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Warning to people using server mods

by eihrul on 10/07/2010 17:40, 40 messages, last message: 10/26/2010 17:27, 4912 views, last view: 05/17/2024 15:45

If I get on your server, see a cheater, and for some reason I can't auth and then kick that cheater, I will ban your server. You know who you are. That is all.

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#1: raving ranting rabbits

by baby~rabbit on 10/08/2010 01:17

Allow me to have a small rant about server mods too:
* servers that kick or auto-spectate because my ping is too high. Thanks for banning a lot of us NZ and Aussie players. If you really really want to do this then maybe you should focus on doing it based on bad 'pj' instead.

* servers that auto-spectate because my name is 'unnamed'. That's just being petty...

* servers that prevent me changing team when the number of players IS unbalanced. If you're going to do this then get your code right.

* servers that forcibly change my team automatically. Sigh...

* servers that add/remove bots continuously, i.e. at every excuse - how about changing bots at most once a minute.

* servers that spam messages every 30 seconds. Stop reminding me to blink, stop telling me your url I will never visit, stop listing those 'helpful' commands. I saw it when I logged in so stop repeating yourself.

* servers that mute you when you're a spectator (or variations of), wtf?

* servers that restrict power as master/auth, i.e. only allow me to kick one person a minute.

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#2: ..

by SirAlex on 10/08/2010 01:33

Oh man, i hate those servers.
The only thing i might understand is the ones with automute, since you intentionality have to activate it as a player.
The most annoying part about all this is that on most of them, there is no way to contact the admins, at all.
I went to this server once, and someone else registered my name for nick protection. It was constantly kicking me, even after i claimed auth.

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#3: Re: ..

by Blarget2 on 10/08/2010 01:37, refers to #2

is your server still in bounds SirAlex or will Eihrul remove it?

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#4: Re: raving ranting rabbits

by baby~rabbit on 10/08/2010 06:55, refers to #1

todays example: a server forcibly changed my team to keep the game balanced - WHEN I WAS CARRYING THE FLAG!

Note: I'm not against mods, the #stats, extra admin stuff, and name protection is cool (and unobtrusive).

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#5: ..

by Razgriz on 10/08/2010 15:27

auto getmap sucks. i don't want to get a map when i'm just searching the servers for people i know. I JUST DON'T. also wtf is with this stupid message on some servers saying "Be nice to your eyes, don't forget to blink" -.-

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#6: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 10/08/2010 16:36, refers to #5

i agree about the auto getmap since the map will need to be updated/re-sent to the server whenever someone edits is so that you can get the properly updated map. so in this much people waste a ton of my time by doing that.

rabbit: I'm fine with the team auto changer, however i agree it sucks when you have the flag. they should at least update that code so you don't switch teams when holding the flag.

so anyone who cares: the "be nice to your eyes, don't forget to blink" originated from the QS (Quick Silver) clan that put that on there, other people slowly used that one too.

7 X 2 = 14

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#7: Re: ..

by Zorg on 10/08/2010 17:45, refers to #5

autogetmap - though I never saw it on any server - sounds useful. If it is well implemented and controlled (!!!) for example somehow by the master server. That way new maps could easily be tested. In future, new maps could be integrated in Sauer via such a feature. No need for waiting until the next release. This would also take one of Sauer's best features (the ability to create new maps easily) to a whole new level.

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#8: server mods

by suicizer01 on 10/08/2010 18:54, refers to #6

That's why a default server (preferly when its just open or approve for master) always is best compared to those who have such irritating mods :)!

I'm fine with autobalance, exept when you get teamswitched on these moments:
- when carrying the flag.
- On the moment of trying to kill an opponent.
- When you just have spawned.
(so actually, almost never xP).

"message of the day"s Should only be used like every 1 or 2 minutes. If used like every 15 seconds, its getting annoying when it doesnt have any purpose in profit of the players wich is getting those messages.

Agreed, autogetmap sucks, because if you arent used to it and pressing /getmap already when connecting, your loading the map twice. So it takes even longer before you can finaly see the map...

Automute is against the constitution "Everyone is free to speech" in certain countries of the real world.
It would be fair if the serverhoster should take the constitutions of his own country seriously and use them on his server.
Taking away this constitution should only be done manually by an approved person wich knows the constitutions of the country where the server is getting hosted.
An example for this is when a certain player says similar things rapidly after each other.

