: Npherno

by Grumschnitz on 01/19/2004 11:54

Threre's this nifty tool called "NPherno's skin tool" If you combine the models into one .md2 file and run this on it, it provides a .bmp file with the flat polygons drawn on. All you have to do is colour and shade.
This links perfectly with the .md2 and all the parts of the texture go where they're meant to.

I may have completelly misunderstood what you were talking about but I thought you should know about this tool anyway.

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#6: VWEP or similar...

by D.plomat on 01/19/2004 14:55

Maybe the easiest thig to code would be something like VWEP support, as many md2 models support this. Or less amount of work, add another md2 render just after the player is rendered, there are chances that placing of the gun depending on the player orientation will be a bit tricky and require some testing/tuning but that'll probably be easier and more modular that using GL functions to merge the two models together.

NPherno's approach looks to be the easier method -ALAS you don't want the model to be able to change weapon-

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#7: Re: Npherno

by spectre on 01/19/2004 15:05, refers to #5

thats exactly the kind of thing iwas looking for :) thanks I'll give it a try when I get off of work today! You guys are great! I haven't seen one post by some disgruntled guy screaming N003 yet! AMAZING! lol I think I'll stay with CUBE for a very long time :)

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#8: Re: ..

by spectre on 01/19/2004 15:07, refers to #4

yea I thought about copywrites blah blah, but It's not for profit and it's such a small fanbase (if any! lol) but it's not going to be smash tv exactly...there will be changes...it won't be exactly the same

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#9: ..

by spectre on 01/19/2004 15:27

well I tried it now because I couldn't wait and I still couldn't get the skin to work properly with Npherno's...anyone want to have a look at the model and see what I'm doing wrong? (i'm new to modeling and skinning and graphics stuff)

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#10: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 01/19/2004 15:48, refers to #8

Of course, ethically you're doing right, but you shouldn't underestimate the greedyness of some large companies and their lawyers... A free software team was sued just because they called their wargame "freecraft"... Also heard of a website that had to be stopped because they registered the domain "planetcube.com".

So eventually you can make a game with the same feeling and gameplay as smashTV, but with a name different enough so you should be out of reach of legal-crap trouble.

BTW, this mod is a cool idea so welcome in the community of Cube modders :)

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#11: Re: ..

by spectre on 01/19/2004 16:22, refers to #10

freecraft got sued! hahahaha I had no idea...LOL oh well, if some isda ::explative here:: decides to get angry at me for enfringement or whatever I'll change the name...they can sue me all they want anyway, I don't have anything for them to take to begin with hahaha

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#12: ..

by spectre on 01/19/2004 16:30

well work awaits I shall return around 2pm est...(cut my hours grrr) anyway i have no idea whats going on with this skin for the model...so if anyone who knows how to skin models could take a look at my skin and model and see whats wrong PLEASE HELP! ahhhhhhhhhhhh lol...and if any acclaim people want to sue me you can call me at

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#13: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 01/19/2004 18:07, refers to #11

Well, to avoid problems, they had to stop their project, if changing the name was sufficient, freecraft would probably still exist under another name.

If you find that receiving a Cease and desist letter funny, you can go ahead, eventually you'll display it in your living room as a trophy, but i don't think developpers will enjoy the perspective of their work might be lost(*) because the project leader found changing a name before the project start was an overwhelming amount of work :p

(*) well, probably not totally lost because it will still spread via p2p and some wild unofficial ftp's, but having a real site is somewhat better.

Of course, the probability for you having problem with acclaim is very very small, but is that really a reason for playing with fire?

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#14: Re: ..

by spectre on 01/19/2004 23:10, refers to #13

this thread wasn't to determine the validity of the name, but rather to get things started...if you have a problem with the mod you should email me with your concern...

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#15: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 01/20/2004 01:05, refers to #14

No problem so no email... you're free to laugh at any bit of advice... R3B3L 4tt1TuD3 RuL3Z, LOL!

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#16: ..

by spectre on 01/20/2004 02:56

i didn't laugh at anyone's advice i just said that if you have a problem to contact me in email about it...and I have no idea what you are saying with those numbers...get a life d.plomat...you must be 12 typing in fake leet lol...if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it...since you are adding nothing but trouble to the mod don't say shit...you said it once, i told you I'm not changing it...sorry that you can't just come in my mod and make changes to suit your personal beliefs or attitudes... have a nice life and God bless...

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#17: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 01/20/2004 03:26, refers to #16

If you look at my first post, you'll see that i've no negative intention on your mod, this was just pure technical stuff.

> i didn't laugh at anyone's advice
Then you'd better check your definition of 'laugh at anyone advice' ;)

Well, i never asked you to change the name of your mod so if you say "i won't change it" that won't hurt my personal beliefs and attitude

But of course, if all you've as "answer" is that a contributor is "saying shit" and laughing at him, then you'd expect him to answer back. Obviously this leads more to pure-stupid-flaming than constructive technical discussions ;)

So let's keep this as technical stuff, have a nice life and God bless...

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#18: ..

by spectre on 01/20/2004 03:47

now you tell me what I should talk about on my thread about my mod...very interesting...someone has a control complex...if you want more "flaming" that fine, if not carry your ass off my thread

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#19: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 01/20/2004 04:16, refers to #18

Well that's not a control complex, that's just you choosing to make your thread a junk of flaming by not respecting ppl here...

heh, you really thought you'd say in public "what he say is stupid" without me expressing back what i think of your attitude?

> if not carry your ass off my thread
Wow, giving orders? Ooooh, i'll try a bit of cheap and nasty pseudo-psychology... You've got a control complex!

> if you want more "flaming" that fine
Well, i think that's what you're searching for, but unfortunately i won't waste more time so you'll be happy to have your thread available for very constructive things...

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#20: Re: ..

by spectre on 01/20/2004 05:30, refers to #19

thanks for finally understand that a name doesn't matter, but the content...

anyway, getting back on track... does anyone have suggestions on how to get this skin correct on the model? for some reason I can't get the gun properly skinned

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