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Contributions for Iron Fist?

by L. Tempris on 08/03/2008 03:04, 31 messages, last message: 04/18/2009 22:17, 14135 views, last view: 05/18/2024 15:08

I am currently putting together a game called Iron Fist. I am in a fix right now, and I cant seem to have time for completing this task. This game is a 25-30 level single player game. There are three parts too so do not worry.

This will be posted on quadropolis when completed.
Dead line is set to be 7/28/09.
Right now I am designing level 1.

How this level begins:

You wake up to find the monsters in your house. They have taken over the whole neighborhood.

I need two things:

1) I need to find out how to get a creative commons or something of that sort.

2) I need people to contribute houses for the neighborhood. Only the architecture is needed, but you are welcome to texture it.

Chances are I will be using other textures for them anyway.

And of course you will be credited for your help!

Thanks for the help.

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#10: Re: wow

by $k!llz on 08/04/2008 00:34, refers to #7

k i will help. so as far as i know you want me to make a neighbourhood with

Level 1 Wish-List:

+neighborhood style houses (X 10)
+play areas for kids (X2)
+garden settings (X2)

+mapmodels needed (or maped w/cubes):
---train's rail car(X2)
---doors that swing open(X5)
---mirrors?(X3)*IF POSSIBLE*
---posters(X3)*simple texture of this*
---street lights

Textures of:

yellow road lines
white road lines
any hose textures
paint of the various colors
damaged road
damaged side walk
damaged walls of the various colors

*or any textures you think would help*

just what is any hose texture. do u mean a garden hose for watering?

if u need anything email at shawn@idl.net

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#11: ..

by Acord on 08/04/2008 10:59

I will tell you that models use box collision - meaning that there's just a big box around them. So for complicated structures, build them in the level editor and duplicate them here and there. Otherwise the collision makes them useless.

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#12: Re: wow

by L. Tempris on 08/04/2008 18:09, refers to #10

Well no, I meant to say house. -_^
And I do not want you to make the neighborhood, I just want those things.

I can make them myself but I just need a helping hand to make this go supper fast.

Just see what you would like to help with and I'll do the rest.

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#13: Re: ..

by L. Tempris on 08/04/2008 18:14, refers to #11

I knew that models used box collision, but I thought that it would be useful if I could have them as mapmodels so I could use them as platforms.

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#14: Re: wow

by Quin on 08/05/2008 05:40, refers to #12

You need to have something to show people before you ask for help, did you read the wiki link at all, or is this just another wasted effort?

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#15: ..

by L. Tempris on 08/06/2008 07:45

I will have something to show soon right now i'm working on the game textures and such. menus are also in progress. I am thinking of a separate executable in order to create maps that way you just don't fly threw the single player maps. They would loose their purpose...

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#16: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 08/06/2008 15:25, refers to #15

So you're trying to separate the game and the editor?
Why?! That's one of the main selling points of Sauerbraten!!

If people don't want to play the SP map, they don't have to.

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#17: hellow?

by L. Tempris on 08/11/2008 02:08

Where is skillz?

I sent him some layouts not too long ago via email. maybe 2 weeks ago? well anyways, I'm gonna post some news soon so don't worry.

but i think that I'm going to postpone the production of iron fist till 2 months from now because of some computer problems. I know whats going on with it but its going to take a while to fix it.

either that or reformat my hard drive and lose everything. :(

Well other than that, I made a texture pack for the game and it turned out to be over 200 MB large! How can I reduce this without messing up the resolution on them?

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#18: Re: hello?

by tentus_ on 08/11/2008 04:15, refers to #17

I assume that you're using jpegs. If you're using photoshop to produce them, save your production copy as compression 12 (unless you're saving them as a different lossless format, which is usually a good idea if you have the space), but save the publication version using "save for web" (shortcut is ctrl-alt-shift-s) and usually a compression of 50 is good enough. Be sure to clear out any guides or other useless information that jpeg holds on to, even after save for web.

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#19: ..

by dsfdfs on 08/12/2008 15:34

50% jpgs look like ass. I´d never save a texture lower than 90%.

