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Cube 2 Idea Mine - Discuss

by AlternateLives on 11/23/2011 19:53, 237 messages, last message: 03/22/2018 02:32, 228186 views, last view: 05/03/2024 01:53

After seeing idea after idea get shot down all over the place in these forums, it occurred to me that perhaps this thread might be a good idea.

Got an idea for a Cube 2 mod? Go ahead and get it out of your system and post it here. If you are a modder, scroll through these. Maybe one of them can give you some inspiration.

Note to developers and long-time forum users: this is not intended to be a place where future updates or changes to the game you know and love to be posted. This is merely a place where half-formed (but possibly good) ideas can be discussed at present value without having them immediately shot down.

On that note, the only rule: No attacking of ideas just because they are not implementable within the current engine.

Have fun!

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#1: EPIC IDEA, low motive!

by Zamwa on 11/24/2011 01:03

My EPIC idea is to implement Red Eclipse as a game mode for Sauerbraten and some Minecraft elements! One gigabyte of EPIC freedom!
To keep My list of ideas small I'll post the rest of them later!

If any ideas seem too difficult it's because of the limitations of programmers NOT the limitation of code! It comes down to who is willing to challenge themselves to the limit with no money to make remarkably!

Laziness is infectious!

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#2: ..

by baby~rabbit on 11/24/2011 04:31

way to insult the programming team...

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#3: ..

by Razgriz on 11/24/2011 13:51

Zamwa: You really should think before you post. :|

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#4: ..

by Honzik1 on 11/24/2011 18:31

This is good idea. I already showed "few" ideas in different post. Should I COPY&PASTE it here? :-)

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#5: ..

by Zamwa on 11/24/2011 18:43

I was talking about programmers in general! That's including hardware constraints!
So no pun intended if it seem that way!

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#6: Re: ..

by Zamwa on 11/24/2011 18:45, refers to #4

Past a link is best!

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#7: Jump Jets

by AlternateLives on 12/16/2011 06:12

So I was just playing around in some Sauer bot matches, and realized that I could possibly get some tactical advantage to being able to jump much higher on command. How high? Do a rocket jump with the quad, make sure you have full health and max armor, and you'll see.

If a player was given 5 jumps at this magnitude per life (triggered by a certain key, such as [F]), do you think that it would add to gameplay tactics, and would it be fun for players?

Tell me what you think!

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#8: Re: Jump Jets

by Razgriz on 12/16/2011 06:47, refers to #7

bind F [setweapon GL; jump; shoot; kill]

the best. just aim at the ground first. feels like a minefield.

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#9: Re: Jump Jets

by AlternateLives on 12/16/2011 06:48, refers to #8

I should have added "Preferably not taking damage..."

I'll have to try it anyway. Thanks

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#10: Re: Jump Jets

by suicizer01 on 12/16/2011 23:57, refers to #8

It won't work as "shoot" is an unknown command.

Try "attack" instead...

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#11: Re: Jump Jets

by Razgriz on 12/17/2011 07:33, refers to #10

i always mistake that one. :D

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#12: ..

by Papriko on 12/18/2011 19:48

Arena Mode. I don't mean what the others know from older Sauer releases as Arena, I mean the UT one.

Basically the half way between FFA and insta. You play on normal FFA maps, but all weapon pickups are changed to only one single type that is either democratically chosen or randomly picked by the server at the beginning of the match.
In theory this could be combined with other modes too, e.g. CTF or Hold.

Pretty simple idea, I know, but in some way it's also a training for skill. Sure, insta is for skill too, but some players are so fixed at the rifle that they roll together and start crying when you give them e.g. a shotgun. This would give an extra bit to the game because every round you must adjust your gameplay at a different gun.

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#13: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 12/18/2011 19:56, refers to #12

Imagine the pistol rounds. Madness!

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#14: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 12/18/2011 21:11, refers to #12

That would end up into a spamfest of players when rockets or grenades are spawning everywhere.

I don't think it's a great idea to add such mode to Sauerbraten, as mappers can add such thing on their own also (just only use 1 kind of pickup :P), but that's not recommended though.

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#15: ..

by Papriko on 12/21/2011 19:00

New idea: what about a way for Cubescripters to detect/check what has been said in chat? Some commands would be useful to receive information about what has been said and by who.
To be honest I am not sure how exactly this should work like, it is more a "half-formed (but possibly good) idea" as the initial thread describes it.

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#16: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 12/21/2011 21:04, refers to #15

try experimenting with $commandbuf

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#17: ..

by Papriko on 12/21/2011 21:36

Okay, I can read it out using echo which gives me some odd stuff. At first it told me something like "are you colorblind or just stupid?". When I simply wrote something into it, it only returned the value I gave it.
Using random commands or going on a server with lotsa chat did not change anything.

On the risk to seem stupid: what is it for? How does it work like?

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#18: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 12/21/2011 23:00, refers to #17

check the bind of Y

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#19: Re: ..

by Papriko on 12/22/2011 15:08, refers to #18

Checked it and I even believe I understood it. Gives me some new ideas.

Actually it was not what I am looking for, but after reading it once more I must admit that my post was sorta unclear.
What I actually looked for was... let's make an example: I hang out on a server with someone else. The other guy then says f*** for some reason and I auto-reply something like "watch your language!" without actually typing anything at all.
So it takes everything the other people say and sends it through a script.

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#20: Re: ..

by Zorg on 12/23/2011 12:00, refers to #19

Combine that with a good aimbot and make use of waypoints and you don't need to play yourself anymore. In other words: A keybind for some sentences is ok, but all these auto-say-something scripts spamming the chat are reaelly starting to go on my nerves. We don't need more of those.

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