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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube 2 Idea Mine - Discuss

by AlternateLives on 11/23/2011 19:53, 237 messages, last message: 03/22/2018 02:32, 228221 views, last view: 05/04/2024 05:39

After seeing idea after idea get shot down all over the place in these forums, it occurred to me that perhaps this thread might be a good idea.

Got an idea for a Cube 2 mod? Go ahead and get it out of your system and post it here. If you are a modder, scroll through these. Maybe one of them can give you some inspiration.

Note to developers and long-time forum users: this is not intended to be a place where future updates or changes to the game you know and love to be posted. This is merely a place where half-formed (but possibly good) ideas can be discussed at present value without having them immediately shot down.

On that note, the only rule: No attacking of ideas just because they are not implementable within the current engine.

Have fun!

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#219: ..

by asmanel on 02/07/2016 01:29

By the past, Cube was very popular. After, it's community moved to its successors, AssaultCube and Sauerbraten.

Unlike AssaultCube, Sauerbraten can't directly use Cube maps but convert them is easy. There are however, some problem and the main one is the light.

The use of spherical light, instead of the circular light used by Cube, turned darker and ugly most maps from Cube.

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#220: ..

by Zamwa on 08/12/2016 16:09

Dual wield weapons when nabbed a quad damage!

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#221: Re: ..

by Papriko on 08/15/2016 12:20, refers to #220

But then it also has to make you invulnerable, last 5 minutes and put everyone else into half speed.

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#222: Re: ..

by hypernova on 08/15/2016 14:13, refers to #220

Would look odd for the weapons which are held by both hands :)

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#223: ..

by chasester on 08/18/2016 18:07

lol this is funny, but quad damage is a lil over powered. It basically means that you dont have to aim for the next 30 seconds, which to me seems a little pointless to the overall game structure.

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#224: Re: ..

by hypernova on 08/19/2016 01:41, refers to #223

Oh no Chase, the aiming part is not correct. If you play competitive pickup modes, aim with the quad is even more important than without. Because a hit or a miss means the difference between a frag or loss of quad advantage (without quad, a 20% variation in accuracy doesn't make as much of a difference).

See these three pickup matches:

You can see the quad is not only dangerous to take, but gives a huge responsibility for the person carrying it. They must rush the other player to make as many frags as possible, while the other player can take careful positions with spam or rifle shots.

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#225: ..

by chasester on 08/22/2016 16:06

no im not talking competitive ofc thats a very different game play. Nor am I talking duel. Which again is a very different gameplay (though this is true in any game so i think its a mute point talking about competitive play cuz tourneys will set custom rules if they feel they need to balance out the competition).

In a ffa match this is hardly the case due to players knowing very little about the game. This leads to many spawn kills and other types of agervating deaths. Im just saying it wouldnt be a bad idea to change the quad to make it something that required more skill, or required less skill to stop someone that has it.

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#226: Re: ..

by suicizer03 on 09/26/2016 13:08, refers to #225

Perhaps the Quaddamage can multiply 3 times the damage instead of 4...

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by Auri on 09/26/2016 20:48

hi guys, i'm new of this forum but i always played cube sauerbraten, but is like a few years that the multiplayer doesn't work anymore, can you help me ?

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#228: ..

by chasester on 09/27/2016 07:55

honestly 2 times would be enough but I feel that you couldnt call it quad :P

But think. The minium amount of damage a rocket can do is 10, so 30 vs 40. The goes all the way to 100 based on distance from the player (you know splash damage). So a normal rocket does from 10-100 where as quad can do from 40 - 400 or 3time would be 30-300. A direct hit from a rocket is 120 so again 480 or 360. If you give some one full armour and health the most damage they can take is 100 * 1 3/4 which is 300 so so 1 direct hit would kill and 2 splash damages would kill. If they have green armour this is only 200. blue is only 125 etc. so its not like it really matters.

If you take into account all other weapons.

chain gun 120 -> 90
rifle 400 -> 300
pistol 140 -> 105
rocket (direct) 480 -> 360
rocket (splash) 40-400 -> 30-300
Shot gun (per bullet) 80 -> 60
Shot gun (full hit) 800 -> 600
(fist and gl are really a mute point cuz they arent really used much)

The damage difference saying that the most health you can have (non boosted) is 175. You are still well over that at any range whether it be 4x or 3x.

