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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Most Wanted Feature

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 03:14, 4190 messages, last message: 04/30/2008 20:02, 3592102 views, last view: 05/19/2024 00:19, closed on 04/30/2008 20:09

Hello all... this thread is for discussing features you would like to see in cube, and in particular those that you find most urgent. If lots of people have the same urgent requests, I may give it priority to be implemented.

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#4161: ..

by darth-hid3ous on 04/13/2008 02:04

hm...I know we have a capture gametype...but whenever I go to that "sky castle" map,I always think about how awsome it would be for capture the flag.
A capture the flag gametype would be great for alot of levels.
And with lots of team mates,and two teams.one team ogres,and the other human.

whadda you think?

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#4162: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 04/13/2008 02:53, refers to #4161

CTF is in CVS, right? I haven't check it out in a while, too busy, but I'm pretty sure that the mob mentality is getting fed next release.

You know, I've been rolling around the idea of having a FAQ inside the menus of the next release. Specifically, one that will address questions like "Vehicles hurr!" and "How I can is change names PLZ!" We could probably cut out a lot of redundancy that way.

Actually, a FAQ map could be kind of cool... a little valley with signs directing you towards sections that address questions. That'd be a fun and unique little experiment. Anyone interested in making one with me?

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#4163: Re: ..

by yoopers on 04/13/2008 04:14, refers to #4162

A FAQ map does sound cool, and it would be a nice replacement for the default map. I'm no mapper, but it would be fun to learn if you don't get more experienced volunteers.

Having said that, I and many others players that I know of bind answers and issue them at will when someone asks a question during a game. :]

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#4164: ..

by the W4 (old comp) on 04/13/2008 21:28

Decreasing the default cube size by one is not a bad idea. However, it might increase map sizes to dramatically and when I tried to do this, there were several other problems.

One size smaller cubes would allow much more detail to be added into some maps, as the current smallest cube is still rather large. Does anyone even use the largest cube size anyways?

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#4164: ..

by IllvilJa on 04/14/2008 11:30

In my apparently never to be implemented visionary mod of Sauerbraten (modern vehicle combat, you know) there will be airplanes and I intend to let those monsters move at realistic speed (yes, I'll let realism creep into the very, very few cracks where it actually might get a foothold in this framework, and vehicle speed is one of those...).

Given the speeds a jetfighter or attack plane travels at I can imagine that I'll use some structures that are made up by the larges cubes. If not for anything else, the largest cubes define how big the maps can get, if I got it right, and yes, a battlefield will need to be BIG if jetplanes are to fight on it, even if the (probably far more detailed) portion where the ground units fight it out is quite a lot smaller than the total map.

Ideally, I would like to see that the maps allowed BOTH very big and very small cubes. But I can imagine that this provides a host of coding challenges to take care of.

(Thinking of it, the netcode of Sauerbraten will probably make jet dogfighting at realistic speeds ca 10m over the ground among buildings feasible... could be a blast! Before anyone jumps the gun here, I'm not talking at the max speed airplanes have at high altitudes, IRL the denser air at lower altitudes will bring down the "max speed" somewhat. But it will still be mindnumbingly fast! For all people who are addicted to the insane tempo of Vanilla Sauerbraten ;-) ).

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#4165: VR Head Tracking

by willcrumpy on 04/17/2008 21:12

Only just found sauerbraten, really love the simple edit system, had a play today online. I love the retro arcade speed and style, but the bloom and water effects are really good!

The field of view change is a really cool feature, gives an awesome retro feel to play with a sense of speed.

I saw this vr head tracking video I saw would be a good feature for fps games. The 3d effect is awesome, just watch the video, two and a half minutes in, with the targets.

have a look :)

His 3D C program, source available on his website (but dotnet I think), alters the Field of View and viewpoint with the distance from head to screen input, and moving your head left and right controls tilt/turning of viewpoint in game.

People are talking about the possibilities for Time Crisis style games, making ducking dodging important, but I think the 3D effect is so stunning that fps games would benefit immensely and produce more immersive gameplay.

The wii remote can be used on a pc with a bluetooth adapter and a input emulator program called glovepie.
Also, fps's can be played on other wireless controllers such as SOAP, a wireless optical mouse that you use standing up.

What I'm asking is, how much work would it be to take input from the head tracking program and alter sauerbratens camera to produce the same effect? his code is online here:
by "wii remote head tracking"

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#4166: Re: VR Head Tracking

by tentus_ on 04/17/2008 22:24, refers to #4165

Actually, you don't even need to use the emulation program... I was able to get one of my Wiimotes working with my bluetooth adapter straight out of their respective boxes. I've actually been meaning to see how Sauer and the Wiimote work together, but I've got too many real life and misc sauer projects queued up to really do any work on it.


