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by sonic20x6 on 08/30/2012 23:15, 65 messages, last message: 12/04/2012 17:11, 26501 views, last view: 05/02/2024 12:58

Why do all the populated servers in Sauerbraten have to be instagib? I don't mind instagib, it's just all I see in active servers are instagib servers. I'm sick of the gamemode. I miss being able to use my other weapons instead of the rifle! I miss actually having HEALTH which doesn't kill you in one shot. I get lucky to find some regen capture or ffa servers, then a person will come in and ask if it can be changed to instagib, in which I'm like "NO! There's like 5 other instagib servers out there, go to those."

What is with everyone and instagib? What happened to variety?

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#45: ..

by ultrasemen on 11/23/2012 13:33

Also, if I understand it right, armour is not like additional health, it just blocks damage partially and is not as useful as health regeneration for enemies holding the base.

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#46: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/23/2012 13:33, refers to #43

Compared to the situation where you face an opponent with 100 heath and 100 armour, it's waymore balanced.

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#47: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/23/2012 13:35, refers to #45

But you aren't spawning with 100 armour, while you are with health.

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#48: Re: ..

by ultrasemen on 11/23/2012 13:36, refers to #44

Isn't classic capture more about collecting items from pickups and all these ffa features?

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#49: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/23/2012 13:38, refers to #48

No? That's part of the play after you've been damaged or hunting for the YA, HB or quad.

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#50: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/23/2012 13:38, refers to #48

No? That's part of the play after you've been damaged or hunting for the YA, HB or quad.

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#51: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/23/2012 13:38, refers to #48

No? That's part of the play after you've been damaged or hunting for the YA, HB or quad.

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#52: Re: ..

by ultrasemen on 11/23/2012 13:39, refers to #47

I meant, getting armor gives you not much advantage, while refilling health is a big advantage for enemy.

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#53: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/23/2012 13:42, refers to #52

Regenerating health still would only occur when you wouldn't be around, obviously.

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#54: ..

by ultrasemen on 11/23/2012 13:51

What's the point at holding bases at all then? Defender gets no health or bonuses, but attacker is getting armor. Everyone will just leave their bases IMMEDIATELY after they capture it. It will be like endless takeover of abandoned bases.
I see, you're trying to make people capture more and not just sit on their side of map, but there should be balance between defenders and attackers, and not domination of one of them.
Anyway. As I understood, you are against spawning with health+armor+ammo, but not against just spawning only near friendly bases. Right?
I think even then problem will be solved.
And your concept is more like new regen capture variation, when mine is just a small addition to fix it up a little.

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#55: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/23/2012 15:09, refers to #54

Read my comments properly. As I stated, you wouldn't get armour when an opponent is near the base (just like it currently is).

I actually prefer classic capture, as you are being forced to leave the base for health and armour. Despite the fact of spawning with full health and armour.

My solution is intended to keep people defending bases (when they want weapons or recover their health), but still providing the element to get a certain reward (which is armour) when you wipe out all the opponents at a certain base and attempt to capture it.

Your solution isn't fixing anything, as people can't capture any bases and stay at their own base. So it's just a matter of capturing as much baes as possible in the very first minute of the match. The next 14minutes have no value at all anymore as you wouldn't be able to fight back as if you die, your opponent is recovered very well if you try to do another attempt (due traveling time and so).

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#56: ..

by Razgriz on 11/23/2012 20:05

inbefore everybody stops reading this drivel because in the end nothing capture-related won't change.

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#57: ..

by goldfire on 11/24/2012 00:35

Dude, I hosted CTF for a while on an open server. Some people join, then they inmediately leave; because CTF with few players it's no fun.

Overdosing on Retarditol, aren't you?

I haven't played CTF ONline on Sauer, but offline against bots it's fun, also on other games (like Red Eclipse) it always is fun.

Dude, what you hate is what I love. Nothing is more fun like spawning on a base in Regen that the enemy is controlling...

I love those moments when you go full rambo with pistols and chainsaw and the enemy blows themselves up with friendly rocket fire, that's so much fun... words can't describe those moments :)

thanks man

Also when turned this into a Regen Capture debate?

The modes are OK like they are (at least for me).

The problem is why are people only playing Insta and Regen? The other modes are fun too, but...

I hope that someday, somebody had the balls to drop these modes (insta and regen) just to see the "WTF?" on people's faces. Not only on Sauer but on other games too.

Insta is like a virus on game servers these days. People just want to have some quick fun and forget about daily problems, eh?

Also, if you guys want to play CTF on Svn count me in.



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#58: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 11/24/2012 01:24, refers to #57

Oh sure, drop insta and regen and see 80% of this game's players abandon the project. Boom goes not the shitty dynamite.

Why is everyone so obsessed with removing insta anyway, just let people play what they want and host your own server. That last big goes twice for australians, lagging bastards :P

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#59: Re: ..

by Redon on 11/24/2012 13:04, refers to #55

Please clarify how
Defending a base = Camping at a base

Players have been perfectly able to defend their bases in classic capture without camping around at it for minutes straight, because unlike regen, classic capture doesn't actually encourage that.

I find it equally amusing and depressing that we now have users who have obviously never played a proper game of classic capture and suggest changing it because it doesn't encourage the same game behaviour as regen capture.

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#60: Re: ..

by Redon on 11/24/2012 13:09, refers to #59

Eh, linked to wrong message, whatever.
2 * 5 = 10

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#61: Re: ..

by Papriko on 11/24/2012 14:35, refers to #58

I think insta is a fine thing, but the concept could be expanded.

Example Nexuiz: You got pretty similar modes as in Sauer. Deathmatch with and without teams, capture, CTF and so on.

And then you got the mutators. Those influence the gameplay additionally, reducing the map's gravity or grappling hooks and jetpacks.
One kind of mutator you can set is the arena mutator. It wipes all ammo and weapon pickups from the map and gives all players the same gun, pretty much like Sauer's insta.
The big difference is that you can choose the weapon when you set up the match/server.

I think it would be cool if this would be adapted, at least for the weapon-part.

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#62: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 11/24/2012 19:15, refers to #61

Such a thing would require sauer's mode system be refitted. Probably in the same way red eclipse does it.

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#63: Re: ..

by Papriko on 11/24/2012 22:33, refers to #62

I just said that it'd be pretty cool. I am aware that it'd require lotsa changes of the game code. Pretty major changes actually.

And I never tried RE either, lol

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#64: ..

by Hier631 on 11/28/2012 23:35

I believe that it is most simpler and fun instagib :)

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