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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

README: Community Guidelines

by Quin on 06/20/2010 00:31, 15 messages, last message: 06/29/2010 06:29, 3954 views, last view: 05/01/2024 20:45

Okay, so it's mid-year again and we have another large influx of people unaware how things work around here, so here's a quick run-down of what we expect of you around here.

1) Please don't continually create multiple forum topics, especially if you are just repeating something you've said in another thread. There is a long blurb at the beginning of the "Add a Thread" page that explicitly tells you what you should be using this for - please READ IT. Highlighted in bold at the top is "New threads are only for topics that are likely to interest a lot of people!" - this isn't said for the sake of it, we mean it and WILL close your topics.

2) Please do not post "Wish Lists" about what you want this game to be. "Cube" and "Cube 2: Sauerbraten" are established games with a strict set of rules as to how the projects operate. We are not looking for ideas on how to change the gameplay, add weapons, promote realism, or whatever random idea you might have; it is considered to be feature-complete and the core gameplay will not change just because you want it to.

3) Yes, this is an Open Source ENGINE, the game is "free" as in beer, NOT as in speech; you can take the source code and modify it to create your own game, but you must not misrepresent the "mod" as the original game/project. Please respect the licenses, most content in Cube games are not free to use outside of this project.


4) In addition to the previous point, there are rules ("Terms of Service") as to how you are allowed to modify your game servers when listing on our master server, please do not modify the gameplay or mess with the master/auth systems, more information:


5) There is DOCUMENTATION. Please do us a favour before asking every question that pops into your mind and read the documentation and community errata (wiki, forum search, etc). Due to the ease in which people are able to edit in this game we get asked the same questions a lot, and you can save us a lot of frustration by answering your own questions when you can (not to mention avoiding the wrath of community moderators). Also try to examine how other people are doing things in their own content for an idea of proper procedures/usage.

Readme: http://sauerbraten.org/README.html
Wiki: http://cube.wikispaces.com/

6) We provide a community resource which covers all Cube Engine based games in general called Quadropolis, it has forums and the ability to share your own maps/content with other people to get feedback. Like here, there are strict rules you must follow when posting there; there is a high expectation that your posted works are complete (no "Works in Progress") and ready to be evaluated CRITICALLY by others. Posting things which are not complete and/or of good quality, or failing to properly fill out a node will result in it being deleted immediately without warning.

Home: http://www.quadropolis.us/
User's Guide: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/4
Forums: http://www.quadropolis.us/forum

6) This is the forum for "Cube" and "Cube 2: Sauerbraten" ONLY. We realise there are games based on this technology but we can't provide support for them here. Not only are many of us unfamiliar with ALL the other projects floating around, but you confuse the purpose of these forums by posting irrelevant topics. Here are the links to the support mechanics for the top projects:

Home: http://assault.cubers.net/
Forums: http://forum.cubers.net/
Chat: http://assault.cubers.net/irc.html

[PlatinumArts Sandbox]
Home: http://sandboxgamemaker.com/
Forums: http://forum.sandboxgamemaker.com/index.php
Chat: http://sandboxgamemaker.com/irc/irc.html

[Red Eclipse] (formerly Blood Frontier)
Home: http://www.redeclipse.net/
Forums: Not available, please use Chat
Quad: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/418
Chat: http://www.redeclipse.net/chat

[Sauerbraten Enhanced]
Home: http://www.sauerenhanced.tk/
Forums: http://www.seforums.tk/
Quad: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/2408
Chat: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=sauerenhanced

Home: http://www.syntensity.com/
Forums: http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewforum.php?f=26
Chat: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=syntensity

We appreciate your interest in the Cube Engine community, and look forward to a happy and hassle free relationship with you while you're here. Please follow these guidelines to ensure your stay here is as enjoyable and problem-free as possible. Thanks.

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#1: Message censored by administrator

by xxXFailzLordXxx121 on 06/20/2010 02:26

#2: TL;DR

by LeftClicker on 06/20/2010 03:02

Too long; didn't read (all of it).

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#3: Re: TL;DR

by SheeEttin on 06/20/2010 07:45, refers to #2

Short version, for those with short attention spans:

1) NO TOPIC SPAM. There is a general thread for a reason. Also, don't post the same thing in multiple places.

