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new release! assassin edition

by Aardappel_ on 12/22/2007 19:14, 268 messages, last message: 12/29/2008 17:05, 272141 views, last view: 05/17/2024 04:50, closed on 12/29/2008 17:22


New gameplay! Hudguns! lots of cool bits and bobs! Feedback in this thread!

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#158: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/19/2008 21:20, refers to #157

That's already been said a billion times in this discussion. What he wants is for door-cubes _in addition_ to mapmodel-doors. Personally, I think it would be useful, but only in certain cases.

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#159: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/19/2008 22:40, refers to #158

I don't think there's anything disappearing cubes will do that mapmodels and/or noclip won't.

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#160: Assassin running on Vista...FIXED.

by Wormwood on 01/22/2008 03:58

Hey hey everybody. I finally ran across the (simple) solution to my sad dilemma. After trying the suggested driver updates, flicking on, and off, this and that, to no avail. The one thing which worked in the end: http://www.howtogeek.com gave the answer. Disable Vista\'s Aero. Don\'t laugh....no one else suggested it here or elsewhere before. Anyways, I\'m back and it\'s all beautiful in Wormtown now. Thanks to any and all who gave suggestions. I do appreciate it!

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#161: Assassin mode

by JadeMatrix on 01/22/2008 14:00

Just an observation, but I have yet to find an assassin game in the server browser. Do most people just not know about it or something?

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#162: Re: Assassin mode

by yoopers on 01/22/2008 17:17, refers to #161

Frequently folks don't know how to play assassin mode, but I've had success getting a few insta assassin games going (the 'insta' seems to work as a lubricant ;).

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#163: Re: Assassin mode

by Quin on 01/22/2008 20:14, refers to #161

I can't speak for others, but in my opinion, Assassin doesn't suit Sauerbraten's uber-fast gameplay.

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#164: Re: Assassin mode

by SheeEttin on 01/22/2008 20:24, refers to #163

It's not as fast, but I find it MUCH more fun.
Insta assassin is almost as fast, because you've got your assassins coming for you as well as you trying to find and frag your target. It gets very hectic, even with as few as three people.

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#165: ..

by Pxtl on 01/22/2008 20:45

Assassin is really cool, but has one big problem: DM maps are either too big for assassin (impossible to find your target), or too sparsely armed. Assassin has very different gameplay requirements from conventional DM because you're effectively playing a 1v1 but also sharing pickups with 20 other players.

As such, I think Assassin should spawn you with some starting weapons, and maybe even make dead players drop stuff.

Also, it needs to just start kicking players when they hit deep negatives. I mean, it's nice the whole "TKs become everybody's target" except that if a server has one TK, the whole game becomes about killing him, since he's easier than your real mark.

As for the new single-player ents, could they be ported to multiplayer if they were set up to work on a fixed cycle? Then there's no new netcode, right? That is, a door or elevator or whatever that has no player interaction - it just opens and closes on a fixed schedule. You'd just need to synchronize the clocks of players that join to determine the state of existing elevators and doors and whatnot.

And yeah, there are about a million neat features that can happen once Sauer geom can be used for things other than the main map terrain... but asking for them is pointless, since it's one big, huge feature.

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#166: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/22/2008 21:07, refers to #165

The readme says that the client and server sync as often as possible.

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#167: ..

by enigma_0Z on 01/26/2008 05:51

Sweet release. I'm constantly amazed at the amount of polish that Sauerbraten is picking up.

My own comments...

1. New hudguns look awesome (I esp. like the new shotgun and rl models)
2. New content also very cool
3. I know this is old but thanks for bringing back 2d menus.
4. Particle system is also very cool
5. Barrels and boxes, need I say more?
6. Awesome game modes, esp. regen capture, Very hectic, very fun.


The animations on the new hudguns "feel" off, the kickback (especially from the shotgun and pistol) comes too late compared from the sound, the kickback should be almost at the same time as the actualy sound, but with the new models the animation is approx. 350-500 ms. off. It makes it feel like shoot (see shots and sound)... and then it kicks back.

And, the angle on some of the hugduns (notably the crossbow) also feels wrong, The shots AFAIK travel in a straight line from the center of the player's position, right? Well, the angle at which these are "held" suggests that the shot should travel at approx. 30 degree angle to the left of center.

Don't get me wrong, I love the new models, but those things mentioned above feel like they didn't receive as much polish as the rest of this release. Thanks.

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#168: Re: ..

by smartalco1 on 01/28/2008 17:09, refers to #167

my only gripe is the crossbow still has the rifle sound, doesn't quite match

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#169: ..

by James007 on 01/28/2008 20:00


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#170: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 01/28/2008 21:10, refers to #168

Try the weapon sound pack I made:

It has a rifle sound that tries to mimic the crossbow feel.

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#171: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/28/2008 22:23, refers to #167

Try /gamespeed 20 and firing the pistol... It really shows the difference between when the shot is fired and the action.

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#172: indeed

by rock.n.rol_ on 01/30/2008 08:55

The weapon sounds from the spring edition had to be removed again, due to copyright issues. So we had to use the old sounds again, just as placeholders until someone comes up with suitable "new" sounds.

MovingTarget already had some great sounds in that sound pack he mentioned in post #183, imo we could use some of them. What do you think about these sounds ? Just write a comment on his node ;)

I know how hard it is to find high quality, well suiting AND royalty-free sounds, i already downloaded hundreds of sounds from a lot of different websites and gave up at some point, because i just ran both out of sources and patience, but maybe another one has more luck with that ? (or just better sources) ;)

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#173: Re: indeed

by MovingTarget on 01/30/2008 15:44, refers to #172

Haha rock.n.rol, you tell people to leave comments, and you haven't even left one for my new sound pack? *wink*

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#174: Re: indeed

by smartalco1 on 01/30/2008 17:36, refers to #172

MovingTargets sounds are good, used a combination of his and the defaults

I used the crossbow, handgun, and saw sounds from his pack, (these sounds could be louder by default btw, i have the volume on the crossbow maxed and i don't think its quite loud enough), and then the default for the rest (the default rocket launcher sound is awesome i think)

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#175: Re: indeed

by rock.n.rol_ on 01/31/2008 01:53, refers to #173

Oh, lol.

Somehow i didn't recognize that you uploaded a second sound pack, must've missed that, sorry ;)

I'll write you a detailed comment later.

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#176: ...

by D-TurboKiller (LT) on 01/31/2008 23:26

I guess no one cares about the sounds from [S]auerbraten [Ex]tended then...
Anyway I'll try that sound pack some other time (like tomorrow).

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#177: About that weapon sound pack...

by D-TurboKiller (LT) on 02/01/2008 14:05

About that weapon sound pack... I don't really like it. IMO, I don't think it fits Sauerbraten. Perhaps that saw sound fits, but the rest does not.

Btw, anyone have their opinion on my mod's sounds?

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