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Autumn Edition?

by horstii on 10/11/2007 18:18, 41 messages, last message: 10/18/2007 21:55, 7476 views, last view: 05/18/2024 21:39


I just have a quick question: Will there be an autumn Editon of Sauerbraten and if yes, what will be the new features and fixes? :)

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#1: ..

by eihrul on 10/11/2007 18:20

Maybe, maybe not, and whatever happens to be added between now and then.

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#2: ..

by Chaos on 10/11/2007 23:40, refers to #1

rofl Some people are just impatient.

Horstii, Sauer releases usually have a 2-4 month turnover. If you want to stay on top of the latest dev features use the CVS so you can update 3+ times a day like I do. ;) *I is Lame*

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#3: Re: ..

by w4 ¿?¿?¿ on 10/12/2007 02:01, refers to #2

what are the new features of cvs for those of us who are to lazy to actually use it.

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#4: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 10/12/2007 02:47, refers to #3

from what I know, at the moment we've lost heightmaps (/getheightmap and /smoothmap are invalid commands), and we have shadow maps that actually run quite fast on maximum quality.

I myself do CVS checkouts everyday, I've grown used to the fact that the developers don't just commit any change they do to CVS, as such I only do checkouts daily, not 3 times a day, just once, before I actually run sauer. To get CVS, just follow the instructions on the sourceforge page.

~Hirato Kirata

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#5: cvs

by ATIRULE on 10/12/2007 03:02

ok for those like me who just can't wait for the next sauer release I may make a rar/zip of the cvs in a few weeks for those who think thay would like to try it.

BE WARNED THE CVS CAN BE UNSTABLE. and i will not be accountable if it turns your
computer into a smoldering pile of useless silicone :P
Im just a humble player and Iam NOT a
Dev or much of a coder Just a skilled player

4 times 5 =there must be a better way to stop spam bots
and for those of u wondering what the cvs is its the latest work done my the dev team so what ever the Dev's worked on that day is the cvs and not everything works correctly yet BE WARNED
Im still waiting for the cvs to change to the point where its worth my time to make and upload a rar or zip file

Thanks ATIRULE aka {Qs}{Homicidal} :P

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#6: Re: cvs

by tentus_ on 10/12/2007 03:49, refers to #5

Please don't get offended if noone downloads the zip your "dev team" puts together. "4 times 5 =there must be a better way to stop spam bots" does not inspire confidence

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#7: Re: cvs

by Chaos on 10/12/2007 04:12, refers to #6

tentus, are you illiterate in any way? He's reffering to Aard and eithrul when he says "dev team".

He didn't make any claims that it was his software, just that he'd upload a checkout of the CVS for people that don't want to setup CVS on their rigs.

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#8: Re: cvs

by eihrul on 10/12/2007 05:37, refers to #5

Please don't bother packaging up CVS. I don't want unofficial releases of Sauerbraten given people bad impressions because someone screwed up packaging it and gets people confused as to whether it was a release by the actual development team.

The premise also is just entirely useless. If people want to try out CVS, they can just get a CVS client easily enough and download it. It's really not that hard. Even then, there is nothing ever in CVS that is worth going insane over from one release to the next. That and the network protocol is almost always differ between CVS and release (and if they don't at the moment, they will quite soon).

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#9: Re: cvs

by Chaos on 10/12/2007 06:15, refers to #8

I agree that it shouldn't be done online, but I must admit that in the weeks before launch of the newest releases I'll take a CVS to use at LAN parties. Just so everyone there gets a taste of what's to come. ;)

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#10: ok

by ATIRULE on 10/12/2007 06:34

Np eihrul if u don't want one made than as u wish me-lord
me begging's your pardons Me-lord but...
I was just going to zip up the cvs lets say hmm like every 3 or 4 weeks to save time for those who can't for whatever reason get a cvs client setup on there computers

BTW i was going to put a this is a Unofficial release sticker on it so there would be no confusion and it was intended for people who know better "Cvs is NOT FOR No0bs" it would be good for catching bugs testing wouldn't it ?
8 plus 2 = may we have a Vbulletin based forum plz ? :P

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#11: Re: cvs

by tentus_ on 10/12/2007 07:40, refers to #7

Please don't flame, Chaos. If you take the time to actually look, ATIRULE said "the latest work done my the dev team", which can be translated several ways. Remember that this is not a native English speaker typing- assume that possessives are correct but not word order.

Point is, I'm saying that a zip by a person not widely respected is unlikely to be well received, and I don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt. People do this kinda thing all over the net, and then get all pouty when they only get two downloads.

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#12: Re: cvs

by Chaos on 10/12/2007 09:52, refers to #11

I think the real concern tentus is as eithrul stated.. people may get a bad vibe from Sauer using a broken CVS version.

I don't think we really have to care if they're upset that no one downloaded their file. lol

P.S. I didn't mean to flame you tentus, but board members here have a bad habit of disrespecting people because they didn't read an entire post or because of a poster's typo.

ATIRULE had good intentions so I didn't like it when you appeared to mocked him.

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#13: Re: cvs

by Chaos on 10/12/2007 09:56, refers to #12

mock* (Typo at 3AM, lol)

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#14: ..

by makkE on 10/12/2007 10:12

Atirule, I think you should respect Eihrul´s wish. He´s coding this you know.

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#15: np

by ATIRULE on 10/12/2007 10:24

I have no Intention of defining one of the sauer god's :P

sry for the bad's grammar I do try to check before i click the post button plz bear with me
Btw a way to edit/preview past posts could be useful :P
at time of this post its 4:20 am est :P

7 times 7 = /me hits the calculator button on his keyboard :P

yea I see Eihrul point a broken cvs version my just invite bad vibes to the forums

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#16: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 10/12/2007 20:53

Since Sauerbraten is owned by a company (Dot3Labs, that is the authors' company... xD), the developers are active, so updating CVS very often is worth it.

Whatever, now i'm so used with english that i'd rather said "Fall Edition".

Why not "shadows edition", since smooth shadowmapping have been added ?

Hm... unless they're hiding sexy new features :3

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#17: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/12/2007 21:13, refers to #16

Hey, I wanted Summer to be called "Lava Edition"...
Cuz, y'know, it introduced the lava.
If they keep up the seasonally-named versions, they'll be out of seasons in a few months.

In any case, I'm going to check out CVS now, see what I've been missing since summer was released.

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#18: ..

by thenewrandomcivilian [at school] on 10/15/2007 20:58

then what are they going to put in winter edition?? snow???? lol

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#19: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/15/2007 21:36, refers to #18

Weather effects?

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#20: Re: ..

by shadow_school on 10/15/2007 22:47, refers to #19

>>Weather effects?




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