2) NO SUGGESTIONS. If you want it, you can implement it. Else, be quiet.

3) THE CODE IS FREE, EVERYTHING ELSE IS NOT. Respect licenses; do not misrepresent your content.

4) THE OFFICIAL MASTER SERVER IS FOR VANILLA GAMEPLAY. If you modify gameplay, do not register with the master server. If you do, you will be banned from it.

5) ASK FOR HELP AS A LAST RESORT. There is documentation. There is Google. Machines don't mind being bothered, humans do.

6) MAPS, ETC. SHOULD BE POSTED ON QUADROPOLIS. Assuming it's good quality, anyway. Nobody likes your box arena, and you will be offended by the responses you get, and then it will be deleted.

7) THIS IS THE CUBE AND CUBE 2 FORUM. We do not support AssaultCube, Red Eclipse, or anything else here.

Links have been omitted, see Quin's post. (Also: second number 6 changed to 7. ;) )

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#4: Re: TL;DR

by SheeEttin on 06/20/2010 07:47, refers to #3

Forgot to add a #8 of my own:

8) Generally, GAME questions should be posted here, while CONTENT CREATION questions should be posted to Quadropolis.

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#5: RE: Rule 6

by Nixot on 06/20/2010 15:35

"Posting things which are not complete and/or of good quality ... will result in it being deleted immediately without warning."

So THAT'S why Junex disappeared! I believe it is for the better.

I also appreciate Rule 2. Every time I see a new "saueberabten shud be moar reelistick lolz" thread it pushes me closer to making a satirical source mod where all their changes are made a reality, just to make them shut up.

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#6: Re: TL;DR

by LeftClicker on 06/20/2010 19:59, refers to #4

THANK YOU. (Sincerely.) I asked for these guidelines in the general thread awhile ago, but then Quin gave me more than I could process. Perhaps add a "thread" under Bug Reports that is really this document (and reflects SOME kind of consensus).

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#7: Re: TL;DR

by Quin on 06/20/2010 22:28, refers to #3

Damnit, I knew I'd do that when I kept revising the post and adding new points above #7 (which was originally #2), heh.

Perhaps at some point I should turn this into its own static page (with short and long versions), then just hotlink it.

For the moment, I just felt it important that people fully understand these points and the reasonings behind them. Yes, it's a tad verbose.

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#8: Tad

by LeftClicker on 06/21/2010 02:22

tad: a frickin' shitload.

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#9: ..

by abs1nth on 06/22/2010 00:21

make sticky!

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#10: feature-complete ?

by rknigh21 on 06/22/2010 21:39


“considered to be feature-complete” Does that include the single player mode ?


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#11: ..

by Quin on 06/23/2010 22:54

8) Please don't post here asking for help creating your mods. Due to the open source nature of the project we get way too many people doing this without any evidence of their work; 99% of which are vapourware and never see the light of day.

If you want to be taken seriously, you should at least create a WORKING alpha/beta build of your mod (and yes, you may need to do this all by yourself). People believe what they can see with their own eyes, and will scoff at your ideas until that point.

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#12: About 2 : no wish list.

by Bibi on 06/27/2010 20:47

Honestly, every gameplay element of sauerbraten has failed the test of time.

This game has a great editor, but as a FPS the only things it does well is instagib (but that's trivial) and instaCTF (CTF is by no mean original). Regen Capture is the only mode still played regularly on a server.
As a hardcore game, it's too simple to appeal to a lot of gamers, so it's played only once per month in PSL.

And you keep complaining about wish list?

I WISH the gameplay to be FIXED !!

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#13: ..

by degrave on 06/27/2010 22:48

Bibi you are welcome to do what you want, and share your FIXED version, if it be really "FIXED" maybe it be included in main src tree.

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#14: Re: ..

by Bibi on 06/28/2010 12:21, refers to #13

I don't believe enough in Sauerbraten to take the time to provide independant servers, develop a new version, bring a wide panel of play-testers together, and repeat the last two until the game became fun again.

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#15: Re: ..

by yoopers on 06/29/2010 06:29, refers to #14

...but apparently you "believe" enough to troll the forum? Get a life.

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