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Change pistol damage from 25 to 35? Discuss.

by eihrul on 09/05/2010 21:26, 48 messages, last message: 01/06/2011 21:09, 16818 views, last view: 05/17/2024 07:53

So, people have been grumbling at me that they would like to have the pistol do more damage and be less useless.

So my proposal is this:

Increase pistol damage from 25 (4 hit kill) to 35 (3 hit kill). To compensate, players would also no longer start with 1 grenade anymore.

What I would like discussed is if you support this, or you have opposition to it. Please do not clutter this thread with other proposals or ideas, as they will be ignored. Thanks.

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#9: ..

by Razgriz on 09/06/2010 01:42

damage 20
inaccuracy 5%
fire rate 300ms
starting ammo 60
max ammo 180?

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#10: the nade

by notas on 09/06/2010 01:54

i dont care about pistol damage, its great now and it would probably be fine with 35 too. but i will add my voice to the choir screaming "dont touch that nade."

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#11: Re: ..

by notas on 09/06/2010 01:56, refers to #8

i like the patch idea. i hate the rest but thats another story :)

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#12: Re: the nade

by LeftClicker on 09/06/2010 02:26, refers to #10

Maybe 'stead o' the 'nade (yeah, I love me some apostrophes) we could get a rocket or two? Or three?

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#13: ..

by _mIscreant on 09/06/2010 03:46

+1 for upping pistol damage. And also for keeping the starting grenade.

Will pistol be added into efficiency if the changes happen?

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#14: Get rid of the grenade..

by cuberz on 09/06/2010 05:49

I have no problem concerning the pistol (either do it or leave it as is) but please remove that useless, only grenade... I'm so tired of spurting it away every time I respawn. :P

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#15: Re: ..

by Blarget2 on 09/06/2010 05:56, refers to #9

X2 i vote for RaZgRiZ's idea.

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#16: pistol

by kaz1 on 09/06/2010 13:52

keep it as it is...if you up the dmg to 35 the pistol would be too powerfull...you could kill people faster with the pistol than with the rifle for example...if i play weaponmodes i dont want to see people running around just pistoling...the pistol is not the problem...people wont start to play weaponmodes just because of the pistol! the main goal in ffa is to pick-up/control and if you already start with an strong weapon you dont need to pick up anything anymore...then why we just dont play insta...

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#17: Re: the nade

by Zorg on 09/07/2010 14:29, refers to #10

Sorted by priority:

1) Do not touch the nade! Just don't!

2) And stop even thinking about it!

42) +1 for Quin's "the pistol is something you should WANT to replace" and kaz's "i dont want to see people running around just pistoling"

Why do people want more pistol damage? Would be nice to know in order to discuss the topic. Like that I can only speculate:
How many of the people grumbling at you were regen players? That's the only mode which would profit from a more powerful pistol. If the demand for a more powerful pistol comes mainly from the regen people, I think it would be a better idea to alter that particular mode, and not change something everyone else in every other mode is perfectly fine with.

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#18: And what about the grenade launcher ?

by Bibi on 09/07/2010 22:32

And what about the grenade launcher ?
It was slightly upgraded before, but it still feel weak.
Part of this feeling doesn't came from damage, but physics : it seems the nade is too heavy for its launcher...
Maybe to add player's speed to the grenade's speed could improve this : when running forward, the grenade won't fall just in front of you...
But a more physically powerful grenade launcher would be great.

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#19: ..

by Razgriz on 09/07/2010 22:35

as i said again, if you want to tweak the pistol, there are only 2 good options.

1) raise damage to 35, slow down its rate of fire considerably to like 2 shots per 1.2 secs.
2) lower damage to 20, increase rate of fire and starting ammo, add a bit of loss to the aim (similar to that of the minigun, but less)

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#20: Re: ..

by Blarget2 on 09/08/2010 20:59, refers to #19

PLEASE number 2!

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#21: ..

by nieb on 09/10/2010 09:31

I support this. Particularly the not starting with GL part.

However, I'd think a faster rate of fire would make the weapon more satisfying to use. But alas, there are gameplay implications to consider with that...

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#22: ..

by b3ast on 09/10/2010 13:03, refers to #20

Keep it the same please. It's quite fast already. In FFA there aren't any armors to be picked up at the start and frags come quite quickly with the pistol and other weapons. So if it was changed, pistol would be quite too powerful imo.

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#23: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 09/10/2010 16:32, refers to #22

yea, pistol is really useful to those whose aim is better than an aimbot, aka you >.>

on a serious note though, pistol feels really slow, taking note at how modern ones work. its damage is resonable. its fire rate feels crappy. its aim feels too centered for handgun. see suggestion 2. raising the power of the pistol would be bad, considering bots and the mass of players who would use it after that, but you would also have to slow it down considerably, or less assuming you mess with its aim.

and why the heck should the grenade be removed o.O

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#24: ..

by eihrul on 09/10/2010 16:37

Winner so far seems to be: don't change anything.

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#25: ..

by Atomizer on 09/10/2010 18:09

Damage is fine. But slightly increased firing rate and slightly less accuracy would probably make it feel more like a handgun.

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#26: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/10/2010 20:09, refers to #24

Adding my opinion: Change something. Increase damage or rate of fire (and maybe add some cg-style inaccuracy), but right now the pistol is less than useless.

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#27: ..

by Fischkopf on 09/11/2010 01:15

you should make the pistol slightly less damage and higher firerate. and please don't remove the grenades from the game.

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#28: ..

by Quin on 09/11/2010 01:37

I'm actually inclined to the higher rate of fire myself too. Perhaps make it so it's not (semi-)automatic like we did in RE.

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