-number of shot to kill full health-
chain gun 3 -> 4
rifle 1 -> 1
pistol 3 -> 3
rocket (direct) 1 -> 1
rocket (splash) 1-7 -> 1-10
Shot gun (per bullet) 4-> 5
Shot gun (full hit) 1 -> 1

It really doesnt change it all. It almost exactly the same. Except if you cant aim at all. You pretty much can one shot with most weapons or at least kill in a matter of a second.

This change really doesnt do much but add a small amount of penalty to the chain gun and splash rocket (but only if you cant aim worth shit).

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#229: ..

by chasester on 09/27/2016 08:00

sorrie i posted the wrong formula


damage = damage - (damage*(armour+1)*25/100 > armour ? armour : damage*(armour+1)*25/100)

basically if armour absorption is above the amount of armour you have then just use the amount you have.

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by eihrul on 09/27/2016 18:38, refers to #227

Make sure you are using the latest version downloaded directly from our website, and not an older Linux distribution package.

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#231: Re: ..

by hypernova on 09/30/2016 22:21, refers to #228

I don't think we should be changing any core gameplay ideas right now. The reason I love sauer is because of its brutal oldskool style balance (based on QuakeWorld, which is even more difficult), 4x quad damage, and big armor pickups (again just like QW)
Everyone is making arena fps games nowadays, saying that we need to bring back the 'real skill' in fps games, but they are just copying Quake 3, and actually destroying the fps culture by making their games easier and easier. Compare QuakeWorld to a 'modern' arena fps game like Toxikk or Xonotic. Quake did it right 20 years ago in designing a pure arena fps. Every once in a while, a new, innovative idea was developed, but they never were absorbed by the general public. If I tell someone now that Half Life 2 Deathmatch is faster and harder than Sauerbraten, they laugh cause they have no idea what mean.
Let's keep Sauer hard and awesome :) Bringing it down to the level of an average gamer will only make things worse.

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#232: Re: ..

by suicizer03 on 10/01/2016 20:06, refers to #231

Instagib is truly hard to master...

Quake 1 was great, but the weapons weren't that balanced at all. So don't blame the game industry to rather get inspired by Quake 3 instead.

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#233: Re: ..

by hypernova on 10/01/2016 20:28, refers to #232

@Instagib LOL, I am talking about pickup modes (I mentioned the quad and armors :) )
I would say though, that pro instagib fragmovies are quite awesome (especially the oldskool gameplay)

Quake 1 weapons are even more inbalanced, you are correct, which is why I play Sauer instead :D
What I mean from games ripping off Quake 3 is mostly about the physics and weapon set. Always one sniper weapon, always one grenade type weapon, always one rocket launcher, always a shotgun (which is usually too weak :)

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#234: ..

by swatllama on 12/13/2016 04:41

@ People complaining and suggesting changes to armours and weapons, do any of you even play this game? I've never seen most of you. Sure, there are things that need improvement, but I'm wondering why YOUR suggestions should be made.

With love,

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#235: Re: ..

by hypernova3 on 12/15/2016 00:15, refers to #234

Hi Swat,
Yep I still play Sauer (I'm 'eS|eXist) though less and less recently. I see your point, which is why I've stopped making suggestions for Sauer entirely. I'm moved on to my own project now and just play Sauer for break until my game is released.
I appreciate your comment and hope people take note of it.

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#236: ..

by chasester on 12/18/2016 19:51

"eSexist" ;0 you trying to tell us something ;)

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#237: Re: ..

by hypernova3 on 12/27/2016 19:35, refers to #236

LOL no its me Hypernova, I didn't ever play in 'eS with my name Hypernova, but I didn't notice that until now, hahah. Nope not sexist, 'eS probably has the most female players of any Sauerbraten clan. We even had an internal clan server just for girls :D Nice observation tho :P

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#238: Nintendo Switch

by Davy_Crocket on 03/22/2018 02:32

I want to put this game on the Nintendo switch. I've talked to a few people about it. Talk with me about this.

Perhaps Nintendo couldn't charge for it, just like $5 for the disk of something. Perhaps give it away as a free game with the console.

This is the best FSP ever made, it would look awesome on the Switch, and I would love to see thousands of players on it.

Talk about it, and let's do it.


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