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Syntensity Launches Open Beta, Intensity Engine 1.0

by kripken on 10/02/2009 20:25, 36 messages, last message: 12/27/2009 20:57, 6805 views, last view: 05/03/2024 02:56

As the title says, Syntensity launched its open beta today, and the Intensity Engine had a 1.0 release.

For those unfamiliar with the two:

The Intensity Engine is an open source platform for games, that builds upon Cube 2/Sauerbraten (and a lot of other open source code), adding a flexible and powerful scripting API, as well as other features. The API lets you make all sorts of 3D multiplayer games and easily add new features to existing ones.

Syntensity is a project using the Intensity Engine, whose goal is to be a world of games that people can not only play in, but also mod. All the content on Syntensity will be moddable: If you can play it, you can mod it.

Currently Syntensity has one complete playable game (an insta ctf map). It still needs some polish, but part of the potential of the engine can already be seen in it. Also, we are already working on more nice content for you to see.

For more info, check out

IRC: #syntensity and #intensityengine on FreeNode

Have fun,

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#17: ..

by WakeField on 10/28/2009 20:16

when is the mac port expected to be released??

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#18: Re: ..

by kripken on 10/29/2009 08:54, refers to #17

I am doing my best to get a Mac port, by trying to find someone to help with it. It shouldn't be much work, but it does require someone that knows OS X development, which I myself do not (I don't even own a Mac).

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#19: Cutscenes

by kripken on 10/30/2009 16:03

Cutscenes are now possible (which WayneX and others asked for):


Cutscenes can be written in scripts, so you can have different ones in each map.

- kripken

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#20: ..

by geartrooper2 on 10/30/2009 17:42


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#21: ..

by WakeField on 10/30/2009 21:01

also are you going to fix the walking? it looks like hes ice skating... maybe his legs could move faster or he could be slower

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#22: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 10/30/2009 23:00

Also, the gun sway is all strange... Could you make it just go left and right? It makes the game fell weird when it disappears from first- person mode.

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#23: Re: ..

by kripken on 10/31/2009 09:51, refers to #21


It does look a bit weird, yeah. Thing is, though, the character moves at different speeds in each map (some maps even let you pick different classes, each with a different movement speed - like one with more weapons and health, but slower). So it's hard to pick a single animation speed that works for them all.

But, changing this is just changing one line in the config (and clients automatically update it from the server). Can you be more specific about which map you think it looks bad in? Then I'll try to make it better.


I'll tell the animator, gk, hopefully he can make it nicer.

- kripken

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#24: ..

by BuRnItDoWn on 11/02/2009 05:02



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#25: 1.1 Release

by kripken on 11/26/2009 09:27

Hi everyone, wanted to let you know about some updates:

* We have a new racing game, which you can see in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXqbdwFirJA

* Version 1.1 has been released. Downloads are here: http://www.syntensity.com/toplevel/download/

* For the 1.1 release we made a new video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8KMwU1UJmw

Sorry, still no OS X version. I've tried hard to find someone to help with that, but no luck so far.

- kripken

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#26: wow

by mitte on 11/26/2009 13:22

this u doing is awesome!

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#27: OS X Version

by LeftClicker on 12/24/2009 22:30

I could probably help compile an OS X version, no guarantees. Is it a standalone installer or a file-adding one? Oh, and I can't code. I can fix minor errors, but...
== LeftClicker ==
7 added to 1 is? 7 +ed 2 1

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#28: Code

by LeftClicker on 12/24/2009 22:53

Could you just host the code on your site? Sorry for the double post, but all of that struggle just to download some C++? Bazaar etc is hardly functional without downloading more stuff which in turn needs other tools I don't have. If you could just email me the code that'd be great.
== LeftClicker

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#29: Re: Code

by SheeEttin on 12/25/2009 01:41, refers to #28

There might be a link to download a tarball on the Launchpad page ( https://launchpad.net/intensityengine ), but I didn't see one.

Regardless, I didn't have that much trouble installing Bazaar on Windows, so if you're on OS X, it can't be that hard. :)

If you look at the Ubuntu Packages page for the bzr package in the karmic repos ( http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/bzr ), you can see it depends on python 2.5 or 2.6 and zlib, both of which should be trivial to get.