Name protection and statistics are fine, but takes away the privacy of players and can change the gameplay.
Some players are really playing a specific gamemode just to get high and good stats in a small time. Like on instactf, there are a lot of those players and turns the gameplay into insta-team, instead of insta "capture the flag". That shouldnt be the intention of statistics...

Autokick when ping is too high is a waste of time for getting this feature inside a server.
Having the feature that it autokicks when pj is too high is much more reliable...

4 added to 6 is? 10

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#9: Recent bans...

by eihrul on 10/10/2010 01:47

All osh-clan.de servers: auth doesn't work
MM|OpenServer: auth doesn't work

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#10: ..

by _mIscreant on 10/14/2010 01:30

Another thing to add to the list: servers that auto spectate for "camping", aka defending the flag in CTF. -.-

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#11: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 10/14/2010 17:45, refers to #10

wich server has it? It really sounds great because if not used, it turns instactf to insta team...

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#12: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 10/15/2010 01:46, refers to #11

WTF are you talking about? in insta CTF it stays insta CTF. what you said made no sense. in insta ctf there is the defenders (the one's who base camp) and the offenders (the ones who run for the other flag). insta ctf is insta team with two flags, and the way to win is to get score by getting either the most flags per team, or most frags per team/player.

anywho, that auto spec sounds so retarded because of the fact you have two types of players, and it is taking one of those types of players out only making it offense instead of offense/defense and making less fun for all.

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#13: Re: ..

by baby~rabbit on 10/15/2010 03:47, refers to #12

Agreed. autospec camper changes the gameplay so deserves banning.

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#14: Re: ..

by _mIscreant on 10/15/2010 04:27, refers to #13


Also I want to say: people who cry about camping just need to adapt. It is nothing more than a defensive style of play. And if a map or mode (insta) rewards camping, how is that the players' fault?

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#15: Re: miscreamt, really?

by suicizer01 on 10/15/2010 17:55, refers to #14

So your actually saying its the fault of the person who picks the maps for releases 0.0?
Because the creator of the map cant help it gets in the release, after he published it...

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#16: ..

by Osbios on 10/15/2010 19:17

The "anti camper function" on some server is not exactly the best invention ever...

Is was playing on that server on the map Caribbean in insta CTF mode.
I was auto spectated for around 30 Sec for "camping".

Basicly what camping seems to be now is hitting stuff and not running around like crazy. If you stay around the same spot and hit enemys they (the script) calls it camping.

Once I even saw, how somebody got spectated who hat the enemy flag and waited for our flag to return... wonder why he didnt jump around the map like crazy and stayed in the base??? Hmm...

By this definition there camper out there everywhere! And they are moving around!!!! WE ARE DOOMED, THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO AGAINS THIS KIND OF CAMPERS!111 D:

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#17: Re: miscreamt, really?

by _mIscreant on 10/15/2010 20:23, refers to #15

Uh, no. I'm not trying to put anyone at fault, I'm just saying that it is within every player's right to use what's available to win. Obviously, excluding cheating. And camping is not cheating since you are using what's already available in game. I hope this makes more sense ;)

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#18: Re: miscreamt, really?

by geartrooper2 on 10/16/2010 08:03, refers to #17

Camping seems to be either esteemed or hated. I personally couldn't care less if someone camps, they're easier to hit. Dictating game play seems wrong, but if someone decides to open their own server and mod it it isn't up to me, is it? As long as it conforms with the design of the powers that be I just accept the server as an insight to the modder's likes in a game, and its up to me to join or leave.

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#19: masterserver policy

by Hirato Kirata on 10/16/2010 08:45

sounds like some of you need a reminder

touching game play is bad and gets you banned, no questions asked

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#20: Re: geartrooper...

by suicizer01 on 10/16/2010 20:52, refers to #18

If a player camps good, he is tough to hit.
(Because he's probably aiming on a disadvantaged area in the map, while he's on a advantaged area in the map.
Take as example the camper is a place with enough cover and he strafe freely, while his opponent is getting spawned everytime close to the place where he died. A very good example of this is campo, wich has all its playerstarts close to each other when you play any teammode similar to ctf.)

Camping actually does change the gameplay of a map, just like cheating does.
Even tough camping cant be called cheating, maps or gameplay/flow updates shouldn't be designed that camping gets promoted.
Another example where camping gets promoted is mbt1.
Because there's nothing between each flag, it's very easy to kill the flagholder wich just wanted to score (while you just spawned).

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