I've been clowing around in the lastest CVS and have noticed a significant amount of hall-of-mirrors. I haven't had time to test it on other machines, but I'm pretty sure that it's not my video card at fault. TO replicate, run to one of the corners of a large map (I first noticed in fanatic_caves), and look outwards- chances are that the skybox in the peripheral vision will begin to HOM.

Similarly, there's a lot of over-occulling with reflective surfaces. I was messing about in river_c and noticed that the reflection in the water was showing a lot of skybox, because the geometry in front of me was clipping the valley walls out.


I also have a quick request: If I can get permission from Todretter / makkE to do this, could we perhaps have multiple colors of teleport? It could be handy for mappers who want to build an association between what teleports go where, it could also be used for mappers who just want a teleport that more closely matches the color scheme of their map, and (of course) it'd help me with my portal maps.

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#4167: Main menu,

by kdhfkjsconorfhdjks on 04/18/2008 16:04

I would like a main menu, or at least some variables so I could create one. Such as a variable in a maps cfg that says is a menu, so gui2d is on, and you cant move or edit or anything, just the mouse, and you can't see ammo and whatnot.

Here is a video of a demo menu I made, but it is basic, and you could still get out and you can see extra stuff like ammo etc.

I just changed the fog, skybox rotation, song (Stratification on fanaticalproductions.net *for testing only* :D ), and I attemped to have it hidehud 1 and hudgun 0, but it says it can't override those.

Video (Bad quality, don't know how to OpenGL screen capture on mac): http://conorkirkpatrick.com/images/sauer_menu.mov

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#4168: Re: re 4199

by tman_elite on 04/18/2008 23:50, refers to #4168

From my experience all you can do with sauerscript as far as a main menu is just change the menu to 2d and put it up, and as he already said, he tried to get rid of the hud and hudgun but he wasn't able to.

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#4168: Re: re 4199

by tman_elite on 04/18/2008 23:52, refers to #4168

Yeah I did say sauerscript, my mistake. I'm pretty sure its called cubescript.

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#4169: Re: ..

by jdfhsdconorhsfjd on 04/20/2008 09:26, refers to #4169

You can't override those vars in a map CFG.

If there was just a command to throw us into a fixed camera mode, it wouldn't even have to be visible in the game, just possible, I would love to play with it.

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#4169: Re: ..

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 04/20/2008 09:42, refers to #4169

/hidehud 1

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#4170: ..

by Oh No Ghost! on 04/20/2008 19:23, refers to #4169

I'd personally love to see impact sounds for the bullet-using weapons. Just a ricochet noise that eminates from the point where the bullet strikes, or the sound of somebody in armor getting hit- the pain-squeal alone seems unrealistic.

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#4171: Re: ..

by jdfhsdconorhsfjd on 04/20/2008 19:37, refers to #4170

Yes, this would be very nice! :D

Also, I think we should add MovingTarget's sound pack into the next release, and maybe even the 2nd M2K pack of hudguns.

Those seem to go together nicely.

Also, some new pain sounds would be nice. :)

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#4172: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 04/20/2008 19:55, refers to #4171

Man, I kinda like the overwhelmingly good response to my sounds :-)

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#4173: ..

by papster on 04/23/2008 00:49

Agreed that the sounds could use some work. Especially the pain and jumppad soudns.

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#4174: Re: ..

by nefnoerrorsfound on 04/23/2008 03:17, refers to #4171

The sounds included with the hudgun pack:
...are remixed Doom 3 sound effects.
Sauer....| Doom 3
Chaingun = Chaingun
Rifle ...= First part is the sound for a zombie firing the pistol, and then it uses the chaingun reloading sound at the end.
Explosion = Explosion? Possibly.
Shotgun = Shotgun with an added shell casing falling sound, which could also be D3's sound (separate for D3 because it actually drops shell casings) but I didn't check.

You can compare them with Doom 3's Ogg Vorbis sound files which are in one of the pk3 files (renamed zip) but I didn't bother.

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#4175: Re: ..

by nefnoerrorsfound on 04/23/2008 03:20, refers to #4174

Oh, and someone might point out "the zombies don't shoot pistols." I'm referring to the zombified security guards (zsecs). Also, yes, the zsec pistol firing sound is different than the player's sound. The zsec pistol sound has an echo and is louder.

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#4176: Re: ..

by Q009 on 04/23/2008 12:31, refers to #4174

Heh... You are good hearing!

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#4177: gravity

by De.Narm on 04/23/2008 23:58

hey everyone,
something i\'ve very often missed is the option to change the gravity.
The game is so great, but i think with the option to change the gravity it would be may a little bit better^^

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