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#30: Bazaar

by LeftClicker on 12/25/2009 22:56

Believe me, it is a complete pain to install Bazaar. After installing, I couldn't find the app anywhere. It's hidden folders were missing, and in Terminal (where it should supposedly work) I got cryptic error messages. Why even use Bazaar? What advantages does it have over Git or Google Code?

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#31: Re: Bazaar

by kripken on 12/26/2009 09:40, refers to #30

Hi LeftClicker, thanks for the offer to help :)

Ok, I packaged the source as a zip for you, can download it here:


I am on the sauer IRC, and also #syntensity on FreeNode if you want live help in compiling it. In general it might need some minor fixes (there are 2-3 places in the code where it does if LINUX or ifdef LINUX, that should probably do the same for OS X), but nothing more. It does need some stuff packaged like Python, SDL, zlib and Boost, which I don't know how easy it is to do on OS X. (I have heard Python is already present?)

The current build system uses SCons on Linux and Windows, but I don't know what is best for OS X - it might make sense to take the Sauerbraten Xcode project file and modify that, instead of using SCons. That should already have SDL, zlib and some other stuff.

About bzr, the reason the project uses it is (1) git had serious problems on Windows, at least when this project was started 1.5 years ago - perhaps not anymore, (2) Launchpad uses bzr, and is a cool open source hosting site (it is open source itself, unlike all the other major ones, and it doesn't limit your licenses like Google Code). Also, bzr always worked great for me, but it could be that on OS X it has problems - I never tried it there. If that is the case, I might consider switching.

- kripken

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#32: Re: Kripken

by LeftClicker on 12/27/2009 00:26

Yeah, Bazaar really seems to hate me on OS X. It might just be Snow Leopard, but... anyway. I'm pretty sure GitHub works fine on Windows now, but it definitely works well for me on OS X and Ubuntu 9.10. Yes, Google Code does restrict your licenses... I'd forgotten about that. Is your current license compatible with the licenses offered there? If so, Google Code would be a good choice, but otherwise I think GitHub would do the trick. If all else fails, I might be willing to commit myself further and buy some online storage, as this project is really interesting me.
== LeftClicker ==
6 * 9 is? 42. (Hitchhikers' Guide To the Galaxy)

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#33: Tilde Files

by LeftClicker on 12/27/2009 00:50

Are there supposed to be all of those files in the /packages/ directories? I find all of these files which SEEM to be backups of other files or possibly created by a text editor/OS. Should I just ignore them?

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#34: ..

by kripken on 12/27/2009 08:58


The licensing is not compatible with Google Code, sadly, which otherwise is a good option. Google Code is neither compatible with Sauerbraten's zlib license, nor my new code's AGPL license. Anyhow, for now I can make source tarballs, but if that turns out to be inconvenient I guess I would move to github at some point.

/packages/ should contain a lot of files (models, textures, etc.), but it's possible that there are some unnecessary backups that ended up in the tarball by mistake. If there's a particular file or files that look like they shouldn't be there, let me know.

Btw, I have been considering moving the build system to CMake at some point, which I believe makes platform-specific build files (so, an Xcode project file on OS X). Would that be helpful? If so I can try to do it now.

- kripken

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#35: Xcode Project Files and Backups

by LeftClicker on 12/27/2009 20:43

In the /1.1.5/src directory, there are these files:

I think that the ones ending in a tilde (~) are backup files and should probably be deleted to save space and avoid possible (however unlikely) compiling problems. Also, COMPILE.txt, which is mentioned in /1.1.5/README.txt, is missing. There are several other examples of tilde files; should I delete them?
About Xcode: Xcode makes it dead simple to compile source code and makes editing it much simpler. I've never heard of CMake, but an Xcode specific project file should end in *.xcodeproj. All of the files from Sauer and Cube's source works fine in Xcode as well, though.

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#36: Xcode Project Files

by LeftClicker on 12/27/2009 20:57

I guess I should elaborate on that:
> All of the files from Sauer and Cube's
> source work fine in Xcode as well,
> though.
While they OPEN fine... you actually don't seem to be able to compile them. Shame, but *.xcodeproj files are the only ones you can compile at all, the price for the simplicity I guess.

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