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Autumn Edition?

by horstii on 10/11/2007 18:18, 41 messages, last message: 10/18/2007 21:55, 7459 views, last view: 05/04/2024 21:58


I just have a quick question: Will there be an autumn Editon of Sauerbraten and if yes, what will be the new features and fixes? :)

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#22: Re: ..

by w4 ¿?¿?¿ on 10/16/2007 02:02, refers to #21

new file formats for map models.*

(sorry, the original text was deleted for some reason)

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#23: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/16/2007 04:48, refers to #20

Does that mean CVS has weather?

Cool, time for a checkout and a round of figuring out how the heck it works.

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#24: ..

by Passa on 10/16/2007 09:32

How about we stop naming the editions according to the weather patterns in the northern hemisphere :P

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#25: Re: ..

by Julius on 10/16/2007 16:53, refers to #22

Why would you need a new fileformat for mapmodels?

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#26: Re: ..

by thenewrandomcivilian [at school] on 10/16/2007 20:37, refers to #24

i'm in the northern hemisphere but i don't get snow... >_<

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#27: Re: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 10/16/2007 22:32, refers to #23

No, it is using one of the particles to look like rain. Go into a coopedit server once in a while and you'll probably see 'laser lights' which are created using the same particle. (4 by the way)

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#28: Re: ..

by w4 ¿?¿?¿ on 10/16/2007 23:01, refers to #25

md2 and md3s lack some of the features that i really like to use when modeling.

Im not saying that they should get rid of md3s completly, it would be hard to correctly convert all current models to a new format, but support for another format would be nice.

(Its not an critical need, but more of a personal preference.)

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#29: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/16/2007 23:01, refers to #27

Yeah, I see that now.

It only partially achieves the desired effect... it looks a little off-color (and I can't figure out particle coloring), not to mention a perfectly appearing and disappearing column of light.

I like the new lightning effect, though. It has possibilities.

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#30: Re: ..

by Julius on 10/16/2007 23:47, refers to #28

Huh? The final modelformat has nothing to do with features while modeling.

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#31: Re: ..

by noerrorsfound! on 10/17/2007 01:17, refers to #26

You are not alone.

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#32: Re: ..

by Quin on 10/17/2007 02:01, refers to #29

That's because the colour is a 16 bit value.

If you want to do a simple conversion on Windows (you Linux'ers should be smart enough to interpolate):
* Open up calculator, "Start -> Run -> calc.exe"
* Switch to scientific mode, "View -> Scientific"
* Set the base to hexadecimal, "View -> Hex" or F5
* Type in a 3 digit hex rgb value for the colour, eg "f60" for "R 255, B 111, G 0'
* Set the base back to decimal, "View -> Decimal" or "F6"
* You can now copy your number :)

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#33: Linux

by Morosoph on 10/17/2007 02:50, refers to #32

Use Qcalculate (if you haven't discovered it, it's by far the best of the scientific calculators).

For base, choose "other", and change the expression base to hex.

Type in your number in hex, and you won't even have to press '='!

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#34: Re: ..

by blikje bier on 10/18/2007 19:55, refers to #32

Actually its an 8 bit value, hexadecimal in 2 figures is always an 8 bit number.

4 bits (max 16) times 16 + 4 bits (max 16)

FF = (15*16) + 16 = 256
FA = (15*16) + 10 = 250

So 81 is 8*16 + 1 = 129
And 80 is 8*16 + 0 = 128
And 7F is 7*16 + 15 = 127

A 16 bit value will have 4 figures.
FFAA = (FF=256)*256 + (AA=170)=

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#35: Re: ..

by blikje bier on 10/18/2007 19:58, refers to #34

Max 16 should be max 16, doh...

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#36: Re: ..

by blikje bier on 10/18/2007 19:59, refers to #35

Again, brainfart i guess, max 16 should be max 15.... aaarrrgh

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#37: ..

by blikje bier on 10/18/2007 20:03

More brainfarts i guess, and i did not touch a drop today.

FF = (15*16) + 16 = 256
should be
FF = (15*16) + 15 = 255

256 would be 100 in hex

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#38: ..

by GreyMario on 10/18/2007 20:06

So logically the maximum for an 8 bit number is 255/FF.

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#39: ..

by blikje bier on 10/18/2007 20:14

Yup!, 0xFFFF00 = pure yellow
0xFFF0D3 = sunlight (just about, 255,240,211)
0x808080 = 50% grey

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#40: Chat Colors

by GreyMario on 10/18/2007 21:23

Okay, I've got the perfect quick suggestion.

Chat colors.

That make use of my chatcolors mod.

And actually show up on screens other than your own.

That would be pwn.

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#41: particle colors

by a_baby_rabbit on 10/18/2007 21:55, refers to #39

Are actually 12 bits - and it is best to express them as 3 hex digits, e.g. for different color fireballs:

red = /newent particles 3 0 0xF00

green= /newent particles 3 0 0x0F0

blue = /newent particles 3 0 0x00F

well... fireballs are mostly red so blue ones are a bit faint, but you get the idea.

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