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#20: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 08/12/2008 15:55, refers to #19

As a graphic designer, I disagree. You're welcome to your own opinion, but I have been very pleased with compression 50. Don't confuse sfw compression with standard compression though, especially not on other programs. Jpeg has wildly different results on different codecs (give the Better JPEG codec a spin if you're displeased with the default jpg save plugin for photoshop, it does improve quality somewhat).

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#21: .................

by L. Tempris on 08/13/2008 01:20

Yes they were saved as "picture it" files and ate up alot of space and sauer couldent read them anyways... so i think i should save as 70% jpegs to start...

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#22: ..

by Acord on 08/13/2008 02:07

jpg compression is all fine and dandy until you need to re-work the textures...

Do yourself a favor and save as PNG, and only put the jpegs into the release.

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#23: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 08/13/2008 05:29, refers to #22

But Photoshop's default png plugin is crap. Yes, it's lossless, but you'll be giving up a lot of space that shouldn't be used for a web format... if you're going to use png in photoshop then it's better to go ahead and save as a tif or psd, at least then you get to keep all your layers and effects properly. I'm not real sure why Adobe's PNG support is so bad, especially considering that they own Fireworks now, which really gets the most out of the png format.

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#24: ..

by dsfdfs on 08/13/2008 22:46

Jup, photoshop´s png sucks ass, I actually need to use gimp to save proper transparent png´s. Photoshop always makes the transparent colour white, whereas gimp saves the actual backround colour you used as the transparent colour.

It´s makke btw, no cookie. I don´t see how 50% jpg is fine, tentus. Not at the pixel density we are dealing with in cube and sauer. I haven´t seen that "better jpg" codec you speak of though - is it available as a separate plugin for ps?

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#25: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 08/14/2008 15:39, refers to #24

Yeah, better jpeg can be found here:

Part of the reason I'm ok with quality 50 in the SFW dialog (please DO NOT confuse this with 50% or compression 6 in other saving methods) is that most Sauer textures are very gritty, often having a fair bit of noise in them. If you're lucky, any artifacts that crop up will actually look intentional.

Also, I'm a bit confused about what you just said about PNG transparencies. Your transparent pixels are something other than transparent? o_0 Are you perhaps working with a flattened image? Be sure to double-click > ok the Background layer to change in to a normal layer, so that you're working with real transparencies. I've never had the problem you just described, even with the default PNG plugin.

If you want to squeeze a couple of extra kb out of your PNGs, try upgrading your plugin to SuperPNG.

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#26: png? whatever ummm....

by L. Tempris on 08/30/2008 00:25

well I am in a rush so espct mistakes. i have an awsone program called paint.net and it works great.

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#27: Re: png? whatever ummm....

by SheeEttin on 08/30/2008 01:06, refers to #26

That's not a very good attitude to take. :/

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#29: ..

by L. Tempris on 11/16/2008 19:30

Hey guys IF is totally diff from what I expected well I cant design levels for it right now so I can post the game on sourceforge.net or whatever and you can create levels for it.

I will post a demo soon of it in about 1 year tops. The game will have a single player campaign(30 levels)-dont know if this will happen or not, Side missions(45 levels) and an arena mode(20 levels [2 for each difficulty level])

the demo will have 9 levels 1 in each of the following:

Sewers (Green acid that is toxic and kills all is here)

City (levels on streets, in buildings and on rooftops)

Dessert (lava is here, caves, cliffs, all kinds of features are here)

Tundra (frozen lakes and ice is here, caves, cliffs, all kinds of features are here)

Caves (under ground passage ways are here, caves, water, everything... also mines are here with elevator shafts and rusted junk)

Outer Space (... outer space stations, like the sauerbraten ones...)

River (Levels On the banks, on the river's surface with barges, and under the water's surface with underwater tunnels)

Jungle (levels like the level, the jungle, on sauer)

The Unknown (Random Impossible Stuff Happens Here...)

So if you would like to submit ideas for Iron Fist based on the 9 regions above please do so. I am currently researching real life geography of the world to help me make more convincing worlds.

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#30: Message censored by administrator

by L. Tempris on 03/26/2009 